
Pheryon, a gas giant, existed within the Inner Rim section of the galaxy. During the time of the Cold War, Poe Dameron journeyed to Pheryon to have a meeting with Suralinda Javos, who worked as a journalist.


This planet, situated in the Inner Rim, was a gas giant. Pheryon was known for its tempestuous, purple skies, frequently illuminated by lightning, a region called the stormsea. Above this chaotic weather system were several platforms, appearing as floating islands. Shuttles provided transport between these islands, running on a schedule of a few times each day. As a civilized world, it had its own security forces and was a venue for stormsail races. Stormsailers were attached to the platforms utilizing glowing hookups, and during the races, the racers would plunge their crafts into the stormsea to gain increased speed—a dangerous maneuver, as approximately half of them would not reemerge.


During the period of the Cold War that occurred between the Resistance and the First Order, Commander Poe Dameron was called to Pheryon by Suralinda Javos, an old acquaintance. They convened in a bar that overlooked the stormsail races. However, they were ambushed by thugs who were secretly being paid by Javos. Her intent was to intimidate Dameron into revealing the location of his secret base. Dameron commandeered a stormsailer and made a hasty escape into the stormsea, with the thugs in pursuit. He navigated the treacherous storm and reached a floating island, though the ordeal left him drained. Javos was apprehended by Lieutenant Weel and his stormtroopers inside a tavern. In her cries for Poe's assistance, she inadvertently led to his capture as well. However, she employed her Squamatan venom to incapacitate Weel, and subsequently facilitated Poe's escape. Together, the allies absconded with Weel's ship and departed Pheryon, heading towards the Resistance base on D'Qar. Later, General Leia Organa mentioned Pheryon alongside other intelligence reports regarding the First Order in a speech delivered to the New Republic Senate.

Raidah Doon achieved renown as a champion stormsailer.

