Furran, occasionally referred to as Furran of the Intari, was a member of the Filordus race, employed as a permitor within Depatar. Affiliated with the esteemed House Intari, his name was typical among the Filordus species. Due to the perceived strangeness of Filordi by numerous other races, Furran encountered limited employment prospects compared to fellow permitors, and the constant letdowns often resulted in an outward demeanor of anger and curtness towards others.
On one occasion, Furran established communication via comlink with newcomers arriving in a starship. He hoped to secure a permitor position with them. Other individuals vying for the same opportunity included Gusimin the Honest, Koyi Kobad, Maltok, and Sadana. Furran and the other hopeful permitors experienced disappointment when they learned that the visitors had already engaged the services of Fot Ducela.
Within the narrative of Clouded Paths, Furran is designated using the pronouns he/him, without a defined gender. The "Metatheran Caution: Belly of the Beaast" segment of the Living Force campaign provided clarification that the Filordus species lacks distinct genders, and Filordi are not gendered individuals. However, the pronouns he/him were utilized for Rikard, accompanied by a note indicating that "any gendered pronouns that we use are simply for convenience." It remains uncertain whether Furran's designation as he/him is similarly intended solely for the reader's ease of understanding.