Isin, an Advozse of the male persuasion, collaborated with Kan Be and Papa Toren to assist Agent Terex in a failed raid on Grakkus the Hutt's fortress located within the Megalox prison. Their attempt was thwarted when BB-8, Poe Dameron's astromech droid, disabled the prison's gravity field.
Within the Gullet Gang, Isin served alongside Cycyed Ock as both a financier and a fighter. Ock considered reaching out to Isin when assembling a team to pursue Maz Kanata's hidden treasures. However, the Advozse was unreachable, as he was occupied with Gar Jan Rue's Traveling Menagerie.
Imprisoned on [Megalox Beta](/article/megalox_beta], a high gravity [world](/article/planet], Isin was held at the Megalox prison. A gravity shield, maintained by an orbiting space station, protected the prison from the planet's intense atmosphere. Left to their own devices with minimal supplies, Isin rose to lead a gang, becoming a rival of Grakkus the Hutt, who commanded his own posse comprised of other Hutts.
In the year 34 ABY, Agent Terex of the First Order convened with Isin and two other crime lords, the Kaminoan Kan Be and Papa Toren. Terex proposed aiding their escape from the planet aboard his ship, the Carrion Spike, in exchange for their assistance in killing Grakkus' guards, Poe Dameron, the Resistance starfighter [pilot](/article/pilot], and his Black Squadron. Terex's true intention was to eliminate Grakkus for breaking a previous agreement, after obtaining the necessary information. After Terex placed a knife on the table, Isin and the other crime lords agreed to the proposition. Isin declared that it was "time to kill."

Isin, along with his criminal allies and Terex, observed the unfolding assault. When Terex reiterated his desire to personally eliminate Dameron, Isin cautioned that he could not guarantee anything, given his men's inherent blood lust. Despite their aggressive attack, Dameron managed to outwit Terex and his associates by instructing Black Squadron's astromech droids, including BB-8, to disable the gravity shield. While Black Squadron successfully escaped with Grakkus, Isin and his fellow gangsters found themselves immobilized by the planet's intense gravity. Hearing Toren's lamentations, Be explained that one of his Ximpi had perished when the gravity field collapsed. Terex managed to flee by summoning his ship. As Terex abandoned them to their fate, Isin cursed him, vowing that he would pay for his betrayal.
Isin's initial appearance was in Poe Dameron 5, a comic issue from 2016, penned by Charles Soule and illustrated by Phil Noto. In the Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, Isin is mistakenly referred to using female pronouns.