The Squamatans represented a sentient species of humanoids, easily identified by their blue complexions and acidic [venom](/article/poison]. They experienced enslavement at the hands of the Galactic Empire, forced to mine thorilide ore from their planet of origin.

Displaying humanoid forms, Squamatans also possessed reptilian traits. Their blue skin was marked by delicate lines across their faces. A bumpy ridge ran along the top of their heads, from the nose to the back of the skull, dividing their [hair](/article/hair]line. Some Squamatans grew their thick, dark hair long, sometimes braiding it into ponytails. They had sharp ears, and their pointed teeth could eject acidic venom as a defense mechanism. Squamatans had forked tongues that matched the purple shade of their lips, along with large, yellow reptile-like eyes featuring orange-red irises and black, vertical pupils. Their fingers ended in sharp, talon-like nails. They would sweat when physically exerted.

Squamatans originated from a world abundant in thorilide deposits. The Galactic Empire, in pursuit of this [mineral](/article/mineral], subjected the native species to slavery to extract it, ultimately draining the planet's resources. The Squamatans endured hardship under the Empire's rule, and by the time of the First Order, their numbers had dwindled significantly. Nevertheless, they were still known for their lethal venom.
Suralinda Javos, a former member of the New Republic Defense Fleet and a journalist for Galaxy Beacon, a HoloNet channel, was a female Squamatan. She deployed her species' acidic venom against Lieutenant Weel of the First Order Security Bureau, catching him off guard before he could blind her during an interrogation. Javos criticized Weel for his ignorance of her species and fled to meet up with her former associate Poe Dameron.
Squamata is the taxonomic designation for the reptile order encompassing lizards, snakes, and amphisbaenians.