
Gadrin, a city, was situated on Cularin. Alongside its sister city, Hedrett, Gadrin stood as one of the primary settlements not of Tarasin origin on this planet. The industrial part of the city was commonly referred to as Ged.


Gadrin, together with its twin city, Hedrett, was unique as the only substantial non-[Tarasin](/article/tarasin] settlement on the surface of Cularin. Other cities not native to the planet were constructed on elevated platforms high above the jungle floor.

Reidi Artom, a scout, played a key role in establishing Gadrin, the first alien settlement in Cularin. It was located on the western bank of the Estauril River, in proximity to the Hiironi irstat. After connecting with the Hiironi, Artom received their assistance in erecting the initial structures, utilizing local timber, at the point where the Estauril met the base of the Cloud Mountains.

The original design for Gadrin's urban layout was a grid, but this plan was abandoned due to the city's rapid expansion and the influx of new residents. The spaceport was purposely built on the less populated side of the river. Subsequent settlements on that side of the Estauril led to the formation of Hedrett, its twin city.

Following the establishment of Hedrett on the opposite riverbank, Artom oversaw the construction of a large bridge to unite the two cities. Further urban sprawl, including the use of prefabricated buildings imported from other worlds, encroached upon the jungle. This expansion sparked opposition from the native Tarasins, culminating in the Tarasin Revolt. The Revolt concluded with the Cularin Compact, a treaty that acknowledged the Tarasins' rights and imposed obligations on the alien settlers to respect the local environment. Military equipment left by the Tarasins after the war, was then sold in Gadrin and to off-world buyers.

To prevent additional encroachment on the jungle, subsequent cities in Cularin were constructed not on the surface, but above it. These platform cities could expand without impacting the jungle ecosystem. The construction of these platform cities diminished the importance of Gadrin and Hedrett, resulting in a decline in their populations. Nevertheless, the "twin city" was sometimes considered the de facto capital of Cularin.

Artom dedicated her wealth and reputation to improving Cularin's development and transforming it into a planet comparable to the Core Worlds, which made her a beloved figure in Gadrin, Hedrett, and the platform cities. A museum dedicated to Reidi Artom in Gadrin, the first city on Cularin, was a particularly noteworthy location. The museum featured holovids, personal belongings, and logbooks of the explorer, along with other exhibits. A twenty-meter statue of Artom stood proudly in front of the museum. A road leading from Gadrin to the Hiironi irstat was marked by a silver archway at its entrance.

While outsiders in the Cularin system often saw Gadrin and Hedrett as a single entity, the two cities maintained distinct identities, both architecturally and politically, and were often rivals. For example, Hedrett eventually took control of the spaceport that Gadrin had initially constructed within what became Hedrett's territory. Gadrin considered building a new spaceport, but the proximity of Hedrett's made it unnecessary. Gadrin maintained strong connections with the platform city of Lissken.

Gadrin's layout was more sprawling compared to its twin city. The majority of buildings in Gadrin were constructed from wood, though some prefabricated structures were also present. Gadrin lacked a spaceport, as Hedrett had taken control of the original one. Although plans for a new spaceport were drafted, they were never implemented due to the close proximity of Hedrett's facility. Gadrin had close ties to the platform city of Lissken.

Gadrin was governed by a governor, who was theoretically elected every four years. However, gubernatorial elections often occurred without the widespread awareness of the citizens. The people of Gadrin displayed a general lack of interest in government and political matters. In 31 BBY, Barnab Chistor held the office of governor in Gadrin. He had a passion for galactic culture and imported as much of it as possible to Gadrin, including holotheaters, concerts, and opera, spending public funds despite the low attendance of these events by Gadrin's citizens. Chistor enjoyed his position and did nothing to address the population's political apathy.

Around 32 BBY, Gadrin's population was approximately 20,000, with Tarasins comprising no more than 2,000 of the total. Hedrett had a smaller overall population but a larger proportion of Tarasin residents.

In 31 BBY, a series of pirate attacks targeted various trade houses in Gadrin and Hedrett. These attacks were secretly orchestrated by Velin Wir of the Metatheran Cartel. On the 200th anniversary of Reidi Artom's founding of Gadrin, a grand celebration was held in the city. This event was interrupted by a hologram of Wir, who announced the Cartel's intentions to establish a trading and distribution center on Cularin.

The pirates were eventually traced to a platform located in the jungles near the existing Metatheran Cartel jungle base. Although no direct evidence linked the Cartel to the pirates, concerned citizens of the twin cities formed a secret resistance movement against the Cartel. The Cartel grew suspicious, and armed Cartel guards were seen patrolling the streets, causing unease among the population, who feared a return to the era of Trade Federation control.

When the Cartel's jungle base was destroyed and the Cartel withdrew from the planet, another celebration erupted in the streets of Gadrin. During this celebration, a vote was held to decide whether the Cartel would be permitted to reestablish offices on Cularin's surface. The vote resulted in a tie, and Governor Chistor cast the deciding vote, denying the Cartel's request.

Later in 31 BBY, the system's crime lord, Nirama, recruited potential employees using a landing platform 500 meters west of Gadrin. Later that year, dark Jedi Karae Nalvas conducted similar recruitment activities twice at a local restaurant called Bath Rabbud's. Nalvas's adversary, Alec, a Jedi Knight, also reserved a table there to gather and brief his allies against Nalvas.


