On the bicentennial of the founding of Gadrin by Reidi Artom, Velin Wir, the representative from the Metatheran Cartel, declared to the people of Cularin that the Cartel intended to construct a new hub for trade and distribution on the planet. However, a secret Metatheran Cartel jungle base, already existed and was suitable for these operations. This base consisted of a duracrete bunker built into a hillside west of Gadrin. After pirates hired by Velin Wir took actions that led a group of heroic Cularin residents to the jungle base, Wir assisted the heroes in finding the pirates, thereby claiming partial credit for their downfall. At that point, the Cularin population became aware of the jungle base's existence. Following this disclosure, the Cartel transferred the majority of its activities to the base, maintaining only one office in Gadrin with a minimal staff of two.
Subsequently, a resistance movement was established to combat the Cartel's perceived unlawful actions. While they managed to gather some incriminating evidence, they still needed two crucial files to build an unassailable case. To obtain these files, they launched an attack on the Cartel's jungle base, aiming to extract them from the base's computer systems. More than sixty resistance fighters eliminated the six external Cartel guards before engaging in a fierce gun battle with an additional 125 guards, all of whom were present in the staging area during the assault. The fight resulted in both sides becoming entrenched at opposite ends of a restrictive corridor, negating the Cartel's numerical advantage.
The group of heroes who had previously visited the base over a month prior were now aligned with the resistance. They discreetly separated from the ongoing battle to locate the base's computers and retrieve the necessary files. In the computer center, they encountered Velin Wir, who confronted them with a lightsaber, but he was ultimately defeated. Recognizing their untenable situation and lack of escape routes, the Cartel guards surrendered. Following the Gungans of the resistance leading the defeated guards and other personnel away from the base, a barrage of fire-linked turbolasers from a Cartel ship in orbit obliterated the base in a sudden, devastating attack.
The base was defended by a garrison of two hundred security guards, with up to half potentially deployed on patrol at any given time. The base's personnel primarily consisted of Caarites and various droids—including 3B-IR, Y4-E, and LS-121 in the personnel office—but there were also a small number of Filordi employed in the mess hall and the security headquarters.
A Revelation includes an interior map of the base. However, the map only depicts areas relevant to the base's security personnel (barracks, mess hall, supply closet, staging area, and personnel office) and secured zones (security headquarters, records room). It lacks any representation of the commercial activities that the base had been supporting since the offices and warehouses in Gadrin and Hedrett were shut down. The map appears to be limited to the security section of the base, which was inaccessible internally from the commercial area—although a concealed escape route existed beneath one of the terminals in the records room.