A council refers to a group comprised of councilors, typically individuals holding some degree of authority within a governing structure.
- Advisory council — This council functioned on the planet of Troithe in conjunction with remaining forces of the Galactic Empire.
- Andelm IV council — This council was responsible for controlling law enforcement on the planet Andelm IV.
- Archaeological Research Council — This was a committee composed of archaeologists located on Kallidah.
- Bahk-tov Council — Also known as the Bardotta Council, this was the governing body of Bardotta, consisting of members from the Dagoyan Order.
- Black Sun ruling council — This group of Falleen nobles held control over the Black Sun until Lord Maul and the Shadow Collective massacred them.
- Bromlarch Council — This was the planetary council that governed Bromlarch.
- Calamari Council — Also known as the Mon Calamari government council, this was a representative legislative assembly for Mon Cala.
- Council (Remainders) - The governing body for the Remainders residing within the Moonbender Colony
- Council of Elders — A religious body within the Elders of the Path that possessed access to sacred and confidential information.
- Council of Elders (Ewok) — The ruling body of an Ewok tribe found on the Forest Moon of Endor.
- Council of Elders (Path of the Open Hand) — The governing body overseeing the Path of the Open Hand.
- Council of First Knowledge — One of the four Jedi Councils in the Jedi Order, responsible for providing guidance and procuring ancient wisdom.
- Council of Labor Abuses — An entity existing within the structure of the Imperial Senate.
- Council of Moffs — A collective within the Galactic Empire comprised of moffs, established after the betrayal by Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit.
- Council of Mothers — The governing authority on the planet Gatalenta.
- Council of Neutral Systems — A political faction in the Galactic Senate, led by Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze and composed of 1,500 neutral star systems.
- Council of Reassignment — One of the four Jedi Councils within the Jedi Order, responsible for managing the Jedi Service Corps and Jedi Initiates who were not selected to become Padawans.
- Council of Reconciliation — One of four Jedi Councils within the Jedi Order, tasked with resolving interplanetary conflicts, working alongside the Republic Diplomatic Corps and the Galactic Senate.
- Defense Hierarchy Council — Also known as the Hierarchy Defense Council, a military council belonging to the Chiss Ascendancy which included high-ranking individuals like Supreme Admiral Ja'fosk and Supreme General Ba'kif.
- Dug Council — Also known as the Malastarian council, a governing body representing the Dug species on Malastare.
- Entropian Hive Trading Council — A group that held control over the Entropian Hive asteroid trading center.
- Executive Separatist Council — The executive governing body of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, led by Head of State Count Dooku and consisting of leaders from major corporations.
- First Order Supreme Council — Also referred to as the First Order High Council, this was a high-ranking military council within First Order High Command, established and chaired by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren of the First Order.
- Grand Hutt Council — A ruling body made up of representatives from each Hutt crime family, leading the Hutt Clan. Jabba Desilijic Tiure was its leader.
- Gungan High Council — Also known as the Gungan Rep Council, this was the governing body of Gungan society on the planet Naboo.
- Iego council — A guild comprised of residents and officials on Iego.
- Imperial Future Council — A short-lived group of high-ranking Imperial officials, including Grand Moff Valco Pandion, Admiral Rae Sloane, General Jylia Shale, Arsin Crassus, and Yupe Tashu, who attempted to seize control of the fracturing Empire during the Galactic Civil War.
- Imperial Ruling Council — Also known as the Imperial Advisory Council, a collective ruling body of bureaucrats comprised of the closest advisors to Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine. This council managed the Empire's affairs.
- High Council — The governing group of Talz on Orto Plutonia, led by Chieftain Thi-Sen.
- Imperial Penal Council — A judicial body within the Galactic Empire.
- Jedi Council — A governing group within the Jedi Order, encompassing the Council of First Knowledge, the Council of Reassignment, the Council of Reconciliation, and the Jedi High Council.
- Jedi High Council — A group of twelve high-ranking Jedi who led the Jedi Order. It was headed by the Master of the Order and spearheaded the Jedi Order's operations.
- Li-Toran planetary council — A governing council established by the largest Melitto hive following the Unending Conflict in order to prevent future disasters.
- Mandalorian Government Council — Also known as the New Mandalorian ministry council or simply as the Ruling Council, it was the government body of ministers responsible for maintaining the New Mandalorian government.
- Naboo Royal Advisory Council — Also known as the Royal Consultative Council, it was made up of ministers who served as advisors to the Monarch of Naboo.
- Oba Diah high council — An organization within the Pyke Syndicate on Oba Diah.
- Republic High Council — An organization of the Galactic Republic that was active during the High Republic Era.
- Republic Judiciary Council — A judicial organization responsible for the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center and its 3,200-strong Coruscant Guard force.
- Republic Security Council — A Galactic Senate committee responsible for protecting the Republic and overseeing the Republic's war efforts during the Clone Wars. It advised the Supreme Chancellor and could activate any of the Executive Order Codes for the Grand Army of the Republic.
- Ruling Council (Kamino) — The governing council overseeing the Kaminoan government.
- Ruling Council (Skako Minor) — A governing planetary council of Skako Minor, until the Empire massacred its members. It was then replaced by the Skakoan Council.
- Security council — A committee within the New Republic that was responsible for security and defense.
- Shadow Council — A clandestine council of high-ranking Imperials, formed late in the Galactic Civil War and lasting for years into the New Republic Era. Initially, it consisted of Counselor to the Empire Gallius Rax, Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, Grand Moff Randd, General Hodnar Borrum, Commandant Brendol Hux, and Chief informational officer Ferric Obdur. During the New Republic Era, its members included Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Moff Gideon, Commandant Hux, Captain Gilad Pellaeon, and various warlords.
- Special Senator Council on Galactic De-Escalation Strategies — A committee within the New Republic Senate.
- Skakoan Council — A ruling regime governing Skako Minor that demonstrated loyalty to the Galactic Empire.
- Togruta security council — A security and military council within the Togruta government that was tasked with advising the Togruta monarch on such issues.
- Toydarian Ministry Council — A ministerial body of Togruta that also advised the ruling monarch.
- Umbaran ruling council — A governing body responsible for the government of Umbara.
- Virujansi council — The government overseeing Virujansi until it was replaced by an Imperial governorship.
- War Council Advisory Panel — A Galactic Republic military body that advised the Supreme Chancellor on matters related to the war effort during the Clone Wars.
- Wookiee Council — The government that ruled Kashyyyk and was a member of the Galactic Republic.
- Yomo Council — A faction that splintered from the Galactic Empire during the final stages of the civil war and based on Fedovoi End until its destruction.
- Abridon Government Council
- Adumari Union Council
- Advisory Council (Alliance)
- Agamarian Council
- Ahakistan Council
- Alderaanian Council
- Almas Council
- Anchorhead Municipal Council
- Aquilaean Council
- Archaeological Research Council
- Bahk-tov Council
- Baobab Merchant Council
- Barsa sector council
- Bartyn's Landing town council
- Berchestian Council
- Bethal Commerce Council
- Black Sun ruling council
- Borokii Council of Elders
- Bothan Council
- Central Council (Anomid)
- Central Council (Genarius)
- Chirq Council
- City Council
- Citizen's Council of Dodz
- Commerce Council
- Congressional Council
- Cooperative Council of Independent Planetary Governments
- Corellian Corporate Council
- Corellian Council
- Council (Phindar)
- Council (Sluis Van)
- Council Authority
- Council of 127
- Council of AgriCorps Masters
- Council of Alwari Elders
- Council of Banking Clans
- Council of Chieftains
- Council of Clans
- Council of Colonists
- Council of Eckless
- Council of Elders (Alderaan)
- Council of Elders (Cerea)
- Council of Elders (Ewok)
- Council of Elders (Glee Anselm)
- Council of Elders (Klatooinian)
- Council of Elders (Nuiwit)
- Council of Elders (Saurton)
- Council of Elders (Tasariq)
- Council of Elders (Yinchorri)
- Council of Enlightened Elders
- Council of ExplorCorps Masters
- Council of Families
- Council of First Knowledge
- Council of Galactic Rights
- Council of Gordek
- Council of Human High Culture
- Council of Ithorian Elders
- Council of Lords
- Council of Makers and Spinners
- Council of Matrons
- Council of Meditation
- Council of Merchants
- Council of Moffs
- Council of Neutral Systems
- Council of Reassignment
- Council of Reconciliation
- Council of Sisters
- Council of Spice Lords
- Council of Ten
- Council of Tenants
- Council of the Wise
- Council of Three
- Council of Tourism and Extra-Planetary Investment
- Council on Security and Intelligence
- Daan Council
- Dantooine Jedi Enclave Council
- Dark Council
- Defense Council
- Demophon Council
- Devon Trade Council
- Draenell Planetary Council
- Durren Central Planetary Council
- Elder Council
- Elders' Council
- Elite Council
- Elomin Council
- Farmer's Co-op Council
- Fennesa Nerf Herding Council
- Finance Council
- Galactic Alliance Advisory Council
- Galactic Alliance Finance Council
- Galactic Chirgotta Awareness Council
- Games Council
- Governing council of Salline
- Gran Youth Council
- Grand council
- Grandmaster council
- Great Council (Tapani Federation)
- Great Council (Yuuzhan Vong)
- Green Jedi Council
- Greenputt Governing Council
- Guild council
- Guild Council
- Gungan High Council
- Health and Safety Council
- Hedrett Council
- Heritage Council
- High City Council
- High Command Advisory Council
- High Council (Galactic Alliance)
- High Council of Alderaan
- Historical Council
- Hive Council
- Hive Queen Council
- Hutt Ruling Council
- Iego council
- Imperial Ruling Council
- Indu Council
- Infernal Council
- Inner Council (Brigia)
- Inner Council (New Republic)
- Interstellar Travel Council
- InterTribal Council
- Iotran Braceman Council
- Irden Council
- Iziz Council
- Januul Council of Elders
- Jawa Council
- Jedi Council
- Jedi Council of Seers
- Jedi High Council/Legends
- Jedi High Council (New Jedi Order)
- Je'daii Council
- Joint Council
- Justice Council
- Kathol Republic Senatorial Council
- Kolatill Council
- Krath Council
- Krozurbian War Council
- Kuat Commerce Council
- Kyrouaquian High Council
- Magistrate Council
- Makeb Business Council
- Makeb Provisional Authority Council
- Malastarian council
- Managing Council
- Master Designers Council
- Masters' Council
- Melida Council
- Mining Council
- Ministry Council
- Mon Calamari Council
- Mytaranor Slaving Council
- Naboo Royal Advisory Council
- Nalroni Merchant Council
- New Republic Advisory Council
- New Republic Council Research
- New Republic High Council
- New Republic Provisional Council
- New Republic Ruling Council
- New Republic Trade Council
- Over-council
- Pixelito Grand Council
- Planetary Council
- Policy and Resources Council
- Prackla Trade Council
- Privy council
- Provisional Council of the Alliance of Free Planets
- Ralltiiri High Council
- Representative Council
- Resource Management Council
- Revolutionary Purist Council
- Rock Council
- Rodian Council of Justice
- Royal Council
- Ruling council (Exocron)
- Ruling Council (Kamino)
- Ruling Council (New Mandalorians)
- Science and Technology Council
- Security and Intelligence Council
- Security and Intelligence Council (Galactic Alliance)
- Security Council
- Senate Security Council
- [Senatorial
Senatorial Council - Separatist Council - Sif-Uwana Council - Sith Council - Sith Council (Brotherhood of Darkness) - Soulworks Collective Advisory Council - Stromma council - Sullustan Council - Supreme Council of the Highland Clans - Telosian Council - Terend council - Toydarian ministry council - Trade Council - Trade Federation Occupation Council - Twi'lek Clan Council - Typha-Dor High Council - Unidentified council - United Council of Bith Musicians - Unity Council - Vaathkree Council - Virgillian Council - War Council Advisory Panel - Whiplash Council - Wookiee council - Young advisory council - Zabrak High Council - Zarracina III ruling council
Consider the following related topics:
- The planet of Council
- The concept of the Council system
- The entity known as Ruling Council
- The organization known as High Council
- The group known as Imperial Council
- The association known as New Republic Council
- The association known as Trade Council
This page serves as a disambiguation tool, guiding you to specific articles that might share similar titles. If you arrived here via a link, please revise the link to point directly to the correct article.