Poe Dameron #8 represents the eighth installment in the Marvel comic book series titled Star Wars: Poe Dameron. This issue, penned by Charles Soule and visually brought to life through the artistry of Phil Noto, saw its release on November 9, 2016.
A Brand New Story Arc Begins Here!
- Agent Terex has made a vow to get revenge on Poe Dameron!
- But how does he always appear to be informed of Black Squadron's activities?
- Could there actually be a betrayer among them? [1]
While engaged in unarmed combat practice using mats, Poe Dameron confided in BB-8 regarding the identity of the mole. Each member of Black Squadron was a trusted comrade of Dameron's, yet each also aroused suspicion.
Aboard the Carrion Spike, Terex was questioned by his team about the reason for their presence so far from First Order territory, but Terex declined to respond and withdrew to his private chambers. He remembered back to his days as a stormtrooper during the Battle of Jakku.

When a Star Destroyer plummeted to the surface, Terex's corporal commanded them to continue the fight, but Terex's ally Corlac disobeyed and shot the corporal. After persuading Terex to join him in abandoning their posts, Corlac removed his armor and buried it. Terex followed suit.
Returning to the present on the Carrion Spike, Terex stared intently at his armor, now adorned and altered.
On D'Qar, Muva was repairing Dameron's starfighter. Dameron gave Muva permission to take it for a trial run. C-3PO interrupted, relaying to Dameron that one of their droid spies stationed on Kaddak had communicated that it had obtained significant intelligence concerning the First Order, including the whereabouts of Supreme Leader Snoke. However, the transmission was cut short before the information could be fully transmitted, and Dameron was tasked with taking C-3PO and another Black Squadron pilot to investigate the matter. However, Dameron was still unsure of the identity of the traitor and decides to travel on a freighter with BB-8 and C-3PO.
Captain Phasma requested a status update from Terex regarding his operations, but he deactivated all communications, weaponry, and propulsion systems on the Carrion Spike.
Going back to Terex's Jakku flashback, Corlac and Terex constructed a makeshift craft from the cockpit of an AT-AT, the engines of a U-wing, and the wings of a TIE Interceptor. Terex pressed for rejoining the Empire, but Corlac preferred to venture to the Outer Rim first. Terex went to retrieve one last item before their departure.
Observing the smuggling freighter they intended to use to travel to Kaddak, Dameron cautioned that it would offer little assistance in escaping danger.
Aboard the Carrion Spike, Terex emerged from his quarters wearing his old armor, which was the item he had recovered from Jakku before he left.
Muva expressed gratitude to Dameron for including him on the mission, but Dameron warned that Kaddak was a completely lawless planet.
The Carrion Spike made planetfall on Kaddak, where Terex disembarked from the ship, leaving the crew behind as he ventured out to locate something important he had lost. In the past, Kaddak was also the planet that Corlac and Terex flew to, and now Dameron arrived there as well.