Mister Bones

Mister Bones, often called just Bones, was a heavily customized B1-series battle droid known for his homicidal tendencies. Temmin Wexley was his creator, using components the boy had scavenged from the subterranean catacombs under Myrra, the capital city on Akiva. Bones functioned as Temmin's bodyguard, and was also a friend and loyal ally. He possessed a sadistic nature, often singing or humming as he assaulted and crippled his victims. After Temmin was reunited with his mother, Norra Wexley, Temmin enlisted in the developing New Republic and assisted Norra and her team in tracking down Imperial war criminals.

A year after the Battle of Endor, Mister Bones remained in Temmin's service. When Princess Leia Organa sought the help of Norra and her team to locate her husband, Han Solo, Bones went with them to Irudiru and subsequently Kashyyyk. He participated in the rescue of prisoners from Ashmead's Lock, including Temmin's father, Brentin Wexley. Bones continued to support Temmin as they prepared for the attack targeting Chandrila. Following the attacks, Bones joined Temmin and Norra's team in their search for the Imperial Grand Admiral Rae Sloane.

At Temmin's request, Mister Bones accompanied Temmin's mother to Jakku. He was instrumental in rescuing her from an Imperial work camp. After reuniting with Jas Emari, Bones provided escort for the two women as they hunted for Grand Admiral Sloane. During the Battle of Jakku, Bones, alongside Norra, allied with Sloane and Brentin in an effort to prevent Counselor Gallius Rax from destroying Jakku, along with both the New Republic and Imperial forces. Bones later separated from Norra's group and found Temmin again during the battle. He rescued the boy from several Imperial stormtroopers, but was permanently destroyed in a friendly-fire incident involving two A-wings. Temmin did manage to save Bones' programming code, which later ended up in the possession of his wife Karé Kun after his death during the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY. Kun chose to give Bones a final resting place alongside his fallen master, burning the code in a fire that the members of their unit, Black Squadron, gathered around.



A teenage Temmin Wexley, Mister Bones' creator and companion.

The B1-series battle droid that would eventually be known as Mister Bones originated on the planet of Geonosis. According to what he remembered, Bones was once part of a B1 unit deployed against the defenseless inhabitants of a village nestled in nature.

However, during the Imperial Era, Temmin Wexley pieced Bones together using salvaged components from a former Separatist factory located in the city of Myrra on the planet Akiva, approximately three years prior to the Battle of Endor. Lacking friends and often the target of bullying, Bones became a close confidant to the young human boy, whose father, Brentin, had been taken by the Galactic Empire and whose mother, Norra, had abandoned him to join the Rebellion. Norra had entrusted Temmin to the care of his aunt Esmelle and her wife [Shirene](/article/shirene]. However, Temmin's aunts were unable to control him. By the age of fifteen, Temmin had returned to his family home, which he turned into a junk shop. Unable to rely on his family, Temmin began to treat Bones as his closest friend.

Protecting Master Temmin

Given that Temmin's occupation brought him into contact with criminal elements, Bones served as the boy's dedicated protector. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Temmin activated Mister Bones to confront three gangsters: the Abednedo Toomata Wree, the Ithorian Herf, and the Koorivar Makarial Gravin, who were enforcers for the Sullustan gangster Surat Nuat. Temmin had stolen supplies from one of Surat's wrecked transports, and the gangsters had arrived to punish him for his perceived disrespect. After the gangsters demanded that he surrender his store and livelihood, Temmin instructed Bones to attack them.

Wielding his vibroblade, Bones destroyed Herf's DLT cannon before slamming the Ithorian into Tooms. The droid then repeatedly smashed Herf and Toom's heads together, rendering them unconscious. Makarial then attempted to force Temmin's surrender by aiming a blaster at the boy's head. However, Temmin's repurposed interrogator droid injected a toxic narcotic, incapacitating the Koorivar. Shortly after, Norra entered the house. After embracing his mother, Temmin directed Bones to dispose of the gangsters' bodies at the intersection of Trabzon Road and the Kora Biedies river. While humming a tune, the droid left Temmin and his mother to resolve their issues.

Mister Bones was unsuccessful in completing his task, and at least one of the gangsters, Tooms, managed to escape. Surat's gangsters succeeded in deactivating Mister Bones and placing him in storage mode. The gangsters then placed the deactivated Bones in an ion field. After running away from his mother, Temmin returned to the storehouse only to discover that Bones was immobilized. He was then captured by Surat's underlings, including a potbellied Rodian and an oil-skinned Herglic. The immobilized Mister Bones, along with Temmin, were taken back to Surat's lair.

Mister Bones eliminates a pair of stormtroopers.

Later, Temmin was rescued by bounty hunter Jas Emari and the former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus. During the struggle, Temmin reactivated Mister Bones, who then attacked several Imperial stormtroopers and Surat's henchmen. He swiftly killed the stormtroopers and their officer using his vibroblade. Bones' intervention allowed Temmin, Jas, and Sinjir to escape in Norra's bala-bala speeder. Bones survived the skirmish, but sustained serious damage and lost his non-vibroblade arm.

Despite the extensive damage, Bones managed to reach Esmelle's house, where his master Temmin and his rescuers sought refuge. Upon greeting his master, Bones short-circuited and malfunctioned. Temmin immediately began repairing his companion, utilizing spare parts he had salvaged from Esmelle's basement workshop. Due to the limited materials, Temmin was forced to improvise, replacing Bones' missing arm with an astromech droid's leg. Considering astromech droids inferior, Bones complained about his "non-arm." Temmin assured his droid that he would repair him as soon as they returned to the shop. Despite losing his vibroblade arm, Mister Bones pledged to continue serving his master. Temmin also expressed his gratitude to his droid for returning.

Uprising on Akiva

Norra, Temmin's mother.

Mister Bones later accompanied his Master Temmin, who reluctantly agreed to assist his mother, the bounty hunter Jas Emari, and the former Imperial Sinjir in rescuing New Republic starfighter pilot Wedge Antilles from Imperial captivity at Satrap Isstra Dirus's palace. Following the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Empire had fallen into disarray and chaos following the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader aboard the second Death Star. The Rebel Alliance had established a new galactic government known as the New Republic. While on a scouting mission above Akiva, Wedge had been captured by Admiral Rae Sloane. Several prominent Imperials had convened an Imperial Future Council to discuss the future of the Empire. Norra aimed to rescue Wedge and encourage the people of Akiva to rebel against the Empire.

A key part of Norra's plan involved seizing control of an Imperial communications station. After Sinjir successfully bluffed his way into the building, Bones stormed the building, utilizing both his vibroblade and astromech leg arms to eliminate several stormtroopers. Bones then created a fake recording of Sinjir, dressed as an Imperial officer, shooting Temmin dead. This was incorporated into a propaganda broadcast that Norra transmitted to the people of Akiva, which sparked a popular uprising on the planet. After completing the broadcast, Bones killed a moth with his vibroblade arm.

After uploading their broadcast, Bones and his companions fled to the roof, only to be cornered by two TIE fighters. At Temmin's command, Bones launched himself into the windscreen of a TIE fighter. Temmin's mother, Norra, destroyed the other TIE with a stolen fighter. Later, Mister Bones appeared at the cantina Pok's Place with his master. Despite being damaged and losing some of his osseous components, the battle droid remained intact and operational. Shortly afterward, Norra arrived, having survived a failed attack on the satrap's palace. Bones was relieved that Norra had survived and expressed his joy that her existence had not been reduced to "scattered atoms."

Later, Bones followed his master and their companions back to Temmin's shop. He followed Temmin into his "hidey-hole nook-and-cubby." There, Temmin attempted to negotiate peace with Surat by offering Sinjir and Jas to the Empire in exchange for safe passage offworld for himself, his mum, and Mister Bones. Surat agreed to the deal but secretly arranged with Admiral Sloane to arrest Norra, who was a New Republic pilot. After returning to the shop, Norra initiated her plan to rescue Wedge. Utilizing Temmin's knowledge of the underground catacombs beneath Myrra, the rebels and Bones traveled to the satrap's palace. During the journey, Bones hummed and sang, prompting his master to explain his programming to Sinjir.

Surat Nuat (pictured) betrayed Temmin and Bones by allowing the Empire to take Norra captive.

After evading several Uugteen savages inhabiting a former Separatist droid factory, Temmin led the travelers up the old Banking Clan building, which was located near the satrap's palace. Upon arriving outside the palace, the companions were ambushed and captured by Imperial stormtroopers led by Admiral Sloane. Once inside the palace, Temmin demanded that the Empire and Surat honor their agreement. However, Surat revealed that he had made a different deal with the Empire. Temmin was allowed to leave, but Norra was arrested by Admiral Sloane.

Temmin protested and called on Bones to save them. However, Sloane's stormtroopers shot the droid down with their blasters. Sloane herself personally fired six blaster bolts into the droid's head, decapitating Mister Bones. With the droid destroyed, she ordered her men to throw Temmin off the roof and to take the other prisoners aboard the slave trader Arsin Crassus's yacht Golden Harp. However, Temmin survived and managed to free his mother, Sinjir, and Jas Emari. Soon, a New Republic fleet arrived and liberated the planet.

Joining the New Republic

Following the Battle of Akiva, Temmin and Norra rebuilt Mister Bones from scrap in Esmelle and Shirene's basement as a "family project" to make up for the years of separation. While Bones could now walk, he left craters in his wake. Bones then joined Temmin, Norra, Sinjir, Jas Emari, and the New Republic soldier Jom Barell in hunting down Imperial war criminals. Mister Bones remained aboard Emari's gunship Halo with Temmin during a mission to kidnap the Imperial Rear Admiral Perwin Gedde from Slussen Canker's palace on Vorlag. Temmin was serving as the team's getaway pilot.

While waiting to pick up Norra and the rest of the team, Bones boasted about annihilating their adversaries and turning them into fine red mist. Temmin picked up Norra's team and the fugitive Rear Admiral. Mister Bones accompanied Temmin and the rest of the team back to Hanna City on Chandrila. After handing Gedde over to the New Republic authorities, Bones accompanied Temmin to a starfighter lesson organized by Captain Wedge Antilles, who had become his master's mentor. Bones gave Wedge an uncomfortable hug before dancing around Landing Platform OB-99 in dramatic swoops, plies, and pirouettes.

Princess Leia Organa (pictured) requested aid in rescuing her husband, Han Solo.

Later, Mister Bones attended a meeting organized by Norra to discuss the poisoning of Rear-Admiral Gedde and Princess Leia Organa's request to rescue her husband, Han Solo. When Sinjir informed the group that Leia was pregnant, Mister Bones began singing a song about the pregnancy until Sinjir told him to stop. Mister Bones and his master Temmin stayed behind on Chandrila while Norra and Wedge departed on an unauthorized mission to the last known coordinates of Han Solo in Wild Space. In Bones' absence, Norra and Wedge came under attack from Imperial forces but were rescued by New Republic ships.

After Norra returned to Chandrila, Mister Bones and the rest of the team attended a meeting with Admiral Ackbar, Princess Leia, and Wedge Antilles in the Skygarden above the Polis District of Hanna City. While the others talked, Mister Bones chased a butterfly and ripped off its wings. When Admiral Ackbar ordered Norra and her team to cease searching for Solo and to resume their hunt for Imperial fugitives, Norra resigned from the New Republic Starfleet in protest. Mister Bones and Norra's team subsequently departed on their mission to find and rescue Han.

Mission to Kashyyyk

Kashyyyk, the enslaved Wookiee homeworld.

Mister Bones accompanied Temmin and Norra's team on a mission to track down the Siniteen prison architect Golas Aram on the planet Irudiru on the edge of Wild Space. Aram possessed information about an automated Imperial prison on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk called Ashmead's Lock. While surveying Aram's compound, Temmin and Norra's team encountered Han Solo. Later, Mister Bones confronted Han Solo at a nearby cantina, mistaking him for a threat. However, he was stopped by Temmin and the rest of the team, who assured him that Solo was a friend.

Since Han wanted to rescue his Wookiee friend Chewbacca from Ashmead's Lock, the rebels joined forces with the former smuggler to storm Aram's compound. Bones and Temmin supported the mission by severing the conduit from the wind farm that powered Aram's fence and turrets. After capturing Aram, Sinjir interrogated the Siniteen and learned about the prison's layout. The rebels traveled with Han to Kashyyyk. After passing through the Imperial blockade, Mister Bones and his comrades entered Ashmead's Lock. They were immediately confronted by the prison's computer system SOL-GDA, which demanded that they provide the password. When the rebels failed to supply the password, SOL-GDA dispatched droids to "incorporate" them.

Amidst the chaos, Mister Bones began using his vibroblade to saw through various objects, including a door. Temmin motivated the battle droid by appealing to his desire for violence and danger. Mister Bones used his vibroblades to slash at the droids, destroying several in the process. Bones fought his way into the chamber containing the stasis cells where the prisoners were being held. Despite losing one arm and twisting one of his metallic legs, Bones fought his way to free Norra, who had been captured by several droids. At that moment, Jas Emari disabled the cable connecting the stasis cells to the computer system, deactivating SOL-GDA.

Norra's team and Han then freed a hundred prisoners, including Chewbacca and Temmin's father, Brentin. Mister Bones accompanied Temmin, Norra, and the liberated prisoners back to Chandrila on Solo's freighter, the Millennium Falcon. Meanwhile, Jom, Sinjir, and Jas stayed behind with Han and Chewbacca to liberate the Wookiees from Imperial rule. Once aboard, Mister Bones urged Temmin to hug his father but advised them not to squeeze each other too hard. By that point, Temmin had repaired Mister Bones using supplies from the Falcon.

Standing by Temmin

Mister Bones was caught up in the attack on Chandrila

In the month following the events at Ashmead's Lock, Mister Bones continued to serve his master Temmin as the boy struggled to repair his relationship with Brentin. Still traumatized by his imprisonment, Brentin struggled to reconnect with his son and wife. Frustrated, Temmin made life difficult for his mother, Norra, and stopped attending X-wing starfighter lessons. Despite his slapstick humor, Mister Bones was perceptive enough to sense that Temmin was upset about his father. On one occasion, Bones was present when Temmin argued with his mother. After Temmin threw his dish into the sink, Bones volunteered to clean up after his master. Loyal to his programming, Bones accompanied his master on a long walk.

Later, Mister Bones stayed at the Wexley family home while Temmin went on an evening walk with his dad. During the walk, Temmin discovered his father meeting with the New Republic Senate Guard Windom Traducier, who was an agent of the Imperial Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax. Rax had implanted inorganic bio-chips into the heads of the Ashmead's Lock prisoners, including Brentin. The Fleet Admiral intended to use the prisoners to assassinate New Republic leaders, including Chancellor Mon Mothma. Under Rax's orders, Traducier had used a transponder to summon the former prisoners and equip them with concealed blasters for the assassination attempt. When Temmin discovered the conspiracy, Brentin stunned him and threw him inside a crate.

The following day, Mister Bones went to find his master, mistaking his disappearance for a game of hide-and-seek. Bones found Temmin and rescued him from the crate. Temmin then told Bones that they had to find his mother, Norra, and warn her. By that point, the Liberation Day celebrations were underway. To promote the New Republic to prospective member worlds, Chancellor Mothma had made the former Ashmead's Lock prisoners the stars of the Liberation Day celebrations. She planned to give a speech in the presence of the former prisoners that would be broadcast live on HoloNet. The Liberation Day celebrations were intended to precede the upcoming Imperial–Republic peace talks with Grand Admiral Rae Sloane.

Mister Bones and Temmin headed to the Old Gather-House, where the Liberation Day speech was scheduled to take place. However, they were blocked by several Senate Guards, who ordered them to leave. When one of the guards waved a shock-lance at Temmin, Bones reacted instinctively and knocked the guard to the ground. At that point, the Ashmead's Lock prisoners began opening fire on Chancellor Mothma and other New Republic officials and dignitaries. When another Senate Guard tackled and hit Temmin with a baton, Bones flung him aside and then took on two more Guards with his vibroblades.

Amidst the chaos, Brentin regained control of his mind but fled offworld. The New Republic authorities managed to reestablish control, but the attacks had weakened public enthusiasm for the New Republic. While Mon Mothma survived, several other New Republic officials, including General Crix Madine and the Adviser Hostis Ij were rumored to be dead. Following the attack on Chandrila, Bones accompanied his master Temmin, Norra, Sinjir, and Jas Emari on a mission to hunt down Grand Admiral Sloane, who they mistakenly believed was the mastermind behind the attack on Chandrila. For that mission, they received the personal and financial blessing of Princess Leia, who was grateful for their help.

Protecting Norra

Mister Bones ended up on the planet Jakku.

For several months thereafter, Mister Bones went along with his master Temmin and Norra's squad as they pursued Grand Admiral Sloane. Their journey encompassed locations such as Kashyyyk, Ord Mantell, Corellia, and Jindau Station. Eventually, Norra and her team resolved to track down the bounty hunter Mercurial Swift, who had connections to Sloane. While Norra's crew captured Mercurial Swift on Taris, Mister Bones and Temmin remained aboard Norra's freighter, the Moth. Although Bones was content guarding the vessel, Temmin felt resentful about being excluded, failing to grasp his mother's protective intentions.

After Mercurial Swift disclosed that Sloane and an unknown individual had journeyed to the Inner Rim world of Jakku, Norra's team charted a course for the isolated planet. Upon emerging from hyperspace, Norra's group discovered the Imperial remnants assembled above Jakku. The Moth came under fire from numerous TIE fighters. Following Norra and Jas Emari's hasty departure in the freighter's escape pod to continue their pursuit of Sloane, Temmin dispatched Mister Bones in a separate escape pod with orders to safeguard his mother at all costs. With Norra having programmed the Moth's hyperdrive to initiate a hyperspace jump in two minutes, Temmin and Sinjir returned to Chandrila to alert the New Republic about the Empire's presence on Jakku.

Mister Bones successfully landed on Jakku. However, Norra and Jas were apprehended by Imperial forces. Norra was compelled to work at a kesium gas facility, while Jas was taken prisoner by the local Hutt crime boss Niima. Mister Bones located Norra and Jas' escape pod but was seized by a stormtrooper, who affixed a restraining bolt to him. The stormtrooper's commanding officer Effney instructed that Bones be taken to General Hodnar Borrum on the Ravager. Before the stormtrooper could escort Mister Bones away, Norra asserted that Bones was her droid.

She insisted that the Imperials release both her and her droid. However, Effney seized the blaster from his subordinate and obliterated Mister Bones. Effney then abandoned the wreckage of Mister Bones on the floor with the intention of demoralizing Norra. Nevertheless, Mister Bones' memory matrix was designed to automatically reboot. After recalling memories of the Clone Wars, Mister Bones remembered Temmin's previous instructions. Bones activated his autonomic repair mode, and his fragmented body began to reconstruct itself. Having repaired himself, Mister Bones assaulted the stormtroopers and Effney. As retribution for Effney's brutal disintegration, Bones severed his arm and then tore the Imperial officer to pieces, resulting in his death. Mister Bones subsequently freed Norra from her confinement.

Continuing the Chase

Mister Bones participated in the pursuit of Grand Admiral Sloane.

After liberating the other captives at the kesium rig, Bones and Norra commandeered a speeder bike and traversed the Jakku deserts. Following several hours of travel, they encountered Jas, who had escaped her captors and seized control of an Imperial shuttle. While the two women considered returning to Chandrila, given that the shuttle possessed the necessary clearance codes, they opted to remain after discovering that Sloane was traveling with Niima the Hutt to a secret facility located in the Plaintive Hand plateau. After embracing Norra and Jas, Bones accompanied them on their journey.

During their travels, Niima's caravan was targeted by turbolasers originating from the mysterious Imperial facility. The attack was ordered by Counselor to the Empire Gallius Rax, the true instigator of the Attack on Chandrila who had supplanted Sloane's command of the Imperial remnants. Bones and his comrades proceeded in their shuttle towards the valley beneath the Plaintive Hand plateau, where the survivors had gathered. Before they could apprehend Sloane and her companion Brentin, Gallius Rax arrived with three shuttles and took Sloane and Brentin captive.

Despite this setback, Norra's team secured an unexpected ally in Niima. In exchange for transporting the injured Hutt back to her base, Niima consented to provide them with the clearance codes required to access Gallius Rax's Imperial base, where Sloane and Brentin were being held. Niima also supplied them with a vintage Imperial shuttle and outdated Imperial uniforms. However, none of the uniforms were suitable for the seasoned battle droid. Before their departure, Jas was confronted by the bounty hunters Mercurial Swift, Embo, Dengar, and the Rodian Jeeta. While Jas distracted the bounty hunters, Bones and Norra departed on the shuttle for the Imperial base. Their departure coincided with the commencement of the decisive Battle of Jakku, which concluded the Galactic Civil War in favor of the New Republic.

The Jakku Conflict

Norra and Mister Bones' pilfered Imperial shuttle soon found itself embroiled in intense aerial combat above Jakku. Due to earlier damage, Mister Bones began malfunctioning, uttering a remark about obliterating "meatbags," momentarily mistaking Norra for Temmin. Upon realizing his error, Bones apologized. Their shuttle was then pursued by a T-65C-A2 X-wing starfighter piloted by Temmin. Temmin had persuaded Wedge Antilles to reinstate Phantom Squadron and join the conflict. Temmin disabled one of the shuttle's engines.

Recognizing that his master was piloting the X-wing, Bones lowered the shuttle's ramp and waved to Temmin. Bones transmitted his voice into the comm of Temmin's X-wing, improvising a communication system using his mechanical components to facilitate communication between Temmin and his mother. Norra informed her son that she was en route to an Imperial base in the Sinking Fields, mentioning that Mister Bones was with her and had saved her life. Norra also cautioned Temmin against following her to the heavily defended Imperial base. Before rejoining the aerial battle, Temmin instructed Mister Bones to safeguard his mother, a promise that Bones affirmed.

Norra successfully landed the shuttle at the main Imperial base. She and Mister Bones then confronted Sloane and Brentin, who had recently freed themselves from their restraints. Due to Brentin's unwilling involvement in the Attack on Chandrila, Norra initially displayed hostility towards her husband, ordering him to keep his distance. Following Norra's signal, Bones seized his wrist and slammed Brentin against the wall, asserting that he had harmed Temmin. Norra then instructed Bones not to harm Brentin, who assured Norra that he was not aligned with the Empire. Norra then informed Sloane that she was taking the Grand Admiral back to Chandrila to face justice. However, Sloane instead persuaded the Wexleys to assist her in apprehending Gallius Rax, the true architect behind the Liberation Day attack. She also revealed that Rax possessed a secret facility in the Plaintive Hand plateau known as the Jakku Observatory. Norra reconciled with both Sloane and Brentin, and the group proceeded towards the Jakku Observatory.

Final Stand

Mister Bones met his end during the Battle of Jakku.

While traveling on the stolen shuttle, Mister Bones and the others witnessed the Super Star Destroyer Ravager crashing onto Jakku's surface. The Ravager had previously served as Sloane's flagship until Rax usurped her authority. The destruction of the Ravager shifted the momentum of the battle in favor of the New Republic. Bones' antennae soon detected Temmin's presence nearby. Bones sought Norra's consent to leave the ship and locate Temmin, whose X-wing had been downed by space debris. He then transitioned into his wheel configuration and rolled down the ramp.

Mister Bones arrived at Temmin's location just in time to prevent the boy from being killed by three sandtroopers and an AT-ST walker. Bones leapt from the head of the AT-ST and eliminated two of the stormtroopers with his vibroblades. The third stormtrooper attempted to shoot Bones, but Temmin struck him in the head with a rifle. Bones then evaded the AT-ST's cannons and ascended the walker. He breached the cockpit and proceeded to kill the AT-ST pilots. Bones then emerged from the walker wearing a pair of black-lens goggles. Before the two could converse, the AT-ST walker was destroyed by two passing A-wing fighters.

Aftermath of Destruction

Mister Bones was irrevocably destroyed during the explosion. Only his scorched, melted remains were left. Temmin wept on the battlefield for his lost companion. Nevertheless, Bones' sacrifice was not futile. Meanwhile, Norra, Brentin, and Sloane succeeded in preventing Gallius Rax from detonating the planet Jakku as part of the Emperor's Contingency plan to obliterate both the Empire and the New Republic fleet. Offworld, Chancellor Mon Mothma and Grand Vizier Mas Amedda signed the Galactic Concordance, which formally concluded the Galactic Civil War. According to the terms of the Concordance, the Empire surrendered and was officially disbanded. However, Imperial holdouts throughout the galaxy continued to resist the New Republic for several months.

Following the Galactic Concordance, Temmin buried Mister Bones' droid arm alongside his father, Brentin, who had perished on Jakku at the hands of Gallius Rax. In accordance with Akivan tradition, Brentin was buried in a salt mire, allowing his remains to be consumed by nature. During the funeral, a tearful Temmin implored Bones to watch over his deceased father and ensure his safety. Over the subsequent twenty-nine years, his former master Temmin would evolve into a starfighter pilot within the New Republic Starfighter Corps before enlisting in the Resistance.


Mister Bones confronting the Ranc Gang.

During the conflict between the Resistance and the First Order, while attempting to evade capture by the First Order Security Bureau's Agent Terex and his Ranc Gang, Poe Dameron found himself trapped in a cave on a desert planet alongside droids C-3PO and N1-ZX, while the remainder of Dameron's fighter squadron, Black Squadron, engaged in combat above the planet against Terex's vessels. Unable to provide aerial assistance to his squadron leader, Temmin dispatched Dameron Mister Bones' droid personality matrix to combat the Rancs, explaining that he always carried the code for luck.

Once uploaded into N1-ZX, the commando droid served as a vessel for Mister Bones. Bones decimated the gang while singing. Although his intervention served to rescue Dameron and afford him time, the droid itself was decapitated by Agent Terex shortly after eliminating the entire gang. Dameron regarded Bones' actions as unprecedented and credited the droid with saving his life.

Final Farewell

Mister Bones' programming being cast into the fire

Temmin's astromech droid copilot, R6-D8, upon learning about Mister Bones, attempted to emulate the late B1's aggressive behavior to please his master. In 35 ABY, both R6 and Temmin were killed during the climactic Battle of Exegol, which ultimately resulted in the First Order's defeat. Temmin's wife, Karé Kun, had acquired Bones' programming code by the time of the Resistance's victory celebration on the moon Ajan Kloss later that day. When the members of Black Squadron convened to hold a private memorial for their fallen comrade, Kun concurred with Dameron that Bones had been remarkable as she cast the code container into the fire they gathered around, laying Bones to rest alongside his master.


Mister Bones proved to be a highly effective combatant.

Distinguished from other droids of his designation, Mister Bones was reprogrammed with various combat droid protocols, martial arts tutorials, the movement techniques of General Grievous, and the body-mapped maneuvers of Ryloth la-ley dancers. Owing to his unique programming, he cultivated a pronounced sense of individual personality and a nearly human-like connection with his master Temmin Wexley. While merciless in battle, he displayed obedience and affection towards Temmin. He also grew to respect and develop fondness for Temmin's mother, Norra; on one occasion, he voiced relief that she had survived when her TIE fighter crashed.

Following Temmin's integration into his mother's team, Mister Bones assumed the role of the group's informal comedian and frequently engaged in singing and dancing for amusement. Although Mister Bones exhibited affection towards Temmin's friends and family, he was also capable of violence. On one occasion, he captured a butterfly and tore off its wings for entertainment. Mister Bones also possessed the perceptiveness to interpret Temmin's facial expressions and body language, enabling him to discern when he was distressed.

Mister Bones demonstrated unwavering loyalty and devotion to his master Temmin. Under Temmin's directives, Bones protected Norra during a perilous mission to locate Rae Sloane on Jakku. He was also programmed with ARM, enabling him to repair himself even after suffering complete dismemberment. Despite his playful and sarcastic sense of humor, Bones was also capable of brutality and once tore the sadistic Imperial officer Effney to shreds for disintegrating him. Bones also possessed a simplistic understanding of events and hurled Brentin against the wall due to his unwitting harm to Temmin on Chandrila. Temmin deeply mourned Bones' death, having lost the droid he considered his closest friend.


Mister Bones' schematic representation

Mister Bones was a significantly modified B1 battle droid. While retaining the fundamental structure of a B1, he was painted black and red, adorned with the bones of birds, fish, and other animals affixed to his limbs and body. At least one of his limbs was equipped with a vibrating blade. Half of his head was removed and replaced with a telescoping red eye, and his nose was sharpened to a fine point, resembling a bird of prey.

After sustaining severe damage while rescuing Temmin from a contingent of Imperial stormtroopers and gang members, Temmin was compelled to replace one of Bones' arms with an astromech droid arm discovered in his aunt's residence. Mister Bones swiftly mastered the use of the inferior limb as an effective bludgeoning weapon when confronting adversaries.

Following the rebellion on Akiva, Mister Bones was reconstructed by Temmin and Norra. His frame now incorporated half a dozen additional joints, granting the droid a greater range of contortion than standard B1 battle droids. At Jas Emari's suggestion, Temmin also removed his decorative small bones to enhance the droid's stealth capabilities. Bones also possessed the dexterity to capture a butterfly in his grasp. After losing an arm and bending his metal leg at Ashmead's Lock, Temmin managed to repair the droid using salvaged parts from the Millennium Falcon.

Bones possessed the ability to reboot himself. He was also programmed with an ARM system that enabled him to self-repair. By the Battle of Jakku, Bones had begun to experience malfunctions due to the damage he had sustained in frequent skirmishes.

Production Notes

Mister Bones as portrayed in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Mister Bones was conceived by Chuck Wendig for his 2015 novel, Aftermath. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Wendig disclosed that Mister Bones' name originated from the phonetic spelling of his model designation, a B1 battle droid.

Within the third installment of the trilogy, Aftermath: Empire's End, Mister Bones delivers a line that appears to be a reference to the direct, violent dialogue of Star Wars Legends droid HK-47. In the novel's narrative, the droid abruptly "malfunctions," and his voice "distorts," prompting Bones to quote HK-47, stating, "COMMENTARY: I SAY WE BLAST THE MEATBAG AND SAVE YOU THE TROUBLE, MASTER" with a "strange, hard-angle" accent.

Mister Bones (Code: BAC1CKP) was featured as a playable character in the 2022 video game, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. The code required to unlock Bones was revealed through social media posts associated with the game.

