A scomp link, alternatively referred to as a data probe, functioned as a tool enabling an astromech droid or a BD unit to connect to a computer through a socket. Furthermore, certain Imperial droids, like the KX-series security droid, were equipped with this feature. It was composed of an extendable appendage ending in a rotatable head. The clone trooper CT-1409, known as "Echo", had his right arm substituted with a scomp link by the Techno Union following severe wounds resulting from experimentation. The Kaminoan-affiliated AZ-series surgical assistant droids also included scomp links, integrated into their retractable arms. Scomp links could also serve as standalone instruments for manual use; Ezra Bridger employed a vintage R-series scomp link as a device to pick locks, granting him manual entry to doors, although the duration and expertise required were dependent on the door's level of security. The R2 series astromech droid R2-D2 came equipped with one.
In the 2015 publication Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, scomp links were designated as a data probe.