Kan Be

Kan Be, a male Kaminoan, participated in an attempt, alongside Isin and Toren, to assist Agent Terex in attacking the fortress of Grakkus the Hutt located within the Megalox prison. This scheme was ultimately thwarted by Poe Dameron, a Resistance starfighter pilot, along with his astromech droid, BB-8.


Within the high-gravity environment of Megalox Beta, Kan Be operated as a crime lord who found himself incarcerated in the Megalox prison. A gravity field, generated by a space station in orbit, shielded the prison from the planet's intense gravitational pull. The New Republic viewed Megalox as a place to discard the galaxy's most dangerous criminals, leaving them to survive as best they could. Kan Be led a gang and was a rival to Grakkus the Hutt, who himself commanded a Hutt posse.

After Agent Terex of the First Order saw his deal with Grakkus collapse, Terex connected with Kan Be and fellow crime lords Isin and Papa Toren. Upon Terex's introduction, Kan Be scornfully labeled him a "garbage sniffer," comparing his uniform to "a hat on an aiwha." When Terex explained his failed arrangement, Kan Be accused him of attempting to make them feel humiliated. Terex proposed a deal: he would liberate the crime lords from the prison if they would aid him in attacking Grakkus' fortress, assassinating Poe Dameron, the Resistance [pilot](/article/pilot], along with his Black Squadron, and Grakkus' guards. Terex intended to interrogate Grakkus before executing him. The crime lords accepted Terex's terms after he dramatically placed a knife on the table.

Kan Be, Terex, and Isin are crushed by megalox Beta's gravity

As the combined gangs of the criminals clashed with Black Squadron and Grakkus' guards, Kan Be, along with the other crime lords, observed the conflict alongside Terex. Kan Be commented that such riots were the only form of entertainment available to the gangsters. Terex responded by reminding them to keep Poe alive for him. However, Poe outmaneuvered both the gangsters and Terex by instructing the squadron's astromech droids, under the command of BB-8, to disable the gravity shield. Kan Be and the other gangsters were then overwhelmed by the intense gravity of Megalox Beta.

When Isin inquired about Papa Toren's weeping, Kan Be explained that one of his Ximpi had perished upon crashing to the surface. He predicted their own imminent demise. Terex disagreed and called upon his starship, the Carrion Spike, which dispatched a droid to retrieve him. Once aboard, Terex informed the gangsters that he was abandoning them due to their failure to fulfill their mission. Kan Be protested, but his pleas were ignored.

Personality and traits

Possessing gray eyes, Kan Be was a male Kaminoan. As a crime lord, he maintained a competitive relationship with Grakkus the Hutt. Kan Be demonstrated a willingness to collaborate with fellow crime lords Toren and Isin to assault Grakkus' palace in exchange for Terex's assistance in their escape. He viewed riots as a source of amusement within the desolate prison environment of Megalox Beta.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of Kan Be occurred in Poe Dameron 5, a comic issue released in 2016, authored by Charles Soule and illustrated by Phil Noto.

