Hiironi irstat

The Hiironi irstat represented the most substantial Tarasin settlement on the planet Cularin. This community originated from a union of twelve distinct irstat, each of which had established itself independently in the vicinity of Cloud Mountain. A catastrophic volcanic eruption from Cloud Mountain resulted in the near destruction of these twelve irstat. Consequently, the surviving members united, relocating to a safer distance from Cloud Mountain, thereby establishing the Hiironi irstat. The name they chose, "Hiironi," directly reflects this history, signifying "different but together" in the Tarasinese language.

Upon her arrival on Cularin, Reidi Artom engaged with the Hiironi irstat. Unbeknownst to her, while its considerable size made it a central hub for various tribes, it lacked the authority to represent all Tarasin. Artom and her team subsequently established the settlement of Gadrin in close proximity to the irstat.

When the Cularin system became part of the Republic, the leader, or Irstat-Ket, of the Hiironi was Cryalira, while their spiritual guidance was provided by Mother Dariana.

Approximately around 31 BBY, trade caravans occasionally journeyed from Gadrin to the irstadt. These caravans provided the Tarasin with advanced technological goods in return for their handcrafted items. This regular traffic served to deter local predators and simplify the journey, although certain Tarasins, notably Dariana, maintained the firm conviction that the offered goods were of no benefit to the Cularin.

