
Bett was a woman of the humanoid species, characterized by her green skin, white hair, and pointed ears. She collaborated with the criminal figure Wenda, the leader of a criminal gang operating out of Kaddak. In the year following the Battle of Jakku, Bett, alongside Wenda, partnered with former stormtroopers Corlac and Terex with the goal of gaining entry to the Rothana Imperial Shipyards. While Terex's aspiration was to reconstruct the Galactic Empire, Bett, Wenda, and Corlac had intentions of establishing their own criminal organization. They devised a scheme to kill Terex, but he discovered their plan and eliminated them using the Carrion Spike corvette.


Bett and Wenda meet Terex and Corlac

Bett's life spanned both the Imperial and New Republic Eras. Together with her associate Wenda, she managed a substantial enterprise involving ship repair and salvage, which also served as a front for their criminal organization, the Ranc Gang. They were connected to Corlac, a former stormtrooper who had participated in the Battle of Jakku. Around 6 ABY, Bett and Wenda encountered Corlac and another ex-stormtrooper named Terex. Bett, Wenda, and Corlac aimed to exploit the resources of the Rothana Imperial Shipyards to construct a pirate fleet. Given Terex's past employment at the shipyard, they sought to leverage his knowledge to gain access to the automated facility. Corlac asserted that Bett and Wenda shared their ambition to rebuild the Galactic Empire. Bett and Wenda observed as Corlac successfully cultivated Terex's trust.

Later, Bett was present with the rest of the Ranc Gang including Wisper, Zumgi, and Brrang when Terex employed his access codes to unlock the external command module and the repair bay. In 7 ABY, after the Ranc Gang had seized control of the shipyards, Bett convened with Corlac and Wenda in the control station. Bett expressed her belief that their deception could not be sustained indefinitely, as Terex would inevitably uncover their true intentions. She also suggested that the pretense of needing to gather funds to restore the Empire would not be convincing for much longer. Corlac concurred that Terex had become problematic, but Wenda insisted on keeping him alive until he had completed his work on the Carrion Spike.

When Bett inquired about the significance of the ship, Corlac revealed that the Carrion Spike had served as the personal flagship of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. He further explained that the ship's cloaking device and surveillance capabilities would be advantageous for their pirate activities. Bett countered that Terex would never support their plans, as his sole focus was on rebuilding the Empire. Corlac responded that they were criminals and could easily eliminate Terex. After Corlac expressed his weariness of Terex's devotion to the Empire, Bett questioned whether Terex was his partner, given their shared history as comrades in arms. Corlac dismissed Terex as merely a tool.

Bett was killed by Terex after she plotted to betray him

Unbeknownst to Bett and her accomplices, Terex had reactivated the Carrion Spike's surveillance systems and was secretly listening to their conversation. Terex then utilized the ship's laser cannon turret to destroy the control station, resulting in the deaths of Bett, Wenda, and Corlac. Realizing that the Empire was gone, Terex assumed leadership of the Ranc Gang, transforming it into a formidable criminal organization. Terex later joined the First Order, a faction dedicated to the revival of the Old Empire.

Personality and traits

Bett was a humanoid woman distinguished by her [green](/article/color] skin, white hair, and pointed ears. She typically wore brown overalls. Bett and Wenda jointly operated a salvage and repair business that functioned as a front for their criminal gang. Bett was aware of Corlac and Wenda's scheme to manipulate Terex into providing access to the Rothana Imperial Shipyards for the purpose of constructing a pirate fleet. She expressed surprise when Corlac revealed his willingness to kill his former comrade Terex, deeming him an obstacle to their plans.

Behind the scenes

Bett made her initial appearance in the 2016 comic Poe Dameron 9, authored by Charles Soule and illustrated by Phil Noto.

