Auxi Kray Korbin

Auxi Kray Korbin, a Togruta female, held the position of advisor to Chancellor Mon Mothma during the initial months after the Battle of Endor and the genesis of the New Republic. Following both the Battle of Naalol and the Akiva rebellion, Auxi remained in Chancellor Mothma's service as the New Republic progressively took over more territory from the Galactic Empire and began peace negotiations with Grand Admiral Rae Sloane. Leading up to the Battle of Jakku, Auxi continued her duties, advising Chancellor Mothma to seek out a second advisor. Eventually, the former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus assumed this role. Tragically, Auxi met her end when Tolwar Wartol, Mothma's senatorial rival, detonated an explosive device within her Chandrilan office.


The Dawn of a New Galactic Era

In the wake of the Rebel Alliance's triumph at the Battle of Endor, Auxi Kray Korbin functioned as one of Chancellor Mon Mothma's trusted advisors. Her views often clashed with those of her fellow advisor, Hostis Ij. Subsequent to the Battle of Naalol, Auxi accompanied Chancellor Mon Mothma and Hostis Ij on a tour of the planet Naalol. While the Chancellor and Hostis debated the merits of continued warfare, Auxi reminded Mothma of their obligation to return to Chandrila, the capital of the New Republic, for the inaugural ceremony of the reconstituted Galactic Senate.

During their walk, Auxi informed Hostis of their intention to proceed with the plan to relinquish the Chancellor's emergency powers, a power derived from the former office of Supreme Chancellor. However, Hostis argued that the ongoing Galactic Civil War made it an inopportune time. Chancellor Mothma sided with Auxi, announcing her intention to soon relinquish the emergency powers, citing their abuse by the late Palpatine to seize control during the Clone Wars.

When Hostis expressed concern over the Chancellor's plans to demilitarize the New Republic Defense Force, Mothma informed her advisors of her intention to submit a vote to the Galactic Senate to reduce the New Republic's military presence by 90% upon official confirmation of the Galactic Civil War's end. Hostis warned that demilitarization would not guarantee peace, to which Auxi retorted that his views aligned more with the Empire. Before an argument could erupt, Chancellor Mothma intervened, reiterating her commitment to relinquishing emergency powers and submitting the demilitarization vote. Auxi then accompanied Chancellor Mothma and Hostis back to Chandrila.

Public Service

In the year 5 ABY, Auxi remained in her role as an advisor to Chancellor Mon Mothma, working alongside Hostis Ij. During a meeting, Auxi voiced her opposition to Hostis's proposal to expand the New Republic military in order to secure new sources of food, fuel, and other essential supplies. Hostis countered by urging the New Republic to launch a recruitment drive to bolster supply lines.

A month later, Auxi was present at a state event known as Liberation Day, celebrating the release of Rebel Alliance prisoners from the Ashmead's Lock prison on Kashyyyk. Unbeknownst to them, Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax of the Empire had implanted the prisoners with inorganic bio-chips. Upon Rax's command, the prisoners launched an attack on Chancellor Mothma and other officials and military personnel. Amidst the chaos, Auxi assisted the wounded Chancellor Mothma to her feet. Tragically, her colleague Hostis Ij was killed during the assault.

Supporting Chancellor Mothma

In the months that followed the Attack on Chandrila, Auxi took on the role of moderator for a meeting of the Committee for Imperial Reallocation, tasked with discussing the redistribution of the Galactic Empire's resources. When Chancellor Mothma expressed feeling fatigued and distracted, Auxi emphasized that the Chancellor had made her position clear and adjourned the meeting. She also directed the senators to reconvene on Nakadia, the newly designated capital of the New Republic. When Sondiv Sella, a councilman from Hosnian Prime, lingered to speak with Mothma, Auxi reiterated the meeting's conclusion but granted them permission to converse.

After Sondiv's departure, Auxi prepared two mugs of Deychin tea. When Auxi offered brandy, Mon declined. The two women then discussed Mothma's struggles with Senators Ashmin Ek and Tolwar Wartol. Auxi advised Chancellor Mothma to seek a second advisor to fill the void left by Hostis. Upon Mothma's inquiry about her Senate approval rating, Auxi revealed a 39% approval rating for the Chancellor, compared to a 61% approval rating for her rival Wartol. Despite her low ratings, Mothma remained committed to her role as Chancellor.

Auxi reassured the Chancellor that she was acting justly by reallocating the Empire's resources to rehabilitate worlds ravaged by the Empire. Auxi further noted that Mothma had successfully maintained a strong New Republic military without appearing to impose her will on the galaxy. When Auxi brought up the liberation of Kashyyyk, Mothma clarified the complexities of the situation, explaining that the Senate had opposed intervention but that her friend Princess Leia Organa had intervened. Auxi then attempted to address the resurgence of crime syndicates. However, R-K77, one of the Chancellor's protocol droids, interrupted to inform Mothma of an urgent transmission from Princess Leia.

After Senator Wartol leaked news of Imperial forces on Jakku to the media, Auxi commented on the ensuing chaos caused by the senator from Orish. Chancellor Mothma instructed Auxi to contact HoloNet News to issue a press statement. Auxi and Admiral Ackbar stood by Chancellor Mothma as she addressed the Galactic Senate, urging them to pass a bill to dispatch New Republic forces to Jakku. Following the reconvening of the Galactic Senate on Nakadia, Auxi praised Chancellor Mothma's second speech, which again urged the Senate to send Republic forces to Jakku. Mothma secured a majority vote after Sinjir Rath Velus, the former Imperial loyalty officer turned New Republic operative, convinced five senators to support Mothma's motion in exchange for pardons. Auxi relayed this positive news to Chancellor Mothma.

Death on Chandrila

After the second vote to deploy military forces to Jakku, Chancellor Mothma acted upon Auxi's advice and appointed a second advisor. Mothma selected the former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus due to his role in uncovering the Black Sun and Red Key syndicates' scheme to blackmail five senators into opposing intervention. However, Mothma and her allies drew the ire of her political adversary, Senator Wartol, who had initially coerced the five senators into voting against Mothma's bill. Seeking retribution, Wartol planted a remote-controlled explosive device in Mothma's office on Chandrila.

Sinjir and his partner Conder Kyl caught Wartol in the act but were unable to prevent him from detonating the bomb. The explosion tore a hole in Mothma's office. Unfortunately, Chancellor Mothma had already left, leaving Auxi in her place. Auxi was killed in the service of Chancellor Mothma. Mothma mourned the loss of her friend but resolved to continue as Chancellor following the New Republic's victory at the Battle of Jakku. Following Senator Wartol's arrest, both Sinjir and Sondiv succeeded Auxi in her advisory role.

Personality and traits

Auxi Kray Korbin, a Togruta woman, was a key advisor to Chancellor Mon Mothma during the early years of the New Republic. She championed Mothma's proposal to eliminate the emergency powers associated with the Chancellor's office and to demilitarize the New Republic military once the Empire was defeated. Her anti-militaristic stance often clashed with the more hawkish views of Hostis Ij. Chancellor Mothma often described Auxi and Hostis as representing opposing viewpoints, like the devil and angel on her shoulders.

Despite their ideological and philosophical differences, Auxi and Hostis maintained a friendly relationship outside of work. Auxi was deeply saddened by Hostis Ij's death. Auxi's professionalism led her to encourage Chancellor Mothma to appoint a second advisor who possessed a more cynical view of the political landscape. Auxi also facilitated meetings between the Chancellor and Senators. Chancellor Mothma held Auxi in high regard and was deeply saddened by her death during the failed assassination attempt on Mothma's life.

Behind the scenes

Auxi Kray Korbin is a supporting character featured in Chuck Wendig's Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy, published between 2015 and 2017.

