The Almas Council functioned as a subsidiary Jedi Council, consisting of the six leading instructors from the Almas Academy, with the Academy's Headmaster at its helm. Although it operated independently, the Almas Council remained under the authority of the Jedi High Council located on Coruscant, and was required to follow their directives.
Following the Dark Jedi Conflict and the subsequent rediscovery of Almas, a small, experimental Jedi academy was founded on the planet four years later. Its purpose was to oversee the management and security of the Fortress belonging to Darth Rivan. As the academy grew, a Council comprised of senior instructors was established, holding meetings in a chamber illuminated by torches within the academy complex's central building. This Council was originally established in 119 BBY and was initially led by Nerra Ziveri, a Twi'lek Jedi Master who served as the Academy's headmaster. In 56 BBY, Ziveri was succeeded by Lanius Qel-Bertuk, his former Padawan, who then became the leader of both the Council and the academy.
The academy was considered experimental in its approach. It embraced older students, a practice that originated with the local Tarasin population. Eventually, it began accepting adults for Jedi training, although these individuals underwent a rigorous screening process. The Almas Academy maintained a strict policy of never accepting applicants who had previously been rejected by another academy.
While the Council's responsibilities included overseeing Jedi matters within the Cularin system, their teaching methods were subject to review by the Council of First Knowledge, and their overall policies were supervised by the Jedi High Council on Coruscant. The High Council conducted an annual review to ensure that students received approved training, and instructors from Coruscant were frequently assigned to the academy.
During the war between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Republic, many Council members resisted Coruscant's attempts to mobilize Almas Jedi for the Clone Wars. While many exercised their Right of Denial, Master Darrus Jeht from Coruscant successfully reassigned numerous Knights and Padawans off-world. Jeht remained on Almas to teach, joined the Council, and worked to ease tensions with Coruscant.
Shortly before the war's conclusion, a CIS fleet appeared in Almas' orbit and initiated an orbital bombardment of the planet. The Council, along with the majority of its members, was defeated and destroyed during this attack.
The Almas Council consisted of seven individuals: five leading instructors, a representative from Coruscant, and the Academy Headmaster. The Council convened annually in a stone chamber, lit by torches, at the center of the academy to deliberate on curriculum, teaching methodologies, and the knighting of students. The members gathered around a large table, with designated seating at each end for the headmaster and the Coruscant emissary.
Council members commonly held titles within the Order that were unique to Almas. The academy's battlemaster or Mistress of Lightsabers was responsible for organizing the academy's lightsaber instruction programs, while the Master of Visions served as the foremost Seer. The head of the philosophy department also held a position on the Council.