The Catacombs of Cadera constituted a collection of age-old ruins situated on the moon of Jedha. Once known as the Cadera Monastery, these catacombs were located a half-day's journey on foot from the Holy City.

This location functioned as a final resting place for the skeletal remains of countless generations of NiJedhan monks, followers of a long-lost faith, whose very name and history have faded from memory. The humanoid skulls of these monks lined the walls of the catacombs, a respected yet macabre presence. The area was rumored to be haunted by the spirits of the deceased and was generally avoided by the local population.
At one point in time, the Church of the Contained Crescent took up residence within the Catacombs. During their occupancy of the ancient monastery, they installed a window with a latticed design. The Contained Crescent eventually departed from the Catacombs years before Saw Gerrera and his Partisans arrived; they subsequently transformed the Catacombs into a base of operations which he dubbed "the Gut." This base was obliterated when the Death Star tested its superlaser on Jedha's Holy City, an event that not only erased the city from existence but also resulted in the surrounding surface of Jedha being peeled away, thus destroying everything in its path, including the Catacombs themselves.
An earlier version of the narrative for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story depicted Saw Gerrera concealing himself on a jungle planet called Cadera. Pablo Hidalgo repurposed the name to designate Gerrera's clandestine location on Jedha.