The Cularin resistance was an organization that formed to combat the perceived threat posed by the Metatheran Cartel on the world of Cularin.
The announcement by Velin Wir of the Metatheran Cartel regarding their intentions to establish a trading and distribution hub on Cularin, followed by the revelation that such a center was already operational, sparked widespread concern among Cularin's populace. Gerta Haman, a political activist, felt compelled to assemble a resistance movement. Their aim was to uncover evidence of the Cartel's misdeeds and, if necessary, to prevent the Cartel from gaining excessive power and exploiting the planet's resources.
Gerta Haman sought out Kris Wahl, a past supporter, to provide financial backing. Additionally, either she or a Hiironi irstat friend acting on her behalf, perhaps Nim'Ri or Shayne Gerrare, approached Mother Dariana of the Hiironi, requesting a suitable sanctuary to serve as the resistance's headquarters. Mother Dariana directed them to the Cloud Mountain mines.
To operate discreetly, away from the Cartel's scrutiny, the resistance members quietly disappeared from their everyday lives and converged at the Cloud Mountain base. Despite their efforts, the Metatheran Cartel became aware of their activities and attempted to apprehend at least one recruit, Shayne Gerrare. However, fellow resistance members intervened and repelled the Cartel forces on Gerrare's front lawn.
While the skirmish went unnoticed, the mass disappearances did not. Sensing unrest on Cularin, Master Lanius Qel-Bertuk of the Almas Academy dispatched E1-6RA to locate a group to investigate the disappearances. This group discovered several connections to the Hiironi among the missing individuals' belongings. With Mother Dariana's assistance, they successfully located the resistance at their base.
By this point, the resistance possessed recordings of Cartel work crews illegally harvesting ch'hala trees—a violation of the Cularin Compact—and a financial trail implicating the Cartel in the activities of a pirates group that had been attacking local businesses in recent months. However, the financial trail ended abruptly before reaching the Cartel, and the recordings could be dismissed as fabricated. Consequently, the resistance lacked concrete evidence. They requested the group working for Lanius to assure the Jedi Master that the missing individuals were safe, without revealing their location or activities. Gerta believed that the Jedi would seek negotiation, a tactic that favored the Cartel due to their expertise in such matters.
The group refrained from providing specific details to E1. A month later, Gerta approached them, seeking assistance in acquiring crucial evidence from the Cartel's Gadrin office. They complied, even retrieving an additional datapad containing information about bribes Velin Wir had been distributing to influential figures. Although the information was valuable, two final files were needed, accessible only from the Cartel's jungle base. Unfortunately, the extra datapad contained a transmitter that led the Cartel to the resistance's base, prompting them to launch an attack. Several resistance members perished in the assault, and Gerta Haman would have suffered the same fate if not for the swift intervention of the allied group.
The resistance proceeded with their plan to raid the Cartel's jungle base in pursuit of the necessary information. The assault was led by Broof Yurdel and his Gungans, accompanied by Nim'Ri and fifty other resistance fighters. However, due to the Cartel's attack, many resistance members disregarded the original plan to use only [stun](/article/stun-legends] settings. Broof, however, did reset his weapon to stun shortly before the attack, because it was what Gerta would have wanted.
While the main force engaged the Cartel's guards, the allied group bypassed the conflict to confront Velin Wir and retrieve the required evidence from the base's computers. Soon after, the resistance forces triumphed and escorted their Cartel prisoners from the base. Once the base was evacuated, turbolasers fired from a Cartel ship in orbit obliterated the jungle base.
Following the destruction of the jungle base and the acquisition of the evidence, the Metatheran Cartel denounced Velin Wir as a rogue agent and attempted to appease the people of Cularin. The resistance members returned to their normal lives, with some, like Broof Yurdel, joining the Cularin Militia upon its formation.
Gerta Haman led the resistance, with Broof Yurdel and Nim'Ri serving as her senior advisors and co-leaders. The structure was informal, with Gerta admitting that she "guessed" she was the leader. While both Broof and Nim'Ri had backgrounds in security, Broof seemed to be in charge of the base's security and also led the resistance's forces on their one military expedition.
The resistance members at the Cloud Mountain base numbered over two hundred. Not all members had completely abandoned their former lives. Some remained employed to provide support in other ways, although Gerta preferred not to involve them directly, to minimize their risk.
The colorful emblem of the resistance was discovered painted on the Jax Warehouse the morning after the night shift vanished. At the mural's center was a sun symbolizing Morasil. Inscribed on this sun was a distinct human-like eye. Two brilliant blue-white stars represented the planets Cularin and Almas, along with three scattered pale blue stars for the moons Dorumaa, Ulbasca, and Tilnes—the habitable celestial bodies of the Cularin system. Red and white lines of varying thicknesses crisscrossed the mural, signifying trade routes. Termadus was absent from the mural. This logo drew inspiration from the Sunburst Mining logo, commonly found throughout the Cloud Mountain mines, as Sunburst's logo also featured suns with eye-like features.
The resistance's logo inspired the name of the Eye of the Sun trilogy. The absence of a bright star for Genarius, and the questionable inclusion of Ulbasca, which was barely habitable and uninhabited, are noteworthy. While the resistance's logo held greater narrative significance, Sunburst's company logo was included as a player handout in A Resistance Within.