Genarius was a gas giant situated within the Cularin system. It bore a resemblance to Bespin in that it featured floating cities, one of which was a manufacturing hub established by the SoroSuub Corporation back in 32 BBY. The floating metropolises of Genarius were generally considered more anarchic compared to the rest of the Cularin system.
The gaseous composition of Genarius was remarkably unique within the galaxy. Many gases existed in a stable state due to their interactions with other gases and the influence of radiation emanating from the planet's core. Argon was combined with heavy beskium, along with three separate carbon isotopes in their gaseous forms, resulting in a blue and orange tinted atmosphere. Furthermore, the atmosphere contained over 150 elements in trace quantities (below 50 parts per million). Both Tibanna and irolunn gas could also be found on Genarius.
Genarius emitted its own light, along with heat and energy. Its core generated low-energy fusion, reaching temperatures akin to protostars, though not sufficient to transform the planet into a star. Extremely powerful windstorms and lethal radiation would surge upwards, posing a threat to unprotected cities.
In contrast to most gas giants, Genarius supported indigenous animal life: the jellyfish-like cochlera. This species displayed resilience and adaptability to Genarius' diverse conditions. However, no cochlera could survive for more than a single standard day when removed from Genarius' peculiar atmospheric gas mix.
During the period of the Great Galactic War, a squadron of Imperial fighters known as the Bane Brigade and their Sith commanders launched an assault on the planet, eradicating the resident Jedi Enclave.
Following Reidi Artom's discovery of the Cularin system in 232 BBY, entrepreneurs swiftly arrived in the system. Initial settlement efforts were concentrated on Genarius' four moons. Once the stability of the planet's atmosphere was confirmed, plans to construct a city within the atmosphere were initiated.
Nub Saar was the first city to be built. Its construction was rushed, and it lacked adequate protection against the intense radiation storms. It was nearly deserted when a severe storm struck, causing most of the city's structures to collapse and disintegrating the remaining inhabitants. Although this was a setback for the planet's settlement, the lessons learned from Nub Saar were applied to subsequent cities. Radiation shields became a priority, and buildings were constructed with sufficient strength to withstand the powerful winds.
While other cities were built and failed, Friz Harammel, constructed by Daedalus Gas Mines, was the first to achieve success. Despite initial expectations of failure, the lessons from Nub Saar were effectively implemented, and after a year of mining operations, the city's overseer announced remarkable profits. Her speech not only refuted the city's critics but also aimed to attract further interest in Genarius from other businesses: increased trade meant increased profits. External investors, including Qar Jalunn, would arrive in the following centuries.
By 188 BBY, numerous cities floated within the orange and blue-tinted clouds of Genarius. These cities became the target of an attack by Dark Jedi Kibh Jeen, marking the beginning of the Dark Jedi Conflict. Thousands perished. The Conflict spread beyond Genarius, and Jeen's forces were eventually defeated in 181 BBY.

After Riboga the Hutt arrived in the Cularin system in 110 BBY, he commissioned the construction of the city Tolea Biqua, which became his occasional residence. To prevent the independent cities of Genarius from uniting against him, he organized them first. He argued to the city leaders that by uniting, they could present a stronger front and generate more revenue than they could independently.
Riboga established a Central Council consisting of two representatives from each of Genarius' major cities. These cities accounted for only half of the planet's population but controlled 90% of its wealth. The remaining cities paid tribute to the Council for protection. Riboga initially led the Council himself, but once he was content with the Council's contributions and the status quo, he allowed them to elect their own leader. New representatives were chosen every two years. While each city maintained a degree of independence, trade decisions required Council approval.
After Riboga departed from the system, Nirama disregarded the Council, leading it to evolve into the body Riboga had initially envisioned. They continued to accept tribute from the smaller cities without granting them representation and focused solely on their own interests. With the establishment of Ipsus and Edic Bar, the wealth and prestige brought by Naescorcom and SoroSuub Corporation secured each of these cities two seats on the Central Council almost immediately.
Each city on Genarius specialized in a distinct industry. Edic Bar produced starfighters, Friz Harammel specialized in gas mining and radiocarbon harvesting, Ipsus manufactured diverse supplies, and Tolea Biqua and Varna Biqua provided unrestricted vice. Rorkee, initially intended as a study center, based its economy on tourism by offering a faithful reproduction of an archaeological site from the moon of Dorumaa after the Dorumaa Investment Group restricted access to the original site. Depatar, officially designated as a "neutral ground" for parties seeking such a place, was a well-known black market, likely the largest in the Cularin system, and generated substantial income through its internal bureaucracy. The Genariusan cities collectively formed the largest hubs for business, manufacturing, and distribution within the Cularin system as of 31 BBY.
In 31 BBY, a fallen Jedi named Karae Nalvas secretly constructed an armored flying city, similar to others on Genarius, but equipped with enough firepower to destroy almost any of the Genariusan cities. Nalvas's adversary Alec, a Jedi Knight, believed that Nalvas intended to seize or destroy the cities, thereby collapsing the system's economy and instigating a war. Alec stole the blueprints for this weapon of mass destruction and sought refuge in Depatar, but Nalvas managed to recover the documents.
Nalvas concealed his city, the Conkesta, near the planetary core to evade detection. Alec detected it nonetheless and enlisted the help of several individuals, including Dr. Shilaea Motacc and several adventurers, all of whom had unknowingly worked for Nalvas. Alec tasked some of his allies with raiding the Conkesta and uploading a virus to neutralize its threat, while he focused on tracking Nalvas. The virus sent the Conkesta plummeting into Genarius' core, resulting in its destruction, apparently accompanied by a surge of dark side energy that Nalvas could not control. Nalvas fled the Cularin system, leaving Genarius safe and the Conkesta never used against any of its cities.
Following the Clone Wars, a devastating conflict erupted between the government of Genarius and the group known as the Coalition. When the Coalition's primary warship collided with the city of Tolea Biqua, the planet became nearly uninhabitable due to the destabilization of its atmosphere.
The Living Force Campaign Guide mentioned Riboga establishing the Central Council, stating that the "result" was a council comprising representatives from Ipsus, Edic Bar, Tolea Biqua, Varna Biqua, and Friz Harammel. However, Ipsus and Edic Bar were not founded until after Riboga left the Cularin system, suggesting that the five cities listed represent the ultimate outcome as of 31 BBY. It remains unclear whether the original Council consisted of only three cities or whether Ipsus and Edic Bar displaced two of Genarius' smaller cities from representation.