Poe Dameron #5 represents the fifth installment in the Star Wars: Poe Dameron comic book series by Marvel. This issue, penned by Charles Soule and visually brought to life by Phil Noto's artwork, was made available on August 17, 2016.
- The members of Black Squadron find themselves confined within a prison belonging to the Republic! [1]
- The situation is reversed; they are not locking others inside, but rather they are trapped with…Terex! [1]
- Can Poe and his team successfully acquire the necessary intelligence and escape their confinement? [1]
L'ampar stood outside the fortress, contemplating whether they should enter to check on Dameron's well-being. Pava, however, reminded him that they were unarmed and their only options were to wait or face the angry crowd outside. To the squadron's astonishment, Terex emerged from the fortress and walked beyond the wall. Instead of attacking, the mob showed him respect by bowing. Dameron then appeared and explained the situation, involving a race to free Grakkus.
Dameron established contact with BB-8 and instructed him to initiate Operation Upside. The Resistance astromechs collectively left their starfighters and began rolling out of the hangar.
Terex convened with his former criminal associates: Kan Be, Toren, and Isin. He disclosed his true intentions: he would not free Grakkus. Instead, he planned to use their assistance to eliminate Dameron and his fellow pilots, extract information from Grakkus before killing him, and then facilitate the escape of the three criminals.
The droids connected to the prison's system, but their proximity was compromised by the sudden appearance of three prison guards. Reacting swiftly, the droids ascended to the ceiling. However, R4's booster malfunctioned, causing the droid to fall onto one of the guards. The remaining guards discovered the droids near the ceiling, prompting O-R10N to descend, electrocute one guard, and strike the last guard's head with its leg. BB-8 commended O-R10N for its efficiency.
Pava attempted to sharpen a device against a rock but accidentally injured herself. In frustration, she threw the rock at a nearby Hutt. She expressed her feelings of helplessness and lack of control to Dameron. An explosion reverberated as the mob attempted to breach the wall's doors with a battering ram. Dameron tried to warn Grakkus about Terex's deceitfulness, but Grakkus remained confident that it was all part of Terex's scheme. Black Squadron armed themselves with nearby rods as the doors began to collapse.
A worker alerted Warden Luta to the commotion surrounding Grakkus' fortress, but she chose not to intervene. Suddenly, an alarm sounded, indicating an intrusion in the primary security field generator. Guards quickly mobilized to the location.
Upon hearing the alarm, the droids disengaged from the generator and dispersed in different directions. BB-8 and O-R10N headed toward a door, but their path was blocked by a large security droid.
The Hutts deployed stun blasts into the mob, but their advance continued unabated. Black Squadron also engaged in combat using their rods. The Hutts retreated into the fortress, closing the door and abandoning the squadron to their fate.
O-R10N attacked the security droid, but the droid easily crushed the astromech in its grip. BB-8 activated his arc welder as the security droid readied an energy blade.