
Filordi, with the singular form being Filordus, were sentient beings that originated from the planet Filordis.

Biological Traits and Physical Attributes

A Filordus

The Filordi comprised a sentient species characterized by a six-limbed, quadrupedal form, typically reaching a height of approximately 1.4 meters. A single member of this species, known as a Filordus, possessed a distinctive physique. They featured two arms extending from shoulder joints on their upper body, each terminating in a three-fingered hand, along with two elongated, slender front legs connected to their abdomen. Additionally, a pair of shorter, stockier rear legs protruded from their hindquarters. While they generally moved on all four limbs, Filordi could adopt a bipedal posture, walking upright on their hind legs. However, this mode of locomotion proved more strenuous and slower compared to their quadrupedal gait. Their limbs ended in two broad, flat back feet and two smaller, more curved, front feet. Each foot had pincer-like toes which could be used for fighting, with the toes on their front set of legs facing rearwards and their back set of toes facing forwards.

Filordi displayed humanoid-like facial features, including a pair of eyes, a mouth, a nose, and two sizable ears capable of folding down to protect their eyes from harsh weather conditions like wind and rain. Their large ears granted them exceptional hearing, enabling them to discern sounds amidst the strong winds of their native planet Filordis. However, this heightened auditory sensitivity also rendered them susceptible to sonic attacks. Their bodies were covered in a short coat of fur, with some individuals exhibiting orange coloration, while others displayed blue stripes.

Reaching adolescence at the age of 10, Filordi were considered adults by age 14. Middle age began around 40, and they had a life expectancy of approximately 70 standard years. Filordi reproduced asexually through the act of death; an infant Filordus would emerge from the deceased body of its predecessor approximately one standard week after death. Their dietary needs differed from those of the Caarites, a sentient porcine species from Caarimon.

Social Structure and Cultural Attributes

The Filordi were an adaptable and remarkably intelligent species, capable of adjusting to diverse environmental conditions. Known for their creativity and ambition, they were driven by a constant pursuit of success, often leading them to be ruthless and opportunistic. However, their goals were frequently short-sighted, resulting in the unsustainable consumption of resources without considering long-term consequences. Their resilience allowed them to thrive on their harsh homeworld, Filordis, a rocky, storm-ridden planet. The primary objectives of most Filordi were to improve their planet's environment and to eventually leave Filordis altogether.

Filordi were typically considered to be without specific gender and were occasionally referred to using the pronoun "it," as seen with Yve. However, individual Filordi were also sometimes referred to as male or using the pronoun "he," as exemplified by Furran, Nui Gneppe, and Verkul Seimbo.

In combat, a Filordus would typically crouch on its hind legs and use its arms and pincers to attack. Their native language was Filordian, but they could also learn Basic, which they spoke with deep, gravelly voices, often omitting certain consonant sounds. Filordi generally wore clothing covering their torso, leaving their lower bodies exposed. Examples of Filordi names include Anazzar, Birkalz, Dreevan, Grizztil, Hizka, Nirzru, Surlan, and Zebbil.

Historical Context

Driven by their desire to improve their planet's conditions, the Filordi actively engaged in terraforming efforts to make it more habitable. Sometime after its establishment in 350 BBY, the Filordi joined the Trade Federation, a powerful trade and shipping organization that operated throughout the galaxy. During the final decades of the Galactic Republic, the Federation came under the control of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who directed it to plan an invasion of Naboo. The Filordi and the Caarites, another member species of the Federation, opposed these plans. In 33 BBY, following secret negotiations on Filordis, the Caarites convinced the Filordi to break away from the Trade Federation and establish the Metatheran Cartel, a competing shipping enterprise. The Cartel then directly competed with the Federation, and the Caarites and Filordi attempted to undermine their former partners by exposing their unethical practices.

Around 33 BBY, Nirama, a Cularin crime boss, acquired technology from the Filordi to use against the local pirates in the Cularin asteroid belt.

While the Cartel was based on Cularin, it also established secondary headquarters on Filordis and the Caarite homeworld, Caarimon. In their interactions with the public, the reclusive Filordi allowed the Caarites to represent the Cartel, rarely appearing themselves.

Two Filordi security agents and three Filordi cooks were observed in the Metatheran Cartel jungle base on Cularin in 31 BBY. Another Filordus, Furran, was a permitor associated with House Intari in Depatar around the same time; Furran had limited job opportunities due to the rarity of his species.

