Poe Dameron #9 represents the ninth installment of the Star Wars: Poe Dameron comic book series published by Marvel. This issue, penned by Charles Soule and visually brought to life by Phil Noto, saw its release on December 14, 2016.
On the Outer Rim planet of Kaddak, Poe Dameron, accompanied by technician Oddy Muva, protocol droid C-3PO, and astromech droid R2-D2, initiated their search for the droid spy. Shortly after their arrival, the Resistance team witnessed a person being hurled to their death, underscoring Kaddak's infamous reputation as a gritty, crime-ridden locale.
As Terex navigates the streets of The Sliver on Level 72, a young Zabrak child attempted to pickpocket him. Terex apprehended the child, but the child's mother swiftly offered an apology. Terex considered shooting the child, but instead extended mercy by providing him with a credit chip. At a local bar, the patrons expressed shock at Terex's reappearance. He proceeded to his preferred table, the same location where, decades prior, Corlac had introduced him to Wenda and Bett.
Corlac asserted that Wenda and Bett would be instrumental in restoring the Empire, and Terex disclosed that he previously served in base defense at the shipyard on Rothana before his reassignment to Jakku. They devised a strategy to travel to Rothana, seize the remaining ships, and discreetly disseminate messages to the surviving Imperials to assemble a fleet and resurrect the Empire. Wenda and Bett would provide assistance in exchange for unusable components for their salvage and repair business.
Returning to the present, C-3PO awaited an operative possessing intelligence regarding the droid spy. The mention of Han Solo piqued the interest of the nearby Kanjiklub. The operative, a mouse droid, materialized and downloaded the information into BB-8. Simultaneously, Kanjiklub convened with the Guavian Death Gang, and the rival factions forged an alliance based on their shared animosity towards Solo. BB-8 revealed that the Rancs, a particularly hazardous organization, were detaining the droid spy.
Inside the bar, Terex engaged in a meeting with the Rancs and their leader, Wisper. In the past, Terex facilitated access to the repair bay on Rothana, allowing Wisper and her team to enter.
In the present, Wisper greeted Terex upon his return, but brandished her blaster when he announced his intention to reclaim leadership of the Rancs. He unsheathed a blade, compelling her to drop the blaster. She argued that she had become the leader after he relinquished control to her and joined the First Order, but Terex countered that none of the Rancs had attempted to kill him. Wisper implored them to remain loyal to her, but Zumgi fatally shot her and welcomed Terex back.
C-3PO guided the group towards the Ranc base, while Dameron cautioned Muva to maintain vigilance. C-3PO inquired about the droid to a man, but the man responded by drawing a blaster and stunning Dameron.