In the year 5 ABY, the New Republic and the Galactic Empire made arrangements to conduct peace talks. The location selected for these discussions was Hanna City, situated on the planet of Chandrila. Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, with the sanction of Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, reached out to Chancellor Mon Mothma and Fleet Admiral Ackbar to try and broker a peace agreement. However, this was all a deception, part of Rax's scheme to launch an assault on Chandrila. Prior to the commencement of these talks, Windom Traducier, an agent of Rax, triggered the controller chips within the former inmates of Ashmead's Lock, causing them to involuntarily attacked New Republic dignitaries. This action caused the New Republic's leadership to reject any possibility of resolving the Civil War through peaceful negotiation. Sloane, disagreeing with Rax's methods, allied herself with Brentin Lore Wexley, an ex-prisoner of Ashmead's Lock, to thwart Rax's plans. Rax, in response, gathered the remaining Imperial forces for a final showdown on Jakku.