Corlac, also known as TK-605, was a male human who fought for the Galactic Empire as a stormtrooper during the Battle of Jakku. After fatally shooting his corporal, Corlac, along with the stormtrooper named Terex, buried their armor and dedicated a year to constructing an "Ugly" starship as a means of escaping the planet Jakku. While Terex remained committed to the idea of rebuilding the Empire, Corlac had different plans: he aimed to establish a criminal organization with the help of Wenda and Bett, who were female criminals. After they successfully gained entry to the Rothana Imperial Shipyards, Corlac and the women hatched a plot to murder Terex. However, Terex discovered their scheme and used the Carrion Spike's laser cannons to kill them all.
During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Corlac enlisted in the Galactic Empire to serve as a stormtrooper. He was assigned the designation "TK-605." TK-605, along with his fellow trooper TK-603, and their corporal, engaged in combat against the forces of the New Republic on the planet Jakku. As the battle concluded with a New Republic victory, TK-605 came to the conclusion that the Empire was defeated. When the corporal commanded them to fight to the death, threatening them with execution if they refused, TK-605 fatally shot him. When TK-603 expressed his shock, TK-605 replied that he did not want to fight until his death and inquired if TK-603 felt the same way.

When TK-603 appeared confused and asked what their orders were, TK-605 gestured towards a damaged Star Destroyer, stating that the Empire was finished and there was no one left to give them orders. Removing his helmet, TK-605 declared that he no longer worked for them. When TK-603 questioned why he was taking off his stormtrooper armor, Corlac explained that the New Republic would be hunting down Imperials, and they would have a better chance of survival without their armor. TK-603 realized that TK-605 was correct. As they buried their armor, Corlac asked TK-603 for his name. TK-603 reluctantly identified himself as Terex.
The two men then remained hidden until nightfall before heading to a settlement to find employment. When Terex voiced his discomfort about abandoning his armor, Corlac dismissed it as little more than "trash." Corlac and Terex dedicated approximately a year to constructing an "Ugly" from salvaged components, including the head of an AT-AT walker and wings from a TIE Interceptor. The two men began to consider each other as squad mates. While Terex still desired to rejoin the Imperial remnants and assist in suppressing the Rebellion, Corlac was uninterested and expressed his desire to travel to the Outer Rim planet of Kaddak, where he had established connections. Terex agreed to accompany him, provided he could bring his armor.
On Kaddak, Corlac reconnected with the female crime leaders Wenda and Bett, who managed a substantial ship repair and salvage operation. While Corlac had abandoned the Empire, Terex remained determined to rebuild it. Knowing that Terex had previously worked at the Rothana Imperial Shipyards, Corlac manipulated Terex into assisting him and his criminal associates, Wenda and Bett, in gaining access to the shipyards under the guise of restoring the Empire. In reality, Corlac and his associates intended to utilize the shipyard to acquire ships for their pirate fleet.

After a few attempts, Terex succeeded in granting Corlac, Wenda, and Bett access to the shipyard's repair bay. Although the shipyard had been abandoned, it was still being maintained in auto-security mode by droids and other automated systems. By 7 ABY, Corlac and his associates had seized control of the former Rothana Imperial shipyards. While Terex was repairing the former starship of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, the Carrion Spike, Corlac revealed to Wenda and Bett that their plan to rebuild the Empire was a deception to obtain Terex's assistance. Because the Carrion Spike possessed cloaking technology, Corlac intended to use it for piracy. Once Terex had repaired the ship, Corlac planned to kill him, considering him to be nothing more than a tool.
Unbeknownst to Corlac and his criminal associates, Terex was listening to their conversation via comlink. He activated the Carrion Spike's weapon systems and destroyed the shipyard's control station, resulting in the deaths of Corlac, Wenda, and Bett. Realizing that the Empire was truly gone, Terex assumed control of Corlac, Wenda, and Bett's gang. Terex became the leader of the Ranc Gang until his pirates intercepted a shipment destined for an Imperial remnant known as the First Order. Terex subsequently abandoned the Ranc Gang and joined the Security Bureau of the First Order as a spy.

Corlac was a male human characterized by his blond hair and dark eyes. Although Corlac served the Empire as a stormtrooper and claimed that Terex was his partner, he was primarily focused on his own self-interest. Following the Battle of Jakku, Corlac displayed enough pragmatism to recognize that the Empire was a lost cause and discarded his stormtrooper armor. Corlac also persuaded his friend Terex to do the same. Corlac and Terex utilized their mechanical and scavenging skills to assemble an "Ugly" from discarded ship and vehicle components. Corlac was also a manipulator who exploited Terex's desire to build the Empire in order to achieve his personal ambition of establishing a criminal empire. Corlac was even prepared to murder his former comrade in arms to achieve these objectives. However, Corlac underestimated Terex's vengeful nature due to his pride.
Corlac made his first appearance in the comic Poe Dameron 8 from 2016, which was written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Phil Noto.