Esmelle, a female human, resided on the planet of Akiva amidst the Galactic Civil War. Norra, her sister, served as a pilot for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During Norra's service, Esmelle and her wife, Shirene, cared for Norra's son, Temmin. Esmelle's skin was pale, and she shared her sister's silver hair. In contrast to her sister and nephew, Esmelle hesitated to involve herself in the Galactic Civil War.
The older sister of [Norra Wexley](/article/norra_wexley], the Rebel Alliance and New Republic starfighter pilot, was Esmelle. She was also the aunt of Temmin Wexley, who later became a pilot in both the New Republic Starfighter Corps and the Resistance. In her youth, Esmelle was a rebellious figure, leading a gang of troublemakers in the Akivan city of Myrra when Norra was born. She entered into marriage with another human woman named Shirene. Their home was a house located on Orchard Hill.
When Temmin reached the age of twelve years old, Esmelle and Shirene took on the responsibility of being his guardians after Norra, her younger sister, departed to locate her husband, Brentin Lore Wexley, who had been imprisoned by the Galactic Empire. Temmin proved to be a challenging adolescent for Esmelle and her wife, displaying both intelligence and a strong will. By the time he turned fourteen, Temmin had relocated to his family home at the base of Mount Selasa, transforming it into a shop for discarded items. Despite his move, Temmin maintained contact with Esmelle and Shirene, providing them with groceries and repairing their water pump.
Following the Battle of Endor in the ensuing months, Norra made a visit to her sister, Esmelle, seeking to reconnect with her son, Temmin. After discovering Temmin had moved out, she encountered him, but they were soon separated due to pursuit by stormtroopers. Norra quickly realized Temmin had not returned. When Esmelle commented that Temmin would manage, Norra criticized her for allowing him to operate a junk shop and associate with criminals. Esmelle retorted, in a playful manner, that she had raised him to be intelligent and self-reliant.
Norra proceeded to reprimand Esmelle for inadequate parenting. Esmelle responded by criticizing Norra for abandoning her son to join the Rebel Alliance. She also attributed Temmin's involvement with criminals to the arrest of her brother-in-law, Brentin, by Imperial authorities. Norra defended her husband, highlighting his role in relaying messages for the Rebellion and contributing to the establishment of the New Republic. Esmelle countered by observing that Norra may have won the war, but she had lost her son.
Before their argument escalated, Shirene intervened by offering tea to both Esmelle and Norra, diffusing the tension. Esmelle went into the kitchen, leaving Shirene and Norra to converse. After Norra, aided by the bounty hunter Jas Emari, the former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus, and Temmin's B1-series battle droid "Mister Bones", had rescued Temmin and they had entered the house, Esmelle inquired about the condition of Temmin's droid. She explained to Norra that the droid held significant importance for Temmin, as he had constructed it to cope with his mother's departure to find her husband. When Norra expressed skepticism about droids forming friendships with sentient beings, Esmelle pointed out that Mister Bones had protected Temmin from a group of bullies. Norra was displeased to be reminded of her shortcomings as a mother. When Esmelle criticized Norra's involvement in the Rebellion, Norra countered that war was approaching Akiva, and no amount of wishing could alter that reality. Esmelle attempted to object, but Norra brushed past her.
Esmelle and Shirene remained at home while Norra, Temmin, Mister Bones, Jas, and Sinjir united to disrupt the Imperial Future Council's emergency summit at the Satrap's Palace. As a result of the combined efforts of Norra, her son, and their team, the residents of Myrra launched a revolt against the Satrapy of Myrra and the Empire. Following a Rebellion on Akiva, the New Republic deployed a fleet to drive the Empire out of Akiva. After the battle concluded, Norra and Temmin repaired Mister Bones using spare parts they found in Esmelle and Shirene's basement. Temmin, accompanied by his droid, would later join his mother, Norra, in the New Republic's battle against the remaining Imperial forces.
After the Battle of Jakku, both Esmelle and Shirene were present at the funeral service for Brentin Wexley, who had died during the battle while confronting Counselor to the Empire Gallius Rax. During the service, Temmin also laid to rest the arm of his B1 battle droid, Mister Bones. Esmelle and Shirene observed as Temmin offered comfort to the grieving Norra. Norra and Temmin then spent a few days with the aunts prior to their return to their new residence on Chandrila.
Esmelle was a slender and pale woman who possessed long, silver-colored hair. She was married to Shirene, another woman, whom she held in deep affection. By the time the Battle of Endor occurred, Esmelle and Shirene were considered to be of advanced age by human standards. Esmelle and Shirene encountered difficulties in managing her strong-willed and technologically adept nephew, Temmin Wexley. She also viewed Mister Bones as a suitable companion for Temmin. Unlike her sister, Norra, Esmelle adopted an ambivalent stance regarding the Rebellion against the Empire. This, along with her repeated criticisms of Norra for being a neglectful mother, strained her relationship with her younger sister.
Esmelle is featured as a supporting character in Chuck Wendig's novels, Aftermath and Aftermath: Empire's End, both of which take place after the events depicted in Return of the Jedi.