A fruit known as pta fruit was a seed-bearing variety, characterized by its deep orange hue. Its interior contained a sticky, brown sap, which also served as the repository for its seeds. This particular fruit was prohibited on the planet of Nakadia, where it was classified as an invasive species. During a visit to Nakadia in 5 ABY, New Republic Chancellor [Mon Mothma](/article/mon_mothma], accompanied by her political rival Senator Tolwar Wartol, intentionally carried with her a pta fruit. Her goal in doing so was to cause a delay in their arrival on Nakadia. Some time after this event, Wartol, in an attempt to plant a bomb in Mothma's office located on Chandrila, pretended that his visit was to give Mothma a gift, and he presented her with a basket of pta fruit, referencing their previous encounter. Sinjir Rath Velus, upon discovering Wartol's attempt to remotely trigger the bomb, engaged the Senator in a physical altercation, which included throwing a pta fruit at him. Although Wartol's scheme to kill Mothma was unsuccessful, it did lead to the demise of Mothma's advisor, Auxi Kray Korbin. Consequently, Wartol was arrested for his crime.
The pta fruit was introduced in Aftermath: Empire's End, a novel released in 2016 and penned by Chuck Wendig.