Grelka Sorka

Grelka Sorka held the position of Senator representing Askaji within the New Republic during the year 5 ABY. Within the Galactic Senate, she oversaw a committee and maintained a relationship with Senator Tolwar Wartol. Before the pivotal Battle of Jakku, the criminal organizations Black Sun and Red Key plotted to extend the duration of the Galactic Civil War. To manipulate Sorka, they abducted her cherished pet jerba. Subjected to this pressure, Sorka, along with four other senators who were also being blackmailed, cast their votes against Chancellor Mon Mothma's proposal to dispatch military forces to Jakku. A group spearheaded by Sinjir Rath Velus and Han Solo successfully foiled the criminals' scheme. However, they were unsuccessful in rescuing Sorka's jerba, which had been trafficked to a black market butcher shop. Sinjir, acting as an adviser to the Chancellor, released a statement offering pardons and political advantages to the five senators if they reversed their votes, leading Sorka to vote in support of the resolution. Furthermore, Sinjir falsely claimed to have saved her jerba to secure her collaboration.

