
A professional bureaucratic agent, known as a permitor, functioned within the city of Depatar, situated on the gas giant Genarius. These permitors served visitors to the city, securing the necessary authorizations for various rights they might require.

The bureaucratic system of Depatar hinged on permits, which were official documents granting individuals specific privileges, such as the right to carry blaster weapons, engage in gambling, or interrogate another person. Each permit was specific to an individual and not transferable; given that visitors were required to wear disguises in Depatar, the permit identified the mask being worn. Because visitors typically lacked familiarity with local laws and customs, and the penalties for lacking proper permits were severe (expulsion from the city, potentially without transportation), hiring a permitor for the duration of their stay was considered essential.

Permitors possessed a thorough understanding of the laws and were responsible for informing their clients about the permits they needed and their associated costs. The approval process for a permit could take up to four hours; however, some permitors were skilled forgers capable of producing counterfeit permits in under a minute. Local authorities, many of whom were also crime lords, profited from both legitimate and illicit permit activities.

To prevent continuous harassment of visitors by potential permitors, each visitor was limited to engaging only one permitor at a time. The first permitor to successfully sell a permit to a visitor automatically became that visitor's official representative, holding the exclusive right to obtain subsequent permits on their behalf. If a visitor became dissatisfied with their initial permitor, they could request a transfer of representation permit, allowing them to engage a different permitor. This system effectively transformed permitors into unofficial guides and dedicated service providers.

Certain permitors held affiliations with Houses or guilds. These permitors would often attempt to direct their clients toward businesses also associated with their respective House.

Notable permitors include Delan, Fot Ducela, Furran, Gusimin the Honest, Koyi Kobad, Maltok, and Sadana. Known Houses with permitor affiliations include House Intari, House Keltal, House Pthen, and House Renseth.

