Battle of Naalol

Following the Battle of Endor, a conflict unfolded on the planet of Naalol, pitting the armies of the New Republic against those of the Galactic Empire. Despite the New Republic emerging victorious from this battle, the sheer level of destruction prompted Chancellor Mon Mothma to contemplate relinquishing the special authorities granted to the Charter of Chancellor after the Galactic Senate's reformation on Chandrila.


During the Imperial Era, the planet Naalol held little strategic value, primarily inhabited by mountain villagers, valdeer herders, craftspeople, and miners. The Galactic Empire maintained a modest garrison there. As the Empire's position weakened after the Battle of Endor, it retreated to less important worlds like Naalol. The Empire established a significant military presence near one of Naalol's towns, making both the town and the planet a target for the New Republic, which had succeeded the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

The battle

Forces from the Empire and the New Republic engaged in combat around a mountainous town on the planet Naalol. The fighting resulted in numerous deaths on both sides, and the town suffered near-total destruction.


With the battle over, New Republic troops used electronic restraints to gather up the surrendering Imperial soldiers and escort them to a prison transport. Chancellor Mon Mothma, accompanied by her advisors, Hostis Ij and Auxi Kray Korbin, walked through the devastated town, offering aid to injured civilians. It was at this time that Mon Mothma revealed her intention to surrender the emergency powers that the Galactic Senate had granted to the office of Supreme Chancellor prior to the Clone Wars. Furthermore, she announced plans to reduce the New Republic's military strength by ninety percent. Auxi voiced her support for the Chancellor's plan, but Hostis cautioned that demilitarization could lead to smaller-scale conflicts.

Behind the scenes

The Battle of Naalol was first depicted in an interlude within Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel, Aftermath. This book marked the beginning of Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy and formed part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens series. The chapter is presented from the perspective of Mon Mothma, a supporting character in the novel.

