The Imperial Future Council (IFC) comprised prominent officials from the Galactic Empire, convening at a summit on the planet Akiva following the Battle of Endor to determine the Empire's path forward. Among the surviving Imperial dignitaries present were financial expert Arsin Crassus, General Jylia Shale, adviser Yupe Tashu, Grand Moff Valco Pandion, and Admiral Rae Sloane. Due to disagreements among its members on virtually every major issue, Sloane, who organized and presided over the meeting, was frequently compelled to make decisions independently, lacking the council's unified approval.
According to Sith historian Yupe Tashu, the Imperial leaders who would later establish the Imperial Future Council were instrumental in assisting the late Emperor Sheev Palpatine in dispatching reconnaissance teams into the uncharted regions of space beyond the galactic frontier. Palpatine had strategically placed facilities in these regions to prepare for his emergency Contingency Plan. Following their formal establishment after the Battle of Endor, Tashu advocated that the remaining Imperial forces should withdraw "beyond the veil of stars" to seek the origin of the dark side, believing it was the only way to rebuild a superior Empire that would remain hidden and then strike at the New Republic. Arsin Crassus, a banker, sharply disagreed with Tashu, preferring to negotiate a peace with the Republic and create a recognized, separate Imperial state. Conversely, Grand Moff Valco Pandion, who had appointed himself Grand Moff, argued for an aggressive demonstration of the Empire's enduring military capabilities, a stance that contrasted with the cautious approach of General Jylia Shale. Shale was openly critical of certain Imperial actions, specifically the vast amounts of manpower and resources invested in the construction of both the first and second Death Star. While Grand Admiral [Rae Sloane](/article/rae_sloane] initially hoped the IFC would collaboratively determine the Galactic Empire's future with input from its highest-ranking officers, she ultimately asserted her authority over them upon realizing their inability to reach a consensus.
However, when the nascent New Republic dispatched forces and their allies, they aimed to disrupt the Imperial Future Council, leading to its dissolution. A key element of this strategy involved mobilizing the citizens of Akiva, who resented Imperial rule. The Galactic Empire subsequently lost control of the planet when the IFC leaders were compelled to escape. In space above Akiva, the Imperial fleet was engaged by a New Republic fleet commanded by Commander Kyrsta Agate. Crassus and Pandion met their death, while Shale and Tashu were captured by the New Republic. Sloane was the sole surviving member of the now-defunct IFC to escape, retreating to the Imperial fleet.