Luta, a female Twi'lek, held the position of warden at the Megalox prison. She was known to take payments in exchange for allowing visitors access to the facility. Despite Resistance General Leia Organa bribing her to grant entry to Poe Dameron and his Black Squadron, she then took a larger sum from First Order Agent Terex, leading her to instruct her guards to abandon Black Squadron within the prison. Later on, she agreed to Poe's proposition: in exchange for restoring the gravity shield controls of the prison, she would allow him to escape with Grakkus the Hutt.

Warden Luta was in charge of the privately operated Megalox prison, which was situated on the high-gravity planet of Megalox Beta. The prison was notorious for housing some of the most dangerous criminals in the New Republic. Luta viewed the prison as a commercial venture and was open to accepting bribes to permit visitors. A space station generated a gravity shield that protected Megalox prison from the planet's intense gravity, and this station also served as the prison's administrative center. Luta allowed the inmates to govern themselves within the prison and regularly delivered supplies to them via shuttles.
In the year 34 ABY, Luta was bribed by both Resistance General Leia Organa and First Order Security Bureau Agent Terex for the purpose of visiting Grakkus the Hutt. Grakkus had been incarcerated since the Age of the Empire. Both factions were seeking to interrogate Grakkus about Lor San Tekka, an explorer believed to possess information regarding the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker. Knowing that Poe Dameron and his Black Squadron had been dispatched by General Organa to see Grakkus, Terex offered Luta a larger bribe to abandon the group to the mercy of the prisoners, rather than escorting them to Grakkus' palace.
Upon the arrival of Poe and Black Squadron, Luta greeted them at the orbital station and briefed them on the prison's operations. She dispatched a squad of prison guards to escort the Resistance pilots into the prison, but she also secretly arranged for them to be abandoned. Nevertheless, Poe and his team managed to fight their way to Grakkus' fortress. With two factions vying for the same information, Grakkus proposed to provide the information to whoever could assist him in escaping. In response, Poe contacted his astromech droid BB-8, enlisting him and fellow droids O-R10N, R2-HA, and R4 to disable the space station's gravity field. They successfully incapacitated the guards.
Luta was present in the space station's command center when one of her officers reported a gathering of gangsters near Grakkus' compound. Luta remarked that Papa Toren and other crime lords had decided to overthrow Grakkus, unaware that Terex had orchestrated the riot. When the officer inquired about intervening, given the presence of civilians, Luta responded that Black Squadron was aware of the risks and chose to observe the unfolding situation. She also placed her bet on Isin emerging victorious in the power struggle. Upon detecting a security breach in the primary security field generator, she dispatched guards to Deck Twelve to investigate.

A security droid was sent to investigate and encountered Black Squadron's droids. The security droid destroyed O-R10N before BB-8 disabled it. Subsequently, the astromechs deactivated the prison's gravity field, overwhelming the gangsters. Black Squadron remained unaffected due to their gravity belts. With Terex incapacitated, Poe successfully rescued Grakkus. Meanwhile, a prison officer informed Luta that someone had sliced into the prison's primary security terminals and disabled the gravity field. Poe then contacted her and persuaded Luta to allow his group to leave with Grakkus in exchange for restoring control of the prison. Outmaneuvered, Luta had no choice but to accept Poe's terms.
After Poe's group and Grakkus departed the prison, BB-8 restored Luta's control of the prison. She instructed her officers to reactivate the gravity field and deploy medical teams to the surface. Luta feared that losing too many prisoners in a single cycle would render her prison unprofitable. Before her men could carry out these orders, a vengeful Terex crashed his starship, the Carrion Spike, through the space station's generators, causing a power outage. Fearing the loss of the prisoners, Luta dispatched shuttles to evacuate them. However, Terex began destroying the shuttles. Before he could cause further damage, Black Squadron attacked the Carrion Spike, forcing Terex to retreat.
Luta, a female Twi'lek with green skin and red eyes featuring cross-shaped irises, was a warden motivated by profit, managing her prison as a business. Luta readily accepted bribes from any party. Her greedy nature resulted in a lack of concern for the lives of her prisoners and guests. Luta also enjoyed watching the prisoners fight and even placed bets on the outcomes. Because she viewed her prisoners as valuable economic assets, Luta panicked when Megalox's gravity shield was deactivated, as the planet's high gravity would cause their deaths. She considered losing a large number of prisoners in one cycle as a threat to her profits and dispatched medical teams to treat and rescue them.
Luta's debut was in Poe Dameron 4, a comic book authored by Charles Soule, illustrated by Phil Noto, and published by Marvel Comics in 2016.