
title: Cochlera

The Cochlera were a species resembling floating jellyfish, originating from the tempestuous, energy-rich atmosphere of the planet Genarius. While they were a resilient species, Cochlera appeared to only thrive within the skies of their homeworld. This observation led scientists to hypothesize that unique atmospheric gases and other specific environmental conditions were essential for their survival. Attempts were made to relocate several of these creatures to other gas giants, but all specimens died within a matter of days.

Their primary anatomical feature consisted of an almost transparent, sac-like organ filled with a unique fluid and exhibiting constant electrical discharges. Six appendages of varying lengths extended from beneath this central body, serving as defensive mechanisms. These appendages could emit a discharge with effects similar to an ion blaster, allowing the creature to protect itself.

Due to their transparency, Cochlera could easily evade detection until they collided with a starship or suffered burns from approaching a ship's engine too closely. Capturing or studying Cochlera proved to be a challenging endeavor.

Reproduction occurred through a fission process, where a single Cochlera would divide into two separate individuals. However, this process was contingent upon specific environmental conditions. The first requirement was the presence of beskium gas, and the second was that the parent Cochlera had to be part of a mull. The presence of other Cochlera seemed to trigger a chemical reaction that enabled fission reproduction. If beskium gas was present without a mull, the Cochlera would simply absorb the gas and rupture without reproducing. Furthermore, reproduction seemed to coincide with periods of intense atmospheric storms that periodically swept across the planet's surface.

Following the Battle of Naboo, it was discovered that the fluids composing the Cochlera's body, particularly those secreted when the creature was frightened, contained a pale ichor that could potentially provide immunity to the Force. Despite the lack of conclusive evidence, this ichor became known as Jedi Mind Juice. This revelation spurred numerous criminal organizations to engage in illicit hunts for these creatures. The Cochlera were captured, and their fluids were extracted. Predictably, these hunts were conducted in secrecy, and rumors were circulated about the 'dangers' posed by these gentle creatures to conceal the criminal activities.

Cochlera were frequently observed in herds, known as mulls, consisting of thirty to fifty individuals.

