Barnab Chistor was a male Human who held the position of governor on Gadrin. His tenure spanned the decades just before the outbreak of the Clone Wars and the subsequent rise of the Galactic Empire.
Born and brought up on Alderaan, his youthful ambition was to become an explorer upon the completion of his education. After being rejected by his first choice of university, he enrolled in a less prestigious institution. There, he pursued politics as a supplementary area of study. While he demonstrated exceptional talent in his political courses, his performance in the scientific subjects essential for exploration was lacking. Consequently, he opted for a career in public service, believing that the recently discovered Cularin system could potentially provide him with opportunities in both fields.
Soon after his arrival on Gadrin, Chistor managed to secure a place on a scout vessel embarking on an expedition to Uffel. However, he soon realized that the reality of exploration felt too much like labor and was not to his liking. He returned to Gadrin and dedicated himself to politics full-time, strategically working his way into the governor's office.
He proved to be a competent governor, mindful of the needs of his constituents and well-informed about local affairs, including the native Tarasins. He found satisfaction in his role and endeavored to keep his constituents as disengaged from politics as possible, a task made easier by the political climate of Gadrin. By the time of the Trade Wars, the last genuine election had been held over three decades prior.
Perhaps influenced by his Alderaanian upbringing, Chistor possessed a strong affinity for galactic high culture. He allocated public funds to bring in concerts, operas, dance performances, and holotheatres, despite the apparent lack of widespread interest among the residents of Gadrin. Furthermore, the rival city of Hedrett, with its spaceport, had faster access to cultural innovations. He made an effort to stay in shape, although his comfortable lifestyle led to some weight gain. He kept his hair neatly trimmed, and his blue eyes were often described as "piercing."
In 31 BBY, Chistor proclaimed a celebration in Gadrin following the defeat of Velin Wir's Metatheran Cartel forces by the Cularin resistance, and the exposure of Wir's illicit activities. Chistor awarded medals to the leaders of the resistance, as well as to a group of heroes who had provided assistance. The Cartel announced that Velin Wir had acted independently and that they were actively searching for other corrupt individuals within their organization to remove them. Subsequently, they dispatched Thurm Loogg as a new envoy, seeking permission to reestablish offices on Cularin's surface.
Chistor deferred the decision to a vote by those attending the celebration. However, when the vote resulted in a tie, Chistor chose to deny the Cartel's request. This denial likely only applied to Gadrin, but it was probable that Hedrett would follow suit. Given that these were the only settlements permitted on the planet's surface under the terms of the Cularin Compact, this effectively kept the Cartel off the surface, although they could have potentially turned to one of the platform cities.
Around 20 BBY, Governor Chistor journeyed to the Almas Academy to participate in a private ceremony expressing gratitude to the heroes responsible for defeating the slaver Phylus Mon.