The city known as Hedrett, together with its twin Gadrin, represented the sole major non-Tarasin inhabited area directly on the surface of Cularin. Other cities established by non-natives were constructed on elevated platforms, rising high above the jungle terrain.
Reidi Artom, a Scout, played a key role in establishing Gadrin, marking the first alien settlements on Cularin's western bank of the Estauril River, situated close to the Hiironi irstat location. The spaceport was purposefully built on the opposite side of the river, in an area that was initially undeveloped. Subsequent settlements on that side of the Estauril eventually coalesced into the second town, Hedrett. In contrast to Gadrin's development, Hedrett was planned with a grid-like urban layout and relied more heavily on prefabricated structures, imported from other planets, instead of wooden buildings, constructed from locally sourced materials.
Following Hedrett's establishment across the river, Artom oversaw the construction of a large bridge to connect the two settlements. As the cities expanded, partly through the use of prefab buildings brought in from other planets, they encroached upon the jungle. This expansion sparked opposition from the native Tarasins, ultimately leading to the Tarasin Revolt. The Revolt concluded with the Cularin Compact, a treaty that acknowledged the Tarasins' rights and imposed obligations on the non-natives to respect the planet's ecosystem.
To prevent further encroachment on the jungle, future urban development on Cularin shifted away from surface construction. Instead, platform cities were built above the jungle, enabling expansion without disrupting the natural environment. The construction of these platform cities diminished the prominence of Gadrin and Hedrett, leading to a decline in their populations. Despite this, the "twin city" was sometimes considered as the de facto capital of Cularin.
Artom's utilization of her wealth and reputation to foster Cularin's advancement and transformation into a planet as sophisticated as those in the Core Regions earned her widespread admiration in Gadrin, Hedrett, and the platform cities.
While outsiders from the Cularin system often viewed Gadrin and Hedrett as a single entity, the two cities possessed distinct characteristics, both architecturally and politically, and were, in many ways, rivals. For example, Hedrett eventually took control of the spaceport that Gadrin had originally constructed on what had become Hedrett territory. Gadrin considered constructing a new spaceport, but the population showed little interest due to the convenience of Hedrett's existing facility. Hedrett leveraged its control of the spaceport to import cultural innovations before they reached Gadrin.
Hedrett was governed by a town council, and its citizens actively participated in the political process. They valued the elections held to fill vacant council seats and engaged in discussions with their representatives. The council comprised nine senior counselors and twelve junior counselors, with each junior counselor's vote carrying half the weight of a senior counselor's vote. All residents were allowed to participate in debates, though only counselors could vote. In 31 BBY, Westa Impeveri served as Hedrett's primary senior counselor. His election victory was unexpected, and his rival, Karid Blakken, accused him of manipulating the election, but Impeveri was later exonerated.
Around 32 BBY, Hedrett's population stood at approximately 19,600, including about 2,900 Tarasins. Gadrin had a larger overall population but a smaller Tarasin population.