Dewi Pamular

Dewi Pamular, along with his brother Freedi Pamular, was a Keredian male fisher. They made their living on the moon called Narkina 5. Around 5 BBY, while fishing in a quarry lake on their lunar home, the brothers apprehended Cassian Andor and Ruescott Melshi. These two were prisoners on the run, having broken free from an Imperial prison nearby.

Dewi and Freedi considered handing over the captured escapees in exchange for a reward. However, they ultimately chose to assist Andor and Melshi in their escape. This decision stemmed from the Empire's detrimental impact on the local waters, which had led to the death of the fish they depended on for their livelihood. Consequently, they transported Andor and Melshi to the world Niamos aboard their quadjumper.


Fishing in poisoned waters

Dewi and Freedi Pamular captured the escaped Cassian Andor and Ruescott Melshi.

Dewi Pamular was a Keredian male who resided on the moon of Narkina 5. He earned his living as a fisher, dedicating much of his time to fishing trips to the moon's quarry pools alongside his brother, Freedi Pamular. The brothers sought edible fish within the shadowy pools. However, the construction of Imperial prisons on the moon resulted in water contamination, which killed the majority of the fish population. In the year 5 BBY, the duo journeyed to a quarry lake on the moon aboard their quadjumper, where they set up their fishing nets and equipment along the water's edge.

While occupied with tending to their nets, they were being observed by Cassian Andor and Ruescott Melshi. These human individuals were fugitives from one of the prisons. They made a dash down into the quarry, heading towards the quadjumper with the intention of stealing it. The Pamulars observed the prisoners as they ran by, refraining from pursuit. Before Melshi and Andor could reach the ship, the brothers activated a sensor, which triggered the launch of sticky netting that ensnared the humans and reeled them in.

Escape from Narkina 5

The brothers, chuckling to themselves, approached their newly captured individuals. Dewi contemplated that they could potentially receive one thousand credits each for turning in the fugitives. He then voiced his discontent regarding the Imperial prisons' role in decimating their catch. In response, Melshi and Andor asserted that they were not responsible for the fishermen's problems, but rather the Empire was. Freedi noted that the Imperials paid for prisoners, whether alive or dead, as he extended a bladed prosthetic. However, Dewi concurred with the prisoners, acknowledging that the Empire was indeed the source of their troubles.

Dewi and Freedi Pamular flew the prisoners to Niamos in their quadjumper.

After the prisoners began to plead their case, Freedi deactivated the sensor, freeing the humans from the netting. Dewi then declared that the Empire would not be the cause of their death that day. Dewi suggested a swift departure, and Andor revealed their desire to escape to the world of Niamos. The brothers agreed to assist, and the group successfully departed from Narkina 5, traveling to Niamos aboard the quadjumper. Upon arrival, the brothers and the prisoners parted ways.

Personality and traits

Dewi was a large Keredian, characterized by his black hair and yellow skin. He was the more talkative of the two brothers, who were not related by [blood](/article/blood]. He communicated with Freedi in Narkinian but also possessed the ability to speak broken Basic, referring to fish as "squigglies." He displayed compassion towards those, like Andor and Melshi, who had suffered due to the Empire's actions. He harbored no affection for the Imperials, who had poisoned his home, negatively impacting his and his brother's livelihood by decimating the fish population.


Dewi was attired in brown pants, a brown shirt, a green shawl, gray boots, and a gray hat. The Keredian also possessed a cybernetic eye. During fishing expeditions, Dewi utilized nets and other specialized equipment, traveling in a quadjumper equipped with a sensor and sticky, organic netting for protection.

Behind the scenes

Dewi Pamular was played by Matt Lyons and voiced by Mike Quinn in the television series Andor. He appeared in the eleventh episode of the first season, titled "Daughter of Ferrix," which was broadcast on November 16, 2022. While the character's name was not spoken within the episode, it was listed in the credits. Dewi's design was a recycled version of the design used for Cycyed Ock from the 2016 Anthology film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The scene featuring the character was filmed in Middle Peak Quarry, located in Wirksworth, Derbyshire in the United Kingdom.

