Sinjir Rath Velus

Sinjir Rath Velus, a human male and former loyalty officer, was once a member of the Galactic Empire until the pivotal Battle of Endor. After the second Death Star's demise, Sinjir deserted his position, fleeing the Empire's grasp. He was erroneously listed as a casualty of Endor in Imperial records, a status that held until shortly before the Rebellion on Akiva.

During the Imperial emergency summit, Sinjir encountered Norra Wexley, her son Temmin Wexley, and his droid Mister Bones. He also crossed paths again with Jas Emari, with whom he joined forces to apprehend the Imperial Future Council. In the aftermath of this ordeal, he enlisted with the New Republic, embarking on missions to track down Imperial war criminals alongside Emari, the Wexleys, and Jom Barell.

By 5 ABY, Sinjir had entered into a romantic relationship with Conder Kyl, a New Republic freelance slicer. At the behest of Princess Leia Organa, Sinjir and his comrades became entangled in a quest to locate the smuggler Han Solo and rescue Chewbacca, the Wookiee co-pilot, from Ashmead's Lock prison. Subsequently, Sinjir, Jas, and Jom aided Han and Chewbacca in the liberation of Kashyyyk, the Wookiee homeworld, from Imperial control. Sinjir then aligned himself with Norra and her team to pursue Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, suspected of orchestrating the attack on Chandrila.

While hunting Sloane, Sinjir and Temmin discovered a substantial Imperial fleet positioned above the desert world of Jakku. Consequently, they returned to the New Republic to deliver a warning, while Norra and Jas remained stranded on the planet. Sinjir and Temmin successfully alerted Princess Leia and Chancellor Mon Mothma. However, Mothma's attempts to deploy New Republic Defense Force units to Jakku were thwarted within the Galactic Senate. Sinjir spearheaded an investigation that exposed a conspiracy involving the Black Sun and Red Key crime syndicates, who had coerced five senators into opposing the intervention resolution. Sinjir persuaded the senators to reverse their votes, paving the way for the Battle of Jakku.

As the Galactic Civil War neared its end, Sinjir became one of Chancellor Mothma's new advisors, thwarting a plot by Senator Tolwar Wartol, her political adversary, to assassinate her. The former Imperial then participated in the New Republic's peace negotiations with Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, which led to the Empire's capitulation and the signing of the Galactic Concordance. Following the Galactic Civil War, Sinjir continued to serve as a senior advisor in Mon Mothma's administration.


Early life

Sinjir Rath Velus, a human male, entered the ranks of the Galactic Empire and rose to become a loyalty officer within the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB). During his formative years, Velus' mother would inflict whippings on his back using branches taken from the tree in their front yard. Despite his resentment towards her, Velus also professed love and concern for her well-being. Sinjir hailed from Sevenmoon, a moon located in the Velusia system.

Imperial service

During his adolescent years, Sinjir received education at an Imperial Academy. His exceptional intellect and volatile temper caught the attention of Sid Uddra, an Officer from the Imperial Security Bureau, who selected him for training as an Imperial loyalty officer. Sinjir was subsequently transferred to the ISB's training facility known as the Viper's Nest, situated on the oceanic world of Virkoi. Under Uddra's guidance, Sinjir endured a rigorous and brutal training regimen that involved frequent physical altercations and simulated torture exercises. On one occasion, Uddra deliberately fractured his toes to enhance his resilience.

Sinjir's inaugural assignment as a loyalty officer entailed spying on Alster Grove, an Imperial Navy Lieutenant who was part of a group plotting to overthrow Emperor Palpatine by assassinating Darth Vader. Uddra tasked him with uncovering the identities of the other conspirators. Under Uddra's direction, Sinjir subjected Grove to two nights of torture until he divulged the names of his fellow plotters. Uddra personally executed Grove by casting him into the oceans of Virkoi, while Vader pursued and decapitated Grove's accomplices.

As a loyalty officer, Velus was expected to identify weaknesses in his colleagues, uncovering any transgressions they had committed against the Empire, ranging from minor breaches of conduct to outright treachery against the throne. On one occasion, Rilo Tang, a Gunnery Officer with a penchant for kleptomania, pilfered a Moff's ring; Velus was assigned to elicit his confession, dispensing severe punishment to Tang in the process. In another instance, he discovered a young officer studying Ithorese, and Velus broke his finger, asserting that it was preferable to any administrative penalty.

Leaving the Empire

Battle of Endor

By the time the Battle of Endor unfolded, he was stationed at the shield generator responsible for protecting the second Death Star. However, the assault by Rebel forces and the destruction of the Death Star overhead prompted him to reassess his life and abandon his post, resulting in his name being listed among the casualties at Endor in Imperial records. He eliminated a Rebel, appropriating his clothes and ship, and encountered Jas Emari, an independent bounty hunter, before she departed without engaging in conversation.

Hiding on Akiva

Aware of Akiva's unsavory reputation, and wanting to avoid the Empire, Sinjir Velus made his way to Myrra, the capital of the planet located in the Outer Rim. There, he sought sanctuary at Pok's Place, a bar constructed from oka-wood and owned by Pok, a Mon Calamari bartender. Sinjir passed the time by consuming drinks at the bar, both day and night, for an entire week. However, one morning, Orgadomo Dokura approached him and presented a holovid featuring Princess Leia Organa, announcing the establishment of the New Republic, the successor government to the Rebel Alliance. Upon learning of the Imperial blockade and the presence of the Vigilance over the planet, Velus sought to depart Akiva by entering into an agreement with Surat Nuat in The Alcazar.

However, when Sinjir attempted to purchase Jas Emari, who had been captured by Nuat, Velus himself was imprisoned by the Sullustan crime lord. Velus found himself adjacent to Emari, imploring her to assist him in escaping, as she was doing herself. It was only when he revealed his former role as a loyalty officer that she agreed to his offer to secure him passage off the planet. Together, they rescued Temmin Wexley, so that he could repair her weapon, and navigated through Surat's cantina, only to be cornered by his men and stormtroopers. They were rescued by Temmin's battle droid, Mister Bones, and his mother, Norra, who transported them away on a bala-bala. She took them to the residence of her sister, Esmelle.

Aiding the Rebellion

The following morning, Sinjir and Jas discussed their strategy for storming the Satrap's Palace, which was hosting a high-level Imperial emergency summit convened by the Imperial Future Council, in Esmelle's living room. Jas had intended to collect a New Republic bounty on several senior Imperial officials, including Arsin Crassus, a slaver and financier, Admiral Rae Sloane, General Jylia Shale, and Yupe Tashu, an Imperial adviser, as well as to liberate Wedge Antilles, a starfighter pilot from the New Republic. Sinjir agreed to provide assistance in exchange for a share of the bounty. After some deliberation, Temmin and Norra agreed to assist them in return for securing safe passage off Akiva.

When Sinjir disparaged Mister Bones, Temmin's B1-series battle droid companion, Temmin defended the droid. Shortly thereafter, they were joined by a battered Bones, who had survived the skirmish at the Alcazar. The following day, Jas inquired about Sinjir's experiences on Endor. Sinjir reluctantly revealed that he had served as an Imperial loyalty officer during the Battle of Endor. Norra overheard their conversation and attacked Sinjir, fueled by anger towards the Empire for taking away her husband, Brentin Lore Wexley. Before the altercation could escalate further, Jas managed to restrain Norra with a blaster and persuaded her to reconcile with Sinjir. Recognizing that Sinjir could be an asset in her plan to ignite a rebellion on Akiva, she decided to retain him on her team.

As part of Norra's strategy, Sinjir, Temmin, and Bones infiltrated the local communications station. After subduing the Imperial stormtroopers and officers stationed there, they transmitted a HoloNet broadcast prepared by Norra, urging the people of Myrra to resist the Empire. Sinjir and his companions also created a faux video depicting a fake Imperial officer (actually Sinjir) executing Temmin with a blaster. This clip was accompanied by speeches from Norra and Princess Leia, revealing the Imperial defeat at Endor. Norra's New Republic broadcast sparked a widespread uprising in Myrra. Sinjir and his companions then fled to the roof of the comm station, where they were cornered by several TIE fighters.

However, Sinjir and his companions were saved from certain death by Norra, who had commandeered another TIE fighter, which she used to strafe several TIE fighters and Lambda-class shuttles parked outside the Satrap's Palace. Sinjir, Temmin, and Mister Bones then sought refuge at Pok's Place. After Norra's TIE fighter crashed into the Satrap's Palace, Sinjir and Jas presumed that she had perished. He informed Temmin and Mister Bones of Norra's supposed death and offered comfort to the grieving teenager. Fortunately for them, Norra survived and reunited with them at Pok's Place.

Temmin's deal

Having succeeded in their plan to spark an uprising on Akiva, Sinjir and his rebel allies then put the second phase of their plan into action. They decided to reach the Satrap's Palace using Myrra's underground passages, with Temmin agreeing to serve as a guide. While waiting for Temmin to fetch his maps at his junk shop, Sinjir recounted his past as an Imperial loyalty officer to Norra, who was uncomfortable with the story of his handling of Rilo Tang. When Norra asked whether he had become a rebel, Sinjir asserted that he was only fighting for himself. The two acknowledged that they could not trust each other.

Despite his self-interest, Sinjir still supported Norra when she tried to convince her ambivalent son Temmin of the rightness of the New Republic's cause. With Temmin serving as their guide, Sinjir and his companions traveled through the underground passages beneath Myrra. As they navigated through a battlefield from the Clone Wars, Velus noticed Temmin's nervousness and stopped to privately converse with Emari about it. Though Jas initially misinterpreted his gesture for romantic interest, Sinjir clarified that he was not interested in women. The two then concluded that Temmin was trying to hide something from them.

Imperial stormtroopers (pictured) under Admiral Rae Sloane ambushed Sinjir Rath Velus and his allies.

Soon after, Sinjir and his company stumbled upon the Separatist factory, which was abandoned. There, they were caught off guard by several Uugteens, who were native to Akiva and were known as fierce near-Human primitives. Only Temmin's detonation of a box of detonators allowed the travelers to barely escape with their lives. Having evaded the Uugteen, they proceeded to the former Banking Clan building, which provided access to the Satrap's Palace entrance, where the Imperial Future Council was in session. With the entrance secured, Jas devised a strategy to ambush a group of stormtroopers and guards to gain entry into the palace. However, before their plan could unfold, Velus and his team were quickly ambushed by Admiral Sloane and her stormtroopers. Once inside the palace, Velus discovered that Temmin had secretly agreed with Surat to betray Emari and Velus to the Empire in exchange for freedom for himself, Bones, and his mother. Surat then betrayed Temmin by revealing his own secret agreement with Admiral Sloane to capture Temmin's mother, Norra. Despite his reluctance, Sloane released Temmin and disintegrated Mister Bones when Temmin protested. Before departing, Jas remarked that Temmin had potential as a bounty hunter, to which Sinjir added that the boy would be more suited as an Imperial. Separated from Temmin, Velus, Norra, and Emari were forced to board Arsin's personal yacht, the Golden Harp, which Admiral Sloane had seized after Norra destroyed their shuttles. #### Teamwork in Battle When Norra inquired about their fate, Sinjir speculated that he would likely face trial while Jas would be executed. He attempted to uplift Norra by suggesting that the Empire might use her as leverage in peace negotiations with the New Republic. Subsequently, Jas reassured the others, especially Norra, that Temmin was a survivor. Sinjir and his companions shared their compartment with several members of the Imperial Future Council, including Grand Moff Valco Pandion, General Shale, and Adviser Tashu. As Emari had predicted, Temmin managed to infiltrate the yacht through an unguarded hatch. As the Golden Harp began its ascent into space, it was struck by turbolaser fire. En route to Admiral Sloane's Star Destroyer, the Vigilance, Sinjir instigated a conflict with Grand Moff Pandion. Concurrently, Temmin stealthily entered the room through a maintenance hatch and successfully freed Jas and Norra from their restraints. Jas then held Pandion hostage at gunpoint. Before a shootout could erupt, Sloane deliberately crash-landed the yacht within the hangar bay of the Vigilance. The crash resulted in the death of Crassus and the majority of the stormtroopers, but Sinjir and his companions managed to capture General Shale, Adviser Tashu, and Sloane's aide Adea Rite, as well as rescue Wedge. However, Sloane and Pandion managed to escape aboard another shuttle. At that moment, a New Republic fleet emerged from hyperspace and initiated a bombardment of Sloane's Star Destroyer. As Sinjir and the others evacuated their prisoners and Wedge aboard a shuttle, Norra pursued Sloane's shuttle in a stolen TIE fighter. After eliminating the uncooperative Pandion, Sloane and her pilot Morna Kee jettisoned the main body of their shuttle and escaped in the cockpit. They then fled aboard Pandion's Star Destroyer, the Vanquish, into hyperspace. The remaining section of the shuttle collided with Norra's TIE fighter, causing her to lose consciousness. ### The New Republic #### Pursuing Imperial Fugitives Following their escape from the Vigilance, the New Republic decisively defeated the remaining Imperial forces on Akiva. Akiva became the first Outer Rim world to align with the emerging government. Approximately a week later, Velus and Emari encountered Jom Barell, a soldier from New Republic Special Forces who had fired upon the Golden Harp during the battle of Akiva. After reuniting with Norra, Temmin, and Mister Bones on Akiva, the six embarked on a mission to track down Imperial war criminals across the galaxy. By 5 ABY, Sinjir and the rest of Norra's team had apprehended six Imperial fugitives, including Commandant Stradd, Prefect Kosh, Moffs Keong and Nyall, Vice General Adambo, and the former ISB minister Venn Eowelt. During this period, Sinjir developed a friendship with the Wexley family. Subsequently, Sinjir and the team journeyed to the planet Vorlag to capture Rear Admiral Perwin Gedde, who was in hiding within Slussen Canker's palace. Sinjir and the others infiltrated the palace, while Temmin and Mister Bones remained aboard Emari's gunship, the Halo, as the designated getaway pilots. During the mission, the team was captured by Slussen. Jas Emari, who was heavily in debt, feigned betrayal to receive credits from Slussen. Sinjir and the team were confined to cages in Slussen's dungeon, suspended above several Hroth-beasts. However, Jas had secretly attached a key to the neck of one of the creatures. Sinjir managed to retrieve the key and liberate himself and his fellow prisoners. After Norra created a diversion for the guards and the hroth-beasts, the rebels crawled through a lava tube that led to Gedde's room. There, they reunited with Emari, who had already restrained the drugged former Vice Admiral. Sinjir and his team then escaped aboard the Halo. After evading their Imperial pursuers, Sinjir was present in the hold when the other rebels confronted Jas about her "triple-cross." When Jom accused Sinjir of being aware of Emari's plans, he denied any involvement. Sinjir and the others then observed Jas and Jom arguing before they reconciled and developed romantic feelings for each other. Upon returning to the New Republic capital of Chandrila with the captured Gedde, Sinjir tended to the hroth wounds on his arm and took pain medication. Before disembarking, Sinjir also confronted the New Republic soldier Jom, warning him not to harm Jas again, whom he considered a friend. #### Relaxation and Recuperation Later, Sinjir sought recreation at a bar near Junari Point on the outskirts of Chandrila's capital, Hanna City. While at the bar, Sinjir encountered his friend Conder Kyl, who worked as a slicer for the New Republic. Sinjir and Kyl had first met while examining the head of an interrogator droid during the hunt for Moff Gorgon. After discussing caf and alcohol, Conder kissed Sinjir on the cheek. Although Sinjir was uncomfortable with public displays of affection, Conder assured the former loyalty officer that Chandrila was safe and relatively accepting. The two men were then confronted by two other patrons, Mister Browscar and Miss Scowlface, who objected to the presence of a former Imperial at their bar. Following a brief exchange, Conder persuaded Sinjir to leave peacefully. Sinjir spent the night with Conder and consumed more alcohol. Subsequently, he returned to the bar and assaulted Browscar and Scowlface, knocking the former unconscious and breaking the latter's nose. The following day, Jas Emari found him at the bar. Sinjir then seized the opportunity to confront Jas about "double-crossing" them earlier at Slussen's palace. When Jas apologized, Sinjir explained that he disliked being kept in the dark. Under pressure, Jas confessed that she was heavily in debt. When Sinjir inquired how she had found him, she revealed that Conder had told her his location. When Jas confronted him about his altercation with Browscar and Scowlface, he justified his actions by asserting that he had not killed them. After their period of rest and relaxation had concluded, Sinjir and Jas returned to meet with the rest of Norra's team at her ship, the Halo. During the meeting, Norra informed her crew about the death of Perwin Gedde, who had succumbed to poisoning. Jas suspected that the bounty hunter Mercurial Swift had murdered him under orders from the Empire. During the meeting, Sinjir and the others also learned that Princess Leia Organa, a prominent New Republic leader, had requested Norra's assistance in rescuing her husband, Han Solo. When Temmin's droid Mister Bones began singing a song about Leia's pregnancy, Sinjir instructed the droid to stop. Sinjir agreed to participate in the mission and offered to interrogate Imperial prisoners for information. Following the meeting, Sinjir questioned Jas about whether she had joined Norra's latest mission for financial gain. After a tense exchange, Jas confirmed that this was the case because Leia was wealthy. #### Seeking Answers Keeping his promise to Norra, Sinjir, accompanied by Temmin, visited the New Republic prison on Chandrila to interrogate former Imperial prisoners. He began by questioning General Jylia Shale, feigning interest in obtaining information about Imperial prisoners. Shale claimed she was unable to assist and instead directed Sinjir to speak with the Imperial Adviser Yupe Tashu. Unlike Shale, Tashu had not cooperated with the New Republic authorities and resided within a dismal cage. Sinjir compelled the guard Windom Traducier to unlock the cage. Sinjir was stuck until Jas Emari contacted him from Nar Shaddaa. Emari had encountered Underboss Rynscar, who informed her that Han Solo was on the planet Irudiru, situated on the edge of Wild Space. Jas instructed Sinjir to inquire Tashu about Irudiru. Tashu then informed Sinjir that the planet was home to the Siniteen prison architect Golas Aram, a freelancer who had worked for the Empire. After Norra returned from an unauthorized mission to locate Solo, Sinjir accompanied Norra and the rest of the team to Skygarden, a park above Chandrila's Hanna City. There, Norra resigned her commission in the New Republic Starfleet to dedicate herself to finding Solo. Later, he accompanied Norra's team on their journey to Irudiri. Sinjir informed Norra that Jas Emari had negotiated the "truly impressive" fee of ten credits. However, Jom decided to remain on Chandrila, as he preferred to operate within the New Republic command structure. #### Joining Forces with Han Solo Utilizing Tashu's information, Sinjir and the rest of Norra's team traveled to Golas Aram's compound on the planet Irudiru. They discovered that Aram's compound was heavily fortified with ghosted lasers, land mines, turret droids, and carnivorous thirstgrass. While exploring the compound, Sinjir's hand was scratched by the thirstgrass. During their reconnaissance mission, Sinjir and his companions were attacked by several morak beasts. However, they were rescued by a sonic grenade thrown by Han Solo. Subsequently, Sinjir and Norra's team met with Han Solo at a cantina in the town of Kai Pompos. When Sinjir pointed out that Jas was a bounty hunter, she told him to be quiet. Over drinks, Norra revealed that she had been sent by Princess Leia to rescue Han. Han in turn disclosed that he intended to rescue his Wookiee friend Chewbacca, who was being held at the formidable Ashmead's Lock prison on Kashyyyk. Since Golan had designed the prison for the Empire, Han wanted to interrogate him. Having located Han, Norra's team agreed to assist him in storming Aram's compound and rescuing Chewbacca. Working together, Sinjir, his companions, and Han Solo launched an assault on the compound. After Temmin and Bones disabled the conduit from the wind farm that powered Aram's fence and turrets, Sinjir and Jas infiltrated the compound under the cover of darkness. The two then came under fire from Aram's commando droids. At that moment, they were assisted by Jom Barell, who had changed his mind and decided to support Norra's team. However, Sinjir and his companions soon discovered that the Siniteen had escaped. Fortunately, Norra captured Aram before he could flee off-world in his small solar shuttle. Sinjir then coerced Golas Aram into cooperating by threatening to inflict brain damage. Due to his efforts in obtaining information about Ashmead's Lock, Sinjir earned the respect of Han Solo. After Jas and Jom departed to acquire supplies from Kai Pompos, Sinjir conversed with Temmin. When Temmin noticed that something was troubling him, Sinjir admitted that he was struggling with his past actions. Temmin in turn revealed that he was upset about losing his father, Brentin Lore Wexley, who had been arrested years ago by the Empire. #### Ashmead's Lock Sinjir, Norra's team, and Han Solo journeyed to the Kashyyyk system aboard the Halo and the Millennium Falcon. They bypassed the Imperial blockade by posing as a repair crew working at Ashmead's Lock prison. Utilizing his knowledge of Imperial codes, Sinjir provided the Imperials with a classified work-order code that granted them permission to land on Kashyyyk. The rebels soon encountered the prison's automated computer system, SOL-GDA, which demanded that they submit the passcode. Sinjir and his companions soon found themselves under attack from droids, who attempted to assimilate them into the prison. Despite their resistance, Sinjir was quickly incapacitated by a droid, which injected a needle into his neck. The droids transported Sinjir and Norra into the prison's chambers, which consisted of several stasis pods. Before SOL-GDA could complete the assimilation process, Jas Emari and Solo severed the cables connecting the stasis pods to the power generator. After freeing himself, Sinjir assisted Norra's team and Solo in liberating a hundred inmates, including Chewbacca and Norra's husband, Brentin Lore Wexley. After freeing the prisoners, Sinjir and Jom, at Jas's urging, agreed to remain behind and assist Han and Chewbacca in liberating the Wookiees of Kashyyyk from Imperial rule. While Sinjir initially dismissed the idea as a foolish endeavor and an "idiot's parade," Jas convinced him and Jom by reminding them of their failure to free Slussen Canker's slaves. Meanwhile, Norra, Temmin, Mister Bones, and the liberated prisoners returned to Chandrila aboard the Millennium Falcon. Later, Sinjir and his companions flew on Emari's Halo out of the Black Forest to a Wroshyr tree hideout. There, Han outlined his plan to liberate Kashyyyk. Since Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck controlled all the Wookiees on Kashyyyk using inhibitor chips, their plan involved locating Tolruck's island fortress and disabling his command module to incite a planet-wide Wookiee uprising. #### Liberating Kashyyyk A month after the events at Ashmead's Lock, Sinjir participated in a mission to rescue his friend Jom Barell from Imperial captivity. Jom had been captured by Imperial forces while attacking an Imperial shuttle platform. After discovering that Barell was being held prisoner at Grand Moff Tolruck's island fortress, Sinjir traveled there disguised as the Imperial Lieutenant Jorrin Turnbull. Turnbull claimed that he had been dispatched by Grand Admiral Rae Sloane to address rebel "terrorists" who had infiltrated Kashyyyk using stolen codes. Sinjir was greeted by Grand Moff Tolruck, who instructed his attaché Odair Bel-Opis to bring the captive Barell, who was confined to an iron kennel on grav-pads. Sinjir quickly realized that Tolruck had gouged out one of Jom's eyes during interrogation. However, Tolruck swiftly identified Sinjir as an Imperial fugitive and stabbed him in the calf with a kishakk blade. Subsequently, the wounded Sinjir was forced to fight Odair for the amusement of Tolruck and his men. Odair gained the advantage due to Sinjir's injured state and inflicted several injuries, including a black eye. When Tolruck demanded to know his purpose, Sinjir revealed that he had come for his control module. He then revealed that he was carrying a hyperwave transceiver spike inside the heel of his boot. The hyperwave transceiver rapidly deactivated Tolruck's control module, disabling the Wookiees' inhibitor chips. Consequently, a mass Wookiee uprising erupted on Kashyyyk, and the Imperial garrison was quickly overwhelmed. After freeing Jom from his cage, the two men went to confront Tolruck. However, Tolruck revealed that he had ordered the orbiting Star Destroyers above Kashyyyk to bombard the planet. Sinjir and Jom left Tolruck to be killed by one of his former slaves and rejoined Han, Chewie, and Jas. After loading a transport full of webweaver spiders, Sinjir and his companions infiltrated the Star Destroyer Dominion. They used the spiders to overwhelm the Imperial crew and fought their way to the bridge, only to be captured by stormtroopers. Before the ship's commander, Vice Admiral Domm Korgale, could deal with them, New Republic reinforcements arrived in the form of Princess Leia aboard the Millennium Falcon, Captain Antilles' Phantom Squadron, and Admiral Ackbar's cruiser Home One. Sinjir and his comrades broke free of their Imperial captors and hijacked the Dominion. They then used the Star Destroyer's cannons to destroy the nearby Destroyer Vitiator. As a result, the remaining Destroyer Neutralizer surrendered to the New Republic, ending the Imperial occupation of Kashyyyk. #### Return to Chandrila Following the liberation of Kashyyyk, Sinjir reunited with Jas Emari on Kashyyyk's surface. She informed Sinjir that she intended to leave Norra's team to pursue work collecting New Republic bounties. Sinjir also admitted that he was weary of following orders from governments, including the New Republic. When Jas inquired whether he wanted to travel the space lanes or settle down with his boyfriend Conder, Sinjir admitted that he was unsure of what to do with his life. While Sinjir considered becoming a bounty hunter, he concluded that he was not suited for it. Despite their differences, Sinjir accepted Jas' offer to give him a ride back to Chandrila. After returning to Chandrila, Sinjir and Jas discovered the full extent of the attack on Chandrila. The Ashmead's Lock prisoners had secretly been implanted with inorganic biochips, enabling Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax to transform them into unwilling drones as part of his plot to assassinate the New Republic leadership. While the plot was not entirely successful, it had damaged the New Republic's public image and discouraged worlds from joining the new government. The New Republic Security Bureau had apprehended Rax's agent, Windom Traducier, who had been responsible for coordinating the attack on Chandrila. Seeking revenge against the Empire, Sinjir visited the defiant Traducier after bribing the guard to grant him access. When Traducier derided the New Republic as a "hobbling, crippled thing," Sinjir retorted that he only cared about himself and his friends. Since Traducier had harmed his friends, Sinjir killed him by plunging a vibroknife into his sternum. After killing Traducier, Sinjir returned to his apartment, where Conder informed him that Norra had been attempting to contact him. After remarking that he was both better and worse than he had been, the two embraced before Sinjir told Conder that he was not the right partner for him. #### Hunting Rae Sloane Later, Sinjir joined Norra, Temmin, Mister Bones, and Jas aboard Norra's ship, the Moth. Norra was determined to hunt down Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, believing that she was responsible for the attack on Chandrila and the loss of her husband. They were also visited by Princess Leia, who pledged to provide them with the resources necessary to track down and eliminate Sloane. For several months, Sinjir and the rest of Norra's team traveled throughout the galaxy in pursuit of Sloane. They visited several worlds, including Kashyyyk, Ord Mantell, Corellia, and Jindau Station. After learning that the bounty hunter Mercurial Swift had been in contact with Sloane, Sinjir and his comrades conspired with the Tarisian wilder girl Vazeen Mordraw to lure Swift into a trap on the planet Taris. This trap involved placing a false bounty on Mordraw, who had allegedly stolen a caseload of New Republic ID cards from the Gindar Gang. Following a brief struggle, Sinjir, along with Norra and Jas Emari, managed to subdue and stun Swift. That night, they interrogated Swift about the whereabouts of Grand Admiral Sloane. Swift resisted until Sinjir threatened to send the B1 battle droid Mister Bones to harm Swift's mother, Tabba Teldar, who resided in Coronet City. Swift revealed that Sloane had dispatched him to search the Emperor's wrecked luxury yacht, the Imperialis, on the moon Quantxi, for information about a high-ranking Imperial officer named Gallius Rax. Sinjir and his teammates also learned that Sloane had traveled to the planet Jakku in the Western Reaches to investigate Rax's origins. After knocking Swift unconscious, Norra's team continued their journey to Jakku. During the voyage, Sinjir brooded in the kitchen, contemplating his lack of purpose. He confided in Jas that he had quit drinking Kowakian rum but was still an alcoholic. Sinjir also admitted that he struggled with finding a new purpose beyond his training as an Imperial loyalty officer. When Jas expressed concerns that Norra was becoming more aggressive and vengeful, Sinjir reassured Jas that she was a voice of caution. After listening to Norra, Sinjir reassured her that she was a good person like the rest of Norra's team. When Jas remarked that she hoped Jakku would hold no surprises for them, Sinjir joked that the galaxy was full of surprises. Upon exiting hyperspace above Jakku, Sinjir and the rest of Norra's team discovered that the remnants of the Empire had fled to the system. At Temmin's request, Sinjir reluctantly agreed to man the ship's guns. Meanwhile, Norra and Jas departed in an escape pod to continue the former's hunt for Rae Sloane. After learning that his mother had left, Temmin sent his droid Mister Bones in a second escape pod to watch over Norra. Sinjir and Temmin managed to flee into hyperspace on Norra's freighter Moth before Imperial torpedoes could destroy their ship. #### Alerting the New Republic Returning to the New Republic capital of Chandrila, Sinjir and Temmin secured a meeting with Princess Leia Organa and her husband, Han Solo, bringing them news of the Imperial presence on Jakku. While waiting at Leia's nursery, Sinjir reassured Temmin that they would find a way to rescue his mother. By that time, Princess Leia was heavily pregnant and was expecting a child soon. Sinjir attempted to persuade a reluctant Han Solo to lend them his famous freighter, the Millennium Falcon. Before they could continue, Chancellor Mon Mothma arrived and questioned Temmin and Sinjir about what they had witnessed on Jakku. When Temmin told them that his mother and droid Mister Bones were on Jakku, Sinjir interjected that the bounty hunter Jas was also stranded, adding that he liked her. Sinjir then urged Chancellor Mothma to dispatch troops and ships to Jakku to attack the Empire. However, Mothma responded that their mission was unauthorized. When Leia protested that she had sent Norra and her team, the Chancellor countered that the Galactic Senate had jurisdiction over the hunt for Sloane. Chancellor Mothma promised to convince the Galactic Senate to send military forces to Jakku. After the Chancellor left, Sinjir and Temmin agreed that they could not wait for the authorities to intervene and decided to try and get to Jakku their own way with Solo's help. Sinjir and Temmin lobbied Han Solo for permission to borrow the Millennium Falcon. During the discussions, Sinjir suggested the alternative of smuggling themselves aboard a cargo ship or shuttle behind enemy lines. After Han consulted with his wife, Leia, the two allowed Temmin and Sinjir to borrow the Millennium Falcon. The following morning, the two made their way to the hangar to depart aboard the Millennium Falcon. However, they were prevented from leaving by a pair of Senate Guards, who claimed they had received orders from Chancellor Mon Mothma to prevent any departures. #### Espionage and Political Intrigue Sinjir later confronted Princess Leia, who confirmed that neither she, Solo, nor Chancellor Mothma had sent the guards to prevent them from leaving. After learning that Chancellor Mothma's political rival, Senator Tolwar Wartol, had leaked news of the Imperial presence on Jakku to the media, they suspected that Wartol had been bugging their conversations. Sinjir decided to seek assistance from his slicer friend Conder. While Conder was still upset that Sinjir had ended their relationship, he agreed to help investigate the bug in Leia's domicile after Sinjir reassured him that it was related to the Imperial presence on Jakku and that two of Sinjir's friends, Norra and Jas Emari, were on Jakku. Sinjir was present at Princess Leia's domicile when Conder used a small, hand-machined probe droid to scan the room for any bugs. While Princess Leia and Han Solo were skeptical that there was a bug in their house, Sinjir was adamant that Leia's domicile was being bugged. Sinjir also suspected that Senator Wartol had sent the guards who had stopped him and Temmin from leaving Chandrila. Though Conder found there were no bugs in Leia's domicile, his

A listening device was found by a probe droid inside Leia's nanny droid, specifically the T-2LC model. The discovery of this bug happened around the same time that Chancellor Mothma's proposal to send troops to Jakku was rejected by the Galactic Senate. Following the bug's discovery, Sinjir paid a visit to Jom Barell, a former rebel colleague who had been kicked out of the New Republic Special Forces for his involvement in an unauthorized mission to Kashyyyk. Jom, who had started drinking heavily, was initially discouraged and unenthusiastic until Sinjir reminded him that his girlfriend, Jas, was stuck on Jakku behind an Imperial blockade. After this, Sinjir recruited Jom for a secret mission on Nakadia, which had recently been designated as the capital of the New Republic. #### Undercover on Nakadia Later, Sinjir, along with Han Solo, Temmin, Conder, and Jom Barell, took part in a undercover mission on Nakadia to keep an eye on five senators who had voted against Chancellor Mothma's bill. These senators were Ashmin Ek, Rethalow, Dor Wieedo, Grelka Sorka, and Nim Tar. Using his slicing abilities, Conder hacked into the senators' electronic records and found some strange credit deposits in the accounts of two of the senators. Sinjir and his team watched the senators from Izzik's restaurant, which was located across from the Quarrow Senate house. For this mission, Sinjir was assigned to follow Senator Ek. After several hours had passed, Solo told Sinjir that he had seen a couple of Nikto and a Klatooinian heading towards Senator Wieedo's ship at Quarrow's northernmost spaceport. Sinjir tried to follow Ek, who was approaching someone wearing gold, red, and white robes, but he was interrupted by Dann and Merra, the young children of Senator Pima Drolley, Akiva's new senator. Recognizing Sinjir as a former Imperial, the two wanted to thank him for his role in liberating Akiva. Sinjir managed to quiet them down and find Jom. Sinjir attempted to contact Temmin and Jom, but he lost contact with them. After leaving the restaurant, Sinjir found Ashmin Ek and Nim Tar in a narrow alley. Sinjir saw Ek threatening Nim Tar and went to confront them. However, Sinjir was knocked unconscious by an unknown person who had been following him. The next morning, Temmin found Sinjir and helped him up. The two then found Solo in a trash can behind the landing bay where Senator Wieedo's ship had been parked the night before. After freeing Solo, the three were contacted by Jom, who told them that he had returned to the Falcon with the captured Senator Rethalow. Back on the Falcon, Sinjir and the others listened as Senator Rethalow confessed that he and the other four senators had been bribed or forced into voting against Chancellor Mothma's bill by Black Sun and the Red Key Raiders, who wanted the Galactic Civil War to continue. Rethalow also revealed that the criminals had kidnapped Nim Tar's child and Senator Sorka's pet jerba. Sinjir managed to convince Rethalow to cooperate by pretending to be an advisor to Chancellor Mothma and offering New Republic protection to his homeworld. Sinjir and the others then decided to rescue the missing Conder, Nim Tar's child, and Sorka's jerba. After flying around Quarrow, Sinjir picked up a transmission from Conder's transceiver tooth. Even though Conder's captors destroyed his comlink, Sinjir and his team tracked his location to a red agricultural warehouse. Solo used the Falcon's belly turret to blow a hole in the roof of the warehouse. Sinjir and his comrades then stormed the warehouse and took out the Red Key thugs who were guarding Conder and Nim Tar's child. A Herglic guard took Conder hostage, but Sinjir shot him in the mouth. During the attack, Sinjir rediscovered his sense of purpose. Despite not being able to save Sorka's jerba, Sinjir and his comrades had stopped Black Sun and Red Key's plan to prolong the fighting. Having defeated the Red Key gangsters, Sinjir asked Conder to help him send a message offering to pardon the five New Republic Senators if they voted with the Chancellor to intervene on Jakku during the second round at the Nakadia Senate House. Sinjir's plan worked, and the New Republic was able to send military forces to Jakku, setting the stage for the important Battle of Jakku. #### A new job After the events on Nakadia, Sinjir and Conder went back to Chandrila. As he treated Conder's injuries, Sinjir praised his friend for using his transceiver tooth to contact him and his companions. When Sinjir said that he should follow Jom and Temmin to Jakku, Conder replied that he was not a soldier. The two then decided to ask Chancellor Mothma if they could serve the New Republic on Jakku. Sinjir managed to get an audience with Chancellor Mothma. To Sinjir's disappointment, she refused to let him travel to Jakku because he was not a soldier, pilot, or an officer. While Mothma admitted that she could not stop Sinjir from finding a ship and traveling to Jakku to rescue his friends, she told Sinjir to listen to her offer first. Chancellor Mothma offered Sinjir a job as an advisor because she was impressed by how he had manipulated those senators into supporting her motion to intervene on Jakku. She also told Sinjir that he would be a good advisor because he was a cynic who distrusted the system and a skilled player. After thinking about it, Sinjir decided to accept Mothma's offer. His first task as an advisor was to deliver a small basket of pta fruits to Mothma's rival Senator Wartol, who had been the cause of Sinjir and Temmin's earlier problems. Mothma wanted to send the pta fruits as a way to insult her rival. Sinjir and Conder traveled to Senator Wartol's Ganoidian tri-deck cruiser. On the way, the two men discussed their suspicions about Wartol's corruption and his role in planting the listening device in Princess Leia's home. Before they parted ways, Conder jokingly told his friend to deliver the pta fruits without causing an intergalactic incident. Inside Wartol's cruiser, Sinjir delivered the gift. Wartol recognized Sinjir as the former Imperial, while Sinjir reminded Wartol about the incident on Nakadia where he had been held up by Mothma's fruit. When Wartol criticized Mothma for her alleged weak leadership, Sinjir responded that Wartol reminded him of an Imperial autocrat who ruled through terror. Before putting the basket down, Sinjir taunted Wartol about receiving a lifetime supply of pta fruit as a consolation for losing the upcoming election. At that moment, Sinjir noticed that Wartol was acting suspiciously and hiding something under his table, which turned out to be the controls for a bomb. When Sinjir tried to investigate, Wartol grabbed a pistol and started shooting at Sinjir. Sinjir managed to deflect the blasts by throwing the contents of the basket at Wartol. After a brief struggle, Wartol tried to shoot Sinjir dead. However, Conder entered the ship and shot Wartol in the shoulder. Sinjir survived but suffered minor injuries after a blaster shot grazed the side of his head. When Wartol taunted him, Conder shot the rogue senator in the knee. When Sinjir demanded to know what Wartol was hiding, Wartol laughed and taunted Sinjir that it was already too late. After Conder checked his tech gauntlet, which could access the local communications networks, they learned that there had been a bomb attack at the north tower of the Senate Building, which housed Chancellor Mothma's office. Believing he had killed the Chancellor, Wartol boasted that he had stopped her from spreading her "corrosive stain" across the growing New Republic. Wartol tried to provoke Sinjir into killing him, but Sinjir responded that he would be tried and sent to prison. After the security forces had arrested Wartol, Sinjir went to the Senate Building. To his relief, Sinjir discovered that Chancellor Mothma had survived the bombing because she had not been in the room. However, Sinjir's counterpart Auxi had been killed. #### A new era Following the bombing, the New Republic received word that Grand Vizier Mas Amedda wanted to negotiate peace. Amedda's peace offer coincided with a major New Republic victory on Jakku, which ended the Galactic Civil War in the Republic's favor. Sinjir, along with Chancellor Mothma, his fellow advisor Sondiv Sella, and Princess Leia, participated in the peace negotiations on Chandrila that resulted in the Empire's surrender and the Galactic Concordance. These agreements officially ended the war and dissolved the former Imperial government. After the surrender ceremony, Mothma gave Sinjir a bottle of expensive lachrymead wine to recognize his services to the New Republic. Sinjir used his authority as an advisor to the Chancellor to secure pardons for Jas Emari's new bounty-hunting crew Embo, Dengar, and Jeeta. He also obtained enough credits to convince the bounty hunters to stay on Emari's crew. In the weeks following the Battle of Jakku, Sinjir met with the surviving members of Norra's team at a tavern overlooking the Silver Sea. During the dinner, Sinjir and his companions talked about Han Solo and Leia's newborn son Ben Solo, whom he described as a "squalling grub-monkey." Sinjir and Norra also made jokes about babies. After learning that Temmin was planning to study at the Hosnian Prime flight academy, Sinjir remarked that he hoped that Temmin would learn how to fly a ship well and not crash them into the ground like toys. After the dinner, Sinjir sent Conder back first while he spent some time alone with the bounty hunter Jas. When Jas commented that he had found his star, Sinjir responded that he had finally found a life and purpose. When Norra observed that he had become respectable, Sinjir replied that he was only a political advisor to the Chancellor. Jas also confided that her aunt Sugi had been right not to take unethical jobs and vowed to follow that tradition. When Sinjir asked if she would be all right, Jas responded that she was still burdened with debts. Jas also told Sinjir that she did not reciprocate Jom's feelings for her. When Sinjir reassured her that it was not her fault, Jas replied that she could never repay that debt because there was nobody to pay it to. Before leaving, the two hugged and expressed uncertainty that they would see each other again. Two years after the Battle of Jakku, Sinjir was still working as Mothma's advisor as the New Republic continued to rebuild after the war, mainly by pushing through the controversial Military Disarmament Act to limit the size of the military. In addition, Sinjir and Conder, who had been appointed chief of the Digital Warfare Department, got married. ## Personality and traits Sinjir Rath Velus was deceitful and self-interested, and he was conflicted to find himself changed after the Battle of Endor. He felt guilt and shame, but he also dreaded his changing moral compass. He was a bit scruffy and rangy, and he was also sarcastic and cynical, showing some dislike for the idea that he had found hope after the New Republic was born. Sinjir was honest about his shady past and even admitted to committing terrible acts while serving the Empire. At times, Sinjir could be combative, but he remained loyal to those he considered his friends, especially Norra and her son Temmin. Sinjir was only attracted to other males, rejecting Jas Emari's suggestion to start a relationship. By 5 ABY, Sinjir had found a boyfriend in the form of Conder Kyl. While he was uncomfortable with public displays of affection, Sinjir agreed after Conder assured him that Chandrila was a tolerant world. Despite changing sides, Sinjir was still capable of violence. On one occasion, he beat up two customers at a Chandrilan bar after they insulted him for being a former Imperial. When confronted about his actions, Sinjir responded that he did not kill them. Sinjir was also an alcoholic and regularly drank alcohol to cope with despair and stress. Sinjir was skilled at tricking his opponents into thinking they had the advantage. On one occasion, Sinjir allowed himself to be beaten up by Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck's henchman Odair Bel-Opis before revealing that he had disabled the inhibitor chips that controlled the enslaved Wookiees of Kashyyyk. Sinjir had a complex morality that was based on looking out for himself and his friends. He murdered the Imperial agent Windom Traducier for hurting his friends. Later, Sinjir's guilt over his actions led him to end his relationship with Conder. He believed that his moral ambiguity made him an unworthy partner for Conder. While Sinjir lacked purpose after the Battle of Endor, he found a new purpose in serving the New Republic. Sinjir used his skills in interrogation and emotional manipulation to serve the New Republic. On one occasion, Sinjir convinced five senators to change their votes to support Chancellor Mothma's motion to send military forces to Jakku by pretending to be an advisor to the Chancellor. This impressed Chancellor Mothma so much that she appointed the former Imperial as one of her advisors. Sinjir performed well in his duties as a political advisor. He foiled a plot by Senator Wartol to assassinate Chancellor Mothma and participated in the peace negotiations with Grand Vizier Mas Amedda that resulted in the Galactic Concordance. Sinjir also repaired his relationship with Conder. Despite being unsure that Conder was his "star," he believed that Conder gave him a sense of life and purpose. Sinjir was also known for his sarcastic sense of humor. ## Skills and abilities Sinjir was a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, able to disarm men with relative ease and inflict as much pain as possible. As a loyalty officer of the Empire, he learned how to read body language, how to detect lies, how to use people against one another, and found it easy to provoke people, or making them uncomfortable, putting them off balance. Sinjir was also able to extricate himself and his friends from tricky situations. Later, Sinjir smuggled a hyperspace transceiver spike into Grand Moff Tolruck's palace and used it to disable the control module which controlled the Wookiees' inhibitor chips. Sinjir used his interrogation and emotional manipulation skills to aid the New Republic. On one occasion, he coerced the bounty hunter Mercurial Swift into revealing Grand Admiral Sloane's whereabouts. On another, he manipulated five senators into recasting their votes in favor of Mothma's motion to intervene on Jakku. Sinjir also was an astute observer and foiled Senator Wartol's plot to assassinate Chancellor Mothma. While Sinjir was not a natural fighter, he was able to hold himself well in unarmed combat. ## Behind the scenes Sinjir Rath Velus first appeared as a significant point-of-view character in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel Aftermath, the first book in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy. Reviewers of the first Aftermath novel noted that Sinjir was the first gay protagonist in the Star Wars universe. In response to some fan criticism that Wendig was promoting a pro-LGBTQ and pro-diversity agenda, Wendig defended his decision to include gay characters and likened his detractors to the Galactic Empire. Following a fan tweet asking about Sinjir's appearance, Wendig tweeted back that he had imagined Sinjir as the "manbaby" of the Israeli actor Oded Fehr and the German-born Irish actor Michael Fassbender.

