As the Hiironi irstat's matriarch, the largest irstat dwelling on Cularin, Mother Dariana was considered the most knowledgeable among all Tarasin. The Hiironi irstat was also known as the Mother of the Iristat.
Becoming the Mother of the Hiironi, or the tribe's spiritual guide (a position given to the tribe's oldest female), was not something she desired, especially not as early as it happened, even though she had dreamed of it as a child. She yearned for the role of Irstat-Kes, the tribe's chief (a position bestowed upon the second oldest woman in the tribe), and anticipated assuming that responsibility.
However, the day following the previous Mother's death at the hands of a kilassin, when her sister Meirana ascended to the role of Mother, Meirana succumbed to an unusual illness, immediately placing Dariana in the Mother's position. Dariana did her best in her new role, but she tended to become angry when her "wisdom" was disregarded.
Dariana advocated for the use of off-world technology in specific situations. She carried a blaster for protection against predators and documented her memoirs using electronic media instead of relying solely on her people's oral traditions. She often acted as much for her own benefit as for the benefit of her irstat.
Dariana provided training to some of the young Force-sensitive members of the irstat in her people's ways of the Force. Some of these individuals, including Constanten, later attended the Almas Academy to train as Jedi.
Near the end of her life, her skin lost its ability to change colors, yet she maintained a commanding presence and an imposing stature while wearing the traditional Mother's robe. She seldom ventured outside the irstat, but she attended all important meetings between the Hiironi and off-worlders. Knowing her death was near, she decided to dedicate herself more to life.
Approximately one year after the Trade Wars of 32 BBY, an off-worlder friend of the irstat whom she trusted (likely Nim'Ri, Shayne Gerrare, or Gerta Haman) approached Dariana seeking a suitable location for a sanctuary, and Dariana directed them to Cloud Mountain. Shortly thereafter, a group of individuals searching for people who had vanished to join the Cularin resistance arrived at the irstat following clues left behind by the missing individuals. Sensing a disturbance in the natural balance around Cloud Mountain, Dariana guided them in the same direction as she had the irstat's friend. At this time, the Metatheran Cartel was secretly felling ch'hala trees, a fact known to Dariana's friend but concealed from her to prevent the Tarasin from resorting to violence.
Later, another of Dariana's sisters, Liriana, appeared as the leader of a group of Tarasin dark side witches who called themselves the Wyrd. Dariana herself had experienced the dark side when, as a child, she used it to kill a young kilassin to prevent it from devouring her.