
Klimo, a male Rodian, traded his existence as a farmer for that of a cadet within the Resistance, fighting against the First Order. His recruitment occurred in 34 ABY, and he quickly formed a strong friendship with another cadet, Mattis Banz. A month into their training, their team was dissolved when Hansen, during an argument with Jerjerrod, caused the base to shut down. Klimo, along with Banz and several other cadets, were subsequently dispatched on a mission to Vodran with the objective of scavenging components for the Resistance. Unfortunately, the swamp planet was overrun with foreign creatures abandoned by Harra the Hutt, leading to an assault on the cadets by a pack of rancors. Finding themselves overwhelmed, Klimo, Banz, and fellow cadet Lorica Demaris tried to flee using their starship. However, when a rancor struck the ship, Banz and Demaris were ejected, and Klimo was initially presumed dead when the rancors ravaged the wreckage, but he was later discovered on a derelict Star Destroyer by J-Squadron, Ymmoss, and Cost Niktur.

