Cycyed Ock

Cycyed Ock was a Keredian male who fought with Saw Gerrera's partisans during their insurgency against the Galactic Empire on the moon of Jedha. In 1 BBY, a year, Ock was located at the partisans' base in the Catacombs of Cadera when a group of prisoners, including Gerrera's adopted daughter Jyn Erso, were brought to the base. Shortly after they arrived, the Empire destroyed the nearby Jedha City with their Death Star superweapon, and the resulting blast wave forced the partisans to escape, also destroying the catacombs. Sometime after surviving this destruction, Ock and Kullbee Sperado made their way to the other side of the moon. After they found a smuggler's guide left by Shesslaria, the pair departed Jedha hoping to find Maz Kanata's treasure on Iskalon with their former crewmates Nersiton, Isin, and Rufork Tamson. Although they initially obtained the treasure, they were quickly captured and imprisoned in Megalox Beta Penitentiary.


Ock possessed a cyber-optic wire directly connected to his brain, which enhanced his vision, enabling him to analyze kyber crystal deposits, examine microcircuitry, and accurately throw his vibrorang weapon.

Behind the scenes

Cycyed Ock's first appearance was in the film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which premiered in North America on December 16, 2016. While he was not identified by name in the film itself, his name was revealed in the reference book Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, which was written by Pablo Hidalgo and released on the same day. Robert Nairne portrayed him, and also played Kullbee Sperado in the film, with Patrick Comerford handling the animatronics.

