The Keredians were a species of humanoids whose members were sparsely populated across the vastness of the galaxy. Information regarding them was scarce, with details such as their homeworld remaining unknown. Initially, some Keredians aligned themselves with the Partisans, but after the Death Star destroyed Jedha City, they shifted their allegiance to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, continuing their struggle against the oppressive Empire. An example of this was Cycyed Ock, a Keredian who wielded a vibrorang as his weapon. Furthermore, Ruk was also a Keredian and a member of the Tech Masters. Conversely, other Keredians displayed a greater degree of indifference towards the galactic civil war; for instance, a Keredian named Dewi Pamular worked as a squiggly fisher alongside an alien named Freedi Pamular on the moon Narkina 5 during 5 BBY, traveling there with an antiquated TUG-b13 quadjumper. Despite his apathy, Dewi Pamular still harbored the species' animosity for the Empire and readily aided Cassian Jeron Andor and Ruescott Melshi, who were then fugitives from the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex, in escaping the moon using their starship.