
O-R10N, identifiable by its blue coloration, was an astromech droid in service to the Resistance, specifically as Jessika Pava's companion. During a mission undertaken by Black Squadron to the planet Megalox, O-R10N participated in Operation Upside. He collaborated with BB-8, R2-HA, and R4 to liberate Grakkus the Hutt. Tragically, O-R10N met his death when an unidentified droid destroyed him.


During a mission to the Megalox [prison](/article/prison], O-R10N functioned as the astromech droid for Jessika Pava, a starfighter pilot in the Resistance. When Terex, an Agent of the First Order, made discussions with Grakkus the Hutt more difficult, Poe instructed BB-8 and the other astromech droids of Black Squadron to move forward with Operation Upside. O-R10N, along with R2-HA and R4, exited their T-70 X-wings and proceeded towards the space station's gravity field generator.

O-R10N takes down security guards

While en route, BB-8 noticed three guards approaching. The droids then engaged their rocket boosters. However, one of R4's rocket boosters failed, resulting in him crashing onto one of the guards. Consequently, O-R10N had to incapacitate the remaining guards. O-R10N used his electro-shock prod to shock one guard and used his ambulatory struts to knock out the other. O-R10N then assisted R-4 in getting up, which earned him praise from BB-8. The droids then continued to the primary security field generator located in Deck Twelve. Before they could disable the gravity field generator, a security droid discovered their presence.

Upon seeing the security droid, O-R10N attempted to disable it using his electro-shock prod and an arc welder. However, the massive droid crushed O-R10N with its fist and threw him off the bridge, resulting in his destruction. Despite O-R10N's demise, BB-8 successfully electrocuted the security droid, which allowed the other droids to complete their objective. As a result, Black Squadron was able to successfully rescue Grakkus. After reuniting with their respective pilots, BB-8 informed Jessika that O-R10N was lost.


O-R10N's arsenal of weapons

O-R10N, an astromech droid with a blue exterior, possessed a variety of tools, including an electro-shock prod, a knife, an arc welder, and a spark projector. Furthermore, he was equipped with rocket boosters, enabling him to fly. O-R10N also demonstrated combat skills, successfully incapacitating two prison guards. Despite his formidable nature, O-R10N was no match for a security droid, which caused his destruction.

Behind the scenes

Despite the droid being named O-R10N, its design is reminiscent of an R6 astromech.

