Tolwar Wartol held the position of senator representing the Orishen people in the New Republic's government, and was a male. He considered Mon Mothma, the Chancellor, to be weak and lacking resolve, making him a political adversary before the Battle of Jakku. Furthermore, he maintained connections with the criminal organizations known as the Black Sun and the Red Key Raiders. Wartol consistently tried to undermine her authority whenever possible. Mothma exposed his schemes and thwarted his efforts to postpone sending military forces to Jakku in order to prolong the Galactic Civil War. As a result, Wartol plotted to assassinate her by bombing her office. However, his plan was ultimately thwarted by Sinjir Rath Velus, a former loyalty officer of the Imperial. As the Battle of Jakku neared its end, New Republic authorities apprehended Wartol.
Once upon a time, Tolwar Wartol worked as a chemist on Orish, his peaceful homeworld. The Orishen were enslaved during the Age of the Empire by the Galactic Empire, who engaged in destructive strip-mining practices that depleted the planet's surface of vital nutrients, thus destroying the pastoral haven. Wartol played a role in developing the chemical weapon that eliminated the Imperial occupation, but it also poisoned his world from the ground all the way up to the atmosphere. After the Empire left the doomed planet, Wartol saw this as a victory. Wartol and the remaining Orishen moved to a skeletal network of tubes and stations orbiting their poisoned former home.
Following the Battle of Endor, he was chosen to represent his people as a senator in the New Republic's Galactic Senate. He emphasized his survivor's spirit during his campaign. By 5 ABY, Wartol had risen to become the primary political challenger to Chancellor Mon Mothma. Wartol infused his politics with the spirit of a survivor, asserting that he grasped the importance of making sacrifices to safeguard life and freedom. His combative leadership style once garnered him a 61% approval rating. Before the Battle of Jakku, Wartol was seen as a potential rival to Chancellor Mothma in the upcoming elections.
Despite his seemingly virtuous public image, Wartol concealed a shady side. He maintained connections with the criminal organizations Black Sun and Red Key Raiders. Wartol leveraged these criminal connections to influence his five senatorial colleagues: Ashmin Ek of Anthan Prime, Rethalow of Frong, Dor Wieedo of Rodia, Grelka Sorka, and Nim Tar, all of whom frequently sided with him on various issues. In addition, Wartol also engaged in spying on Senator Leia Organa and her spouse, Han Solo, utilizing a listening device secretly placed within the couple's nanny protocol droid, T-2LC ("Elsie"). Through this device, he overheard a meeting between Chancellor Mothma, Princess Leia, Temmin Wexley, and Sinjir Rath Velus, where they discussed the discovery of Imperial forces above Jakku.
Senator Wartol, seeking to gain political advantage over Chancellor Mothma, leaked the information on HoloNet, accusing her of secrecy and weakness. When Mothma attempted to rally the Senate to vote in favor of sending military forces to Jakku, Wartol and his criminal associates managed to pressure Ashmin Ek, Rethalow, Dor Wieedo, Grelka Sorka, and Nim Tar into voting against Mothma's proposal. Black Sun and Red Key bribed the first three senators, kidnapped Nim Tar's child, and stole Solka's pet jerba. Wartol aimed to exploit the crisis to weaken Mothma's leadership, while the crime syndicates sought to prolong the Galactic Civil War. Wartol also secretly dispatched Senate Guards to prevent Temmin and Sinjir from leaving Chandrila to search for Norra Wexley and Jas Emari.
As the New Republic prepared to move the Senate to Nakadia, a world in the Mid Rim, Tolwar traveled on his personal yacht alongside Chancellor Mothma. During the [hyperspace](/article/hyperspace] journey, Mothma confronted him about his manipulation of the five senators to oppose her bill and his spying on Senator Organa. Wartol, defiant, denied the accusations and confidently asserted that the Chancellor's scheduled re-vote on sending military forces to Jakku would fail on Nakadia. However, Chancellor Mothma managed to postpone the vote by smuggling a pta fruit aboard the yacht. Consequently, the Nakadian authorities refused to allow them to land until they had conducted a thorough biosecurity inspection of his yacht.
While Wartol was distracted, Chancellor Mothma's agents—Sinjir, Temmin, Han Solo, Jom Barell, and Conder Kyl—successfully persuaded the five senators to change their votes by rescuing Nim Tar's child and offering them pardons. After finally landing, both Senator Wartol and Chancellor Mothma addressed the press regarding the new vote. As the two senators entered the Quarrow Senate house, Mothma pretended to sprain her ankle. Wartol recognized her deception and mocked her for supposedly losing the vote a second time. Thanks to the efforts of Sinjir and the other agents, Mon Mothma's bill passed, and the Republic Senate decided to deploy the New Republic Defense Force to Jakku, setting the stage for the Battle of Jakku.
Seeking vengeance, Wartol planted a bomb in Chancellor Mothma's office on Chandrila. While making a "courtesy visit" to deliver pta fruits, Sinjir caught Wartol attempting to detonate the bomb remotely. Wartol brandished his blaster and engaged in a fight with Sinjir. During the struggle, Wartol managed to activate the bomb. After being subdued by Sinjir, a defiant Wartol admitted responsibility for his actions and dared Sinjir to shoot him with his blaster. However, Sinjir responded that he would be tried for his crimes before dealing with the bombing. The conversation was recorded by a tech gauntlet worn by Sinjir's boyfriend, Conder. Chancellor Mothma was not in her office, but her Adviser Auxi Kray Korbin was killed during the explosion. The disgraced Wartol was subsequently arrested by local security forces.
Tolwar Wartol, a male [Orishen](/article/orishen], possessed distinctive features such as nose-slits, a bisected lower jaw, X-shaped irises within deep-set kaleidoscopic eyes, and thick skin plates. He also had purple blood. He was widely known as a charismatic leader filled with zealous anger. Wartol's worldview was shaped by the oppressive Imperial subjugation of his homeworld, Orish. Wartol firmly advocated for violent resistance and was willing to use any means necessary to achieve his goals. Before becoming a New Republic Senator, Wartol was an Orishen resistance leader who liberated his homeworld from the Empire by poisoning it. Despite the devastation of his homeworld, Wartol considered it a victory.
Wartol was a hawk and a hardliner who despised what he perceived as Chancellor Mothma's "spineless and indulgent" leadership. Wartol's animosity towards Mothma drove him to seize every opportunity to bring about her political downfall. Wartol was an aggressive politician whose charisma and angry rhetoric once secured him a 61% popularity rating over Chancellor Mothma. Despite his self-righteous image and rhetoric, Wartol had secret dealings with the Black Sun and Red Key crime syndicates. He used them to bribe and blackmail five senatorial colleagues into sabotaging Mothma's resolution to send military forces to Jakku. Wartol's hatred for Mothma led him to attempt to prolong the Galactic Civil War.
Wartol took personal offense when Chancellor Mothma delayed the vote by smuggling a pta fruit to Nakadia. With his pride wounded and his plot to prolong the war foiled, Wartol sought revenge against the Chancellor and attempted to kill her. Wartol also despised the former Imperial Sinjir Rath Velus for having once served the Empire. Wartol viewed himself as a martyr during his attempt to assassinate Chancellor Mothma and was willing to die for it. However, Sinjir had little patience for Wartol's misplaced sense of honor and warned him that he would face justice instead for his criminal actions.
Tolwar Wartol, a chemist, created a chemical weapon that poisoned his homeworld Orish during a successful effort to drive out the Empire. He also carried a fat-barreled, snub-chambered blaster made by the Kanjiklub, similar to those used by criminal elements. While Wartol knew how to fight and shoot, he was no match for Sinjir's combat skills. Wartol was also a passionate and zealous speaker.
Tolwar Wartol made his first appearance as a minor antagonist in Chuck Wendig's 2017 novel Aftermath: Empire's End, which is the final book in the Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.