Poe Dameron 10

title: "Poe Dameron 10"

Poe Dameron #10 marks the tenth installment of the Star Wars: Poe Dameron comic book series published by Marvel. This issue, penned by Charles Soule and illustrated by Phil Noto, hit shelves on January 11, 2017.

Official Summary

  • The secret mission of Poe and Threepio reaches its conclusion!
  • Will they manage to escape with their informant unharmed?
  • Or will Terex be forced to confront the consequences of his past? [1]

Detailed Synopsis

On the Outer Rim planet of Kaddak, Resistance starfighter pilot Poe Dameron is shown lying incapacitated on the floor within the headquarters of the Ranc Gang, having been stunned by the bartender. Oddy Muva, C-3PO, and BB-8 find themselves surrounded by members of the Ranc Gang. However, C-3PO takes action by activating several units from the Resistance spy droid network, compelling the gangsters to stand down. Despite his reservations about revealing these operatives, C-3PO deems it the lesser of two evils compared to being destroyed. Dameron regains consciousness, and Muva assists him in getting up. Muva suggests that the Rancs were attempting to sell the droid they were after. Subsequently, the spy droid makes an appearance, identifying himself as BX-series droid commando N1-ZX ("Nunzix").

At The Sliver's landing platform situated on Level 72, Terex's First Order crew is engaged in repairing the Carrion Spike. It had suffered substantial damage to its communications, engines, weapons systems, and central computer systems during the Mission to Megalox Beta. The First Order lieutenant questions Terex's intentions. Shortly thereafter, Terex arrives accompanied by several members of the Ranc Gang. When the officer voices his opposition to Terex handing over First Order assets to criminals, Terex reminds him of his own criminal past and vows that his criminal skills will be instrumental in destroying the Resistance.

In a flashback to twenty-seven years prior, Corlac and his associates, Bett and Wenda, convene in the command center overlooking the Rothana Imperial Shipyards' hangar bay. Their discussion revolves around the prospect of reviving the Galactic Empire, with Wenda dismissing Terex as incompetent. Meanwhile, Terex is focused on repairing the Carrion Spike, formerly the flagship of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Back in the command center, Wenda, Corlac, and Bett reach a consensus to eliminate Terex, viewing the former stormtrooper as a threat to their plans for establishing a criminal empire. However, Terex overhears their conversation and utilizes one of the Spike's cannons to obliterate the command center, resulting in the deaths of Wenda, Corlac, and Bett.

As Wisper and the other associates react in shock, Terex unveils his long-term strategy to rebuild the Empire and restore order to the galaxy. Terex seizes control of the Ranc Gang, transforming it into a formidable underworld organization. Later, a Trandoshan gangster and his Rodian associate present Terex with tribute in the form of credits and a set of First Order stormtrooper armor pilfered from a cargo vessel. The lead gangster reveals that the ship was transporting cargo for an Imperial faction known as the First Order.

Returning to the present, N1-ZX refuses to release the data pertaining to Supreme Leader Snoke until they are safely back at the Resistance base. C-3PO concedes defeat, acknowledging that forcibly extracting the data would result in a complete memory wipe. C-3PO explains that all Resistance spy droids are programmed with this failsafe in case of capture. Dameron and Muva soon spot the Carrion Spike flying overhead. Using a loudspeaker system, "Lord" Terex announces a bounty on Poe Dameron's head. The Resistance agents fend off the crowd, and C-3PO activates several Resistance droids to hold them back.

Poe, BB-8, C-3PO, and "Nunzix" return to the freighter and prepare for departure in Poe's T-70 X-wing starfighter Black One. Meanwhile, Oddy Muva sneaks aboard the Carrion Spike and observes Terex conversing with his henchmen, including Zumgi. One of the Ranc gangsters informs Terex that their sensors have locked onto Poe's X-wing. As Poe and his companions take off in the Black One, Terex opens a hangar containing a fleet of "Uglies", which he intends to use to pursue Poe.


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