The protocol droid T-2LC, nicknamed "Elsie," functioned as a caretaker for Han Solo and Leia Organa around the time the Battle of Jakku occurred. Senator Tolwar Wartol, a political adversary of Chancellor Mon Mothma, strategically placed a surveillance device on T-2LC with the intention of gaining leverage over his political opponent.


In 5 ABY, T-2LC was employed as a nanny for Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo. Following Solo's directives, T-2LC maintained a close watch over the heavily pregnant Organa at all time, ensuring she remained steady. Shortly before the Battle of Jakku, Senator Tolwar Wartol, an opponent of Chancellor Mon Mothma, secretly embedded a listening device within T-2LC to spy on the chancellor and her associates, including Organa. On one occasion, when Solo arrived with a bag of jogan fruits, T-2LC was too slow in opening the door, compelling Organa to manage it herself. While Organa and Solo were engaged in conversation, T-2LC announced that Organa had received a hologram communication from New Republic operative Norra Wexley.

T-2LC was present when Norra's son, Temmin Wexley, along with former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus, visited Organa's residence to deliver the information that the Imperial remnants had relocated to the planet Jakku. T-2LC remained discreetly in the background as Chancellor Mothma entered the room and questioned the informants regarding their observations on Jakku. T-2LC accompanied Organa when she and Solo permitted Temmin and Velus to utilize the YT-1300 light freighter known as the Millennium Falcon. Unbeknownst to T-2LC and the others, Wartol was eavesdropping on their exchanges. He disseminated information about the Imperial presence on Jakku to the media and accused Mothma of displaying weakness. Subsequently, Wartol dispatched Senate Guards to impede Temmin and Velus from departing aboard the Falcon en route to Jakku.

When Velus suspected the presence of a listening device within Organa's domicile, he reached out to his former partner, Conder Kyl, to conduct an investigation. Kyl was unable to detect any listening devices within the domicile but discovered the bug concealed within T-2LC. Solo informed T-2LC that the removal of the listening device would cause slight discomfort before proceeding with its extraction. Consequently, Chancellor Mothma was able to confront Senator Wartol regarding his espionage and political machinations.


T-2LC was a protocol droid specifically programmed to function as a nanny droid. T-2LC rigidly adhered to Han Solo's instructions, sometimes to the point where Organa nearly stumbled over his metallic feet. Additionally, T-2LC seemed to exhibit slow reflexes, which occasionally frustrated his superiors. T-2LC possessed servomotors that emitted a whining sound. He addressed Princess Leia as "mum." T-2LC also appeared to be somewhat naive and expressed shock upon discovering a listening device affixed to his polished face.

Behind the scenes

T-2LC, or "Elsie," made his debut as a supporting character in Chuck Wendig's 2017 novel Aftermath: Empire's End, which served as the concluding installment in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.

