Kibh Jeen, a male Jedi Padawan, underwent training under the guidance of Jedi Master Qornah during the final thousand years of the Galactic Republic. In the year 188 BBY, the Jedi Council, the governing body of the Jedi Order, dispatched Jeen and Qornah to investigate an ancient Sith fortress situated on the planet Almas, located within the Cularin system. Upon their arrival on Almas, Jeen succumbed to the overwhelming dark side presence emanating from the fortress and killed his Master. Becoming a Dark Jedi, he spent several months within the fortress before departing Almas and assembling an army composed of pirates. This force was then used to wage war against the inhabitants of the Cularin system. News of Jeen's actions eventually reached the Jedi Order, and in 181 BBY, a Jedi Consular and her Padawan were sent to end his reign of terror. The two Jedi strategically trapped Jeen's forces, and during an intense space battle, they defeated and killed Jeen. Subsequently, the Jedi established a training facility on Almas, and the tale of Jeen's downfall was narrated annually in the school's grand lecture hall, serving as a cautionary lesson about the dangers of the dark side for the academy's students.

During the Galactic Republic's final millennium, Kibh Jeen, a male Jedi Padawan, served within the Jedi Order. He focused on the ways of the Force as a Jedi Consular, and around 192 BBY, he began his studies under the mentorship of Jedi Master Qornah, also a Consular. Qornah's instruction proved effective, and by 188 BBY, Jeen was nearing the completion of his Jedi Trials, poised to achieve the rank of Jedi Knight.
In 188 BBY, the Jedi detected a potent dark side presence enveloping the planet Almas in the Cularin system. This presence originated from an ancient Sith fortress constructed by Sith Lord Darth Rivan during the New Sith Wars. To assess the potential threat posed by the Sith Temple to the increasing number of colonists settling in the Cularin system at that time, the Jedi Council, the Jedi Order's governing body, dispatched Qornah and Jeen to investigate and explore the citadel.
The pair journeyed to Almas aboard a shuttle piloted by Qornah, landing on the planet's surface and disembarking. Jeen immediately sensed the fortress's dark aura. The dark side of the Force whispered to him, attempting to entice him into submission. While Jeen struggled to resist, Qornah remained unaware of his apprentice's internal conflict. The two Jedi then began their trek toward the Sith fortress. Ultimately, Jeen succumbed to the dark side's allure. In a fit of rage, he murdered Qornah, striking his master from behind. He then stepped over Qornah's body and entered Rivan's fortress.
Jeen gained access to the fortress's resources, studying the ways of the dark side and becoming a Dark Jedi. He also resolved to subjugate the Cularin system's population and strike against the Jedi Council. After several months on Almas, he emerged from the temple and departed the planet in Qornah's shuttle, seeking potential minions to aid in his plans. Shortly after Jeen's departure, Qornah's body was discovered by the Jedi. The Jedi Council then dispatched the Order's most skilled psychometrics to Almas, tasking them with using their powers to determine the circumstances of Qornah's death and Jeen's fate. The psychometrics experienced a vision of Jeen's fall and Qornah's demise, leaving them deeply disturbed.
Within the Cularin asteroid belt, Jeen encountered a group of pirates who preyed on shipping in the system. Using the Force, he dominated their minds, compelling them into his service. He then used these pirates to recruit other criminals, eventually forming a large army. After dispatching some of his forces to sabotage a power plant on Genarius, the Cularin system's third planet, he unleashed his army against the world's floating cities. The assault resulted in the destruction of hundreds of homes and the deaths of thousands, initiating a war that later became known as the "Dark Jedi Conflict."
During one of the bloodiest periods in Cularin's history, Jeen waged war on the system for several years. Operating from bases in the asteroid belt, Jeen's pirate forces launched repeated strikes against the system's population, disappearing into the belt after each attack. His warships attacked all transports entering the Cularin system, inflicting suffering on countless innocents. At some point, he learned that the Sith Order, believed extinct by the Jedi, still existed and had reformed under the Rule of Two. He also affiliated himself with the Dark Force religion, a dark side cult based on Dromund Kaas.
News of Jeen's actions reached the Jedi Order on Coruscant, and in 181 BBY, a Jedi Consular and her Padawan were dispatched to the Cularin system to defeat Jeen and end the Dark Jedi Conflict. The two Jedi organized the system's inhabitants and trading organizations into an effective fighting force, luring Jeen's pirate army into a trap. In a fiercely-fought space battle, Jeen was overwhelmed, and his pirates were defeated. The Jedi maneuvered Jeen into a vulnerable position and killed him. With his dying breath, he muttered what sounded like gibberish about there always being two Sith, no more and no less.
The Jedi dismissed Kibh Jeen's claims about the Sith as the ravings of a madman, giving them little credence. However, the Jedi eventually came to believe in the Rule of Two sometime before 32 BBY. Regretting Jeen's fall and the harm he caused, the Jedi Order established a training facility on Almas in 177 BBY to maintain a permanent presence on the world, allowing them to study the Sith fortress and counter its dark side influence. This facility was later expanded into a full Jedi academy, known as the "Almas Academy." Each generation of students at the school learned about Jeen's fall, learning the dangers of overconfidence and the temptations of the dark side, as well as being warned against exploring the fortress. Jeen's story was shared during the Ritual Tale of Kibh Jeen, an annual event held in the Academy's grand lecture hall. This yearly recital evolved into a drama re-enacted by older students for their younger peers. The role of Jeen was always played by a Jedi Master, with a different member of the Academy's staff taking on the role each year. In 53 BBY, the Academy's headmaster, Lanius Qel-Bertuk, recited the Ritual Tale, instructing his students to consider whether the Sith fortress caused Jeen's fall or if the seeds of the dark side were already within him upon his arrival on Almas. Qel-Bertuk also asked the young Jedi to consider whether Jeen's claims about the Sith were intended as a warning.
Kibh Jeen's fall served as an example of the vulnerability of even trained Jedi to the temptations of the dark side. His story later inspired the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis to consider turning the dissatisfied Jedi Master Dooku to the dark side, a task later completed by Plagueis' apprentice Darth Sidious in 32 BBY.
When dispatched to Almas with Qornah to investigate the Sith fortress, Jeen was initially confident in his ability to handle any threats, based on the Jedi Council's assessment that the fortress was dormant. However, despite his confidence, Jeen was unable to resist the dark side's allure, becoming a Dark Jedi. During his campaign of terror in the Cularin system, Jeen viewed his pirate forces as mere tools to be used as he wished. He reveled in the system's inhabitants' inability to resist his army, yet also felt despair deep within his soul.
Kibh Jeen was created by Andy Collins and Robert Wiese, and he was first mentioned in the Living Force Campaign Guide, a Wizards of the Coast sourcebook providing background material for the Living Force roleplaying campaign. In 2006, Abel G. Peña mentioned Jeen in the Hyperspace article Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties to resolve a continuity conflict regarding the Rule of Two. While Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace established the Jedi Order's knowledge of the Rule of Two, later material suggested the tenet was secretly created by Sith Lord Darth Bane. Jeen's testimony before his death provided an explanation for how the Jedi could know of the rule. Jeen later appeared in the 2007 reference book Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force and received an entry in the 2008 compendium The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. In 2012, he was further mentioned in the novel Darth Plagueis and the publication Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side.