Snap and Karé's wedding

Snap and Karé's Wedding was the marriage ceremony of Resistance pilots Temmin "Snap" Wexley and Karé Kun, which took place at the Resistance base situated on D'Qar during the year 34 ABY. The decision to wed was made by the couple following their return from Lor San Tekka's rescue mission.

Under Poe Dameron's orders to Jo Jerjerrod, members belonging to J-Squadron tried to maintain the wedding's secrecy; however, due to inadequate planning, the ceremony became a widely known secret across the base. Sari Nadle was responsible for decorating the runway, while AG-90 supplied the music. The ceremony faced disruption when Klimo added anilam to the crackling pudding prepared by Mattis Banz, causing Dameron, the wedded couple, and the majority of the guests present to experience loud flatulence. Despite this, everyone ultimately laughed it off. At one moment, General Organa expressed her wish for the Force to be with the newly married couple. As a wedding present, Wedge Antilles gifted Wexley a set of flight gauntlets.

Behind the scenes

The wedding was initially referenced in the 2017 young-adult book titled Join the Resistance: Escape from Vodran, authored by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker. It was then depicted a year later in the comic book Poe Dameron 25, penned by Charles Soule and with illustrations by Angel Unzueta. Nevertheless, there are inconsistencies between the two sources regarding the attendees, stemming from the authors' different perspectives on the same event.

