Poe Dameron #4 represents the fourth installment in the comic book series Star Wars: Poe Dameron published by Marvel. This issue, which debuted on July 6, 2016, features the writing of Charles Soule and the artistic talents of Phil Noto.
Following their victorious mission, Black Squadron celebrated on D'Qar. Dameron cautioned L'ampar against initiating conflict with the First Order prematurely, before the Resistance is prepared. Wexley and Kun discussed their developing romantic feelings, while Muva and Pava conversed about the upgraded boosters installed on Pava's starfighter. Additionally, Dameron and BB-8 pondered the identity of the individual who placed the tracker on Dameron's X-wing.
The Crèche disclosed that Lor San Tekka had communicated with Grakkus the Hutt, prompting Black Squadron to journey to the Megalox prison, Grakkus's place of confinement. They engaged with Warden Luta, who explained that Megalox lacks conventional walls or guards. The prisoners are contained by the intense gravity surrounding the prison, and are granted a degree of self-governance.
During their descent, the staff advised Black Squadron to maintain vigilance and provided directions to Grakkus' headquarters. However, an undisclosed party had offered them a larger sum to allow the pilots to enter the prison unescorted. To disperse the prisoners from the entrance, they donned masks, and Pava deployed smoke bombs. Employing their blasters, they advanced towards Grakkus's open gates, where Grakkus greeted them. Dameron entered the structure alone with Grakkus, where Terex was already present. With both men seeking information regarding Tekka, Grakkus proposed a challenge: the individual who successfully orchestrates his escape from Megalox will receive the desired information.