Alec (Jedi)

Alec was a male Human Jedi Knight who served within the ranks of the Jedi Order during the twilight of the Galactic Republic, his service predating the outbreak of the Clone Wars. Initially, he took on a Padawan apprentice, named Saren Valek, but tragically, Valek succumbed to the influence of the dark side. Subsequently, Alec dedicated several years to pursuing the individual responsible for corrupting Valek.

Despite earning the respect of his fellow Jedi, Alec stood apart as a solitary figure within the Jedi Order, often operating covertly and independently, rather than collaborating with other Jedi. Nevertheless, he cultivated a wide network of contacts outside the Jedi Order, including outlaws and spies, who aided him in achieving his objectives.


Alec was a Jedi Knight who, while not widely known, was nonetheless well-regarded, and active during the final years of the Old Republic. Up until 34 BBY, he was training a Padawan named Saren Valek. At that juncture, Karae Nalvas, a fallen Jedi, seduced Valek, leading him to embrace the dark side of the Force. Valek then deserted his master, taking Alec's lightsaber with him.

From that moment forward, Alec relentlessly pursued Nalvas. The Jedi High Council sanctioned Alec's self-imposed mission, affirming that he was not at risk of succumbing to the dark side, as his sole intention was to apprehend Nalvas and prevent him from perpetrating further evil deeds, rather than seeking vengeance. Consequently, the Jedi Order willingly stepped aside, granting him the freedom to execute his mission as he saw fit, while also remaining prepared to provide support should he request it.

Over the ensuing three years, Alec relentlessly hunted Nalvas, yet remained unable to apprehend him. In 31 BBY, Alec located Nalvas in the Cularin system, where he was operating under the alias of Fesvk Wefos, an entrepreneur. While the Cularin system boasted its own praxeum, known as the Almas Academy, Alec contacted the Academy, securing their agreement to refrain from taking action until either he or the Council requested their intervention.

Alec discovered that Nalvas was constructing a colossal flying fortress, akin to a city in size, within the gas giant Genarius. Alec surmised that Nalvas intended to utilize it to obliterate the other cities on the planet, which served as the primary hubs for business, industry, and distribution within the Cularin system, thereby inciting a devastating war. Alec managed to pilfer the blueprints of this construct, known as the Conkesta, before vanishing into the Genariusan city of Depatar.

Depatar, famously called the City of Masks, mandated that all outsiders maintain a constant disguise. Consequently, Alec acquired a mask resembling an albino Wookiee. Furthermore, given the city's intricate bureaucratic processes, outsiders typically enlisted the services of specialized permitors to secure the necessary permits for any undertaking. Alec hired Delan, a highly skilled Twi'lek permitor. He also engaged Danil, a guide and pilot, although Alec supplied his own vessel.

During his time in Depatar, Alec delved into the local economy at the Grande Game casino, while also amassing considerable profits. Subsequently, he frequented a bar known as Club 111, where he indulged in dancing and Ithorian brandy before departing with Danil to visit the Five Star Entertainment theater. Given Alec's need to remain in Depatar for an extended period, Danil sought supplementary employment as a theater porter, while Alec utilized a theater box to conceal himself and his earnings. Alec also enlisted the services of several soldiers to provide sniper cover if required. However, feeling that he no longer needed a permitor, he granted Delan a week's vacation in Dorumaa.

Meanwhile, Nalvas realized what had transpired and recognized the presence of his former sparring partner. Posing as Wefos, Nalvas hired a team of adventurers from the nearby planet Cularin to locate Alec and retrieve the blueprints. Two weeks after Alec's arrival in Depatar, Nalvas informed his employees that Alec was a missing courier carrying crucial documents pertaining to a new resource extraction device, without which his company would suffer. Nalvas was aware that if his people were to find Alec, Alec would reveal the truth to them. His sole intention was to keep Alec occupied while Nalvas himself retrieved the blueprints from his supposedly secret hideout.

Alec noticed the newcomers dispatched by Nalvas tracking his movements through Club 111 and the Grande Game. He hired a group of thugs from out of town to deter them, as well as a permitor for the thugs, named Sadana. However, the newcomers remained undeterred and followed Alec to the theater. Alec personally confronted them, with his soldiers providing cover as planned, revealing himself as a Jedi and disclosing the truth about Nalvas. While he refused to surrender the blueprints, he offered to meet with "Wefos." Alec successfully persuaded Nalvas's people to join his cause.

Danil, Alec, and his newfound allies journeyed to Cularin for their rendezvous with "Wefos" at a local tavern, Bath Rabbud's. Instead of appearing in person, Nalvas sent an astromech droid carrying a hologram of himself, mocking them and displaying the blueprints, as well as a frag grenade with which he intended to eliminate his adversaries. However, the explosive proved less effective than Nalvas had anticipated. Alec survived and vowed to contact his new acquaintances as soon as he had formulated a plan to counter Nalvas.

Over the subsequent two weeks, Alec discovered that the Conkesta was nearing operational status and was concealed near the core of Genarius. Alec recruited Doctor Shilaea Motacc, an expert in planetary propulsion who had unwittingly been working for the false Wefos without knowledge of his true intentions. Alec provided Motacc with several slicers, with whom she developed a computer virus designed to send the Conkesta, which was not spaceworthy, into outer space, where it would be destroyed. This endeavor would require someone to infiltrate the Conkesta and operate the propulsion main control.

Alec also engaged with a pair of Bothans, who furnished them with valuable information: The Conkesta had forged an alliance with a local pirate gang, known as The Red Fury Brotherhood, with the Brotherhood providing the Conkesta with consumables and technology. Many of the pirates would be attending the annual SoroSuub party in the nearby city of Tolea Biqua, leaving their base with a minimal crew. Alec concluded that a small team could steal a shuttle from the pirate base and then proceed to the Conkesta in a ship that Nalvas would be expecting.

Alec contacted some independent adventurers, known as the heroes of Cularin, conveying a holomessage via a droid. He and Dr. Motacc convened with them at Bath Rabbud's, under the guise of a "fans of foreign drinks" gathering. Alec and Motacc implored the heroes to assist them with their plan: If they could infiltrate the Conkesta and upload the virus, Alec could then pursue Nalvas and attempt to capture him. Alec cautioned them that if the alarms were triggered, they should retreat and attempt another assault on a different day. However, Alec's plan involved secretly infiltrating the Conkesta himself and activating the virus amidst the ensuing chaos.

While the heroes of Cularin were executing their mission, Alec located and pursued Nalvas from the moment he departed the Cularin asteroid belt, but Nalvas managed to evade Alec. Alec then traveled to Tolea Biqua, discovered that the heroes of Cularin had successfully completed their mission, and celebrated with them during the city-wide party. Alec arranged an honorary reception for his friends, which included Jedi from the Almas Academy and dignitaries from Genarius.

Personality and traits

Despite his ability to blend in unnoticed, Alec possessed a charismatic personality that enabled him to effortlessly attract others to collaborate with him, including Shilaea Motacc and several slicers and Bothans, as well as at least ten soldiers or mercenaries during his time in Depatar. Nevertheless, he remained a lone wolf, eschewing the assistance of the Jedi Order or the Almas Academy in favor of a solitary approach to his mission—even though his objective, the capture of Karae Nalvas, had remained elusive for several years. Some individuals regarded Alec as paranoid and simply disregarded him.

Unlike many other Jedi, Alec wielded both a blaster pistol and a lightsaber, which may have been constructed by someone else. Despite this, he commanded considerable respect among the Jedi: The Almas Academy, recognizing Nalvas as a threat, agreed to refrain from taking action against him until Alec (or the Jedi Council) requested their intervention.

Alec was a devoted warrior, relentlessly pursuing Nalvas to bring him to justice, while steadfastly avoiding any personal vendetta against him, thus preventing him from succumbing to the dark side of the Force. Simultaneously, he seemingly considered Valek a lost cause, unworthy of any remorse in his state as a servant of the darkness: Alec only spoke of Valek as a formidable enemy to be vanquished. Upon Valek's demise, Alec requested Valek's lightsaber, possibly because Alec had constructed it.

Alec maintained amicable relationships with numerous Jedi, including several Jedi Twi'leks. He had never encountered Nerra Ziveri.

Alec employed several assistants, including Danil, his personal pilot and guide to Depatar, and Delan, his permitor in Depatar. These individuals were highly skilled, generously compensated, and willing to remain with Alec for extended periods, suggesting that Alec possessed the financial means to pay them. He was known to earn money through gambling, and he may have utilized his Force abilities to influence the randomness of the games. He owned a ship, but lacked the skills to pilot it himself.

Although Alec's combat skills and overall prowess were inferior to those of his adversary, Nalvas, Nalvas fled the system rather than engaging him in a duel. Subsequently, Alec departed the system to resume his pursuit of Nalvas.

