Nerra Ziveri

Nerra Ziveri was a Jedi Master of the Twi'lek species, and a male. He took on Lanius Qel-Bertuk as his apprentice, a Padawan, guiding him along the path to becoming a Jedi Knight. Furthermore, he encountered Klis Joo, a female Duros who was, at that point, a Jedi in training.


In the year 119 BBY, Ziveri took on the role of Headmaster at the Almas Academy. During his tenure, the institution evolved from a modest school into a comprehensive Academy, where he imparted knowledge of the Living Force. Despite concerns about the Academy's proximity to the Almas Sith fortress, a potent site of the dark side, Ziveri believed its presence would serve as a perpetual reminder of the dark side's perils. Annually, he shared the story of Kibh Jeen and the Dark Jedi Conflict with the students. As time progressed, he delegated this responsibility to senior students, initially as a narration and later as a dramatic performance, known as the Ritual Tale of Kibh Jeen.

Nerra Ziveri initiated a new practice at the Academy, accepting older students, initially Tarasin nearing adulthood, and later expanding to include teenage Wookiees and Twi'leks. He also lengthened the duration of group learning, broadened the curriculum to include alien cultures, and introduced "Jedi quests" to provide students with real-world experience. Although these policies deviated from standard praxeum practices, the High Council on Coruscant, which closely monitored the Academy and the nearby Fortress, supported Ziveri's innovative approach to education.

Within a few short years, the Almas Academy experienced significant growth, a phenomenon Ziveri attributed to the will of the Force. Ziveri also mentored Qel-Bertuk, preparing him to succeed him as the Academy's next Headmaster.

Upon learning of Klis Joo's dissatisfaction with her assignment as the Jedi watchman of Duro, Ziveri extended an offer for her to teach at his Academy. Joo eventually accepted and arrived on Almas around 55 BBY. Around the same period, Ziveri admitted Kirlocca, a Wookiee student who was exceptionally old even by the Academy's standards, marking him as the last student Ziveri personally accepted.

Ziveri firmly believed that the Sith fortress held significance for the future of the galaxy and attempted to probe its dark side aura. In 56 BBY, he successfully penetrated the aura. After bidding farewell to Qel-Bertuk, whom he appointed as the new Headmaster, Ziveri departed the planet on a mysterious mission, never to be seen again. A bust of Ziveri was erected at the Academy to commemorate his legacy.

In 31 BBY, Nerra Ziveri manifested as a Force ghost within the Cularin system. Ziveri was present during the destruction of the flying fortress Conkesta, constructed by dark Jedi Karae Nalvas.

Behind the scenes

The role-playing game adventure Into the Storm Clouds presents an optional scene that is activated only if a playable character has experimented with the dark side of the Force. In this scene, the character encounters the spirit of a Twi'lek Jedi, believed to be Ziveri, and is given the choice to either succumb to injuries and die, embrace the dark side, or relinquish all earned character levels. It remains ambiguous whether this is a manifestation of Ziveri's own power or an external force using Ziveri as an intermediary.

