
Nirama, an Oblee male from the Legends continuity, held two prominent positions: first, as an accountant for Riboga the Hutt's criminal organization, and later, as Riboga's majordomo. He later rose to prominence as the crime lord in charge of all criminal activities within the Cularin system, where he was well known for his stance against slavery.


Early career

Nirama started out as an accountant under Riboga the Hutt, but his talent and drive led to his promotion to majordomo. In this role, he intentionally misrepresented the profitability of operations in the Cularin system to Riboga. Although Riboga interrogated and eliminated some of his subordinates, he never suspected Nirama of being behind the scheme.

In 53 BBY, during a routine game of sabacc, Riboga complained about the increasing expenses. Nirama seized the opportunity, offering to take control of Riboga's criminal organization in exchange for a bet of two hundred fifty thousand credits. Nirama won the game, and Riboga, believing that operating in Cularin was too costly, accepted the loss without anger, departing with a small group of loyal followers and his remaining funds.

Cularin crime lord

Nirama proved to be a more effective and well-liked leader than Riboga, adhering to a certain moral code. One of his first actions was to eliminate the slave trade that Riboga had previously supported. This decision affected the slavers who had worked for Riboga, but some, like Hlisk Squin, concealed their past involvement.

Nirama restructured the organization, placing less ambitious individuals in key positions, including Nadin Paal, who became a "trade envoy" or spokesperson for the system. Len Markus served as Nirama's unofficial second-in-command and liaison to the smugglers. Despite considering Markus treacherous and manipulative, Nirama found him amusing and believed he could easily control him. Nirama also renegotiated agreements with the Smugglers' Confederation and the Trade Federation, resulting in significant profits.

Nirama occasionally sought assistance from individuals outside his organization. Smuggler Xav Verivax acted as a consultant, providing innovative methods for concealing contraband on their ships. While Verivax primarily did this for enjoyment, Nirama compensated him for his services.

Around 33 BBY, Nirama acquired technology from the Filordi to combat pirates. Shortly after, he struck a deal with the Thaereian military, the system's official protectors, to supply them with goods stolen by the pirates. Nirama suspected that Colonel Jir Tramsig was requesting more supplies than were actually being lost, and questioned why the officer sought these resources from him when they could be legally obtained elsewhere. Nirama also provided Tramsig with "highly questionable technical material."

Like Riboga before him, Nirama lacked control over the pirates operating in the Cularin system. He sometimes hired them for specific tasks, always attempting to monitor their activities. He even collaborated with two pirate groups, the Red Fury Brotherhood and the Order of Independent Trade, who sought to exploit the other pirates during negotiations; Nirama found their schemes entertaining. Pirate attacks remained a persistent problem for smugglers, contributing to the illusion that Riboga was losing money. Rumors circulated that Nirama planned to assassinate key members of the Red Fury Brotherhood and the Order of Independent Trade, but their leadership changed so frequently that such actions would likely have been ineffective. Both groups held opinions about Nirama's position in the system, but no leader remained in power long enough to formulate a concrete plan against him.

In other respects, Nirama maintained Riboga's policies. For example, Riboga had refused to meet with representatives from the Verga Mer Mining Company because they had initially overlooked him during an attempted investment in Genarius. Nirama continued this policy, ignoring all requests from Verga Mer. Nirama also continued sponsoring starfighter races through the tunnels of Eskaron—and betting on the outcomes—even though he did not own that moon.

Although the droid factories on Uffel were established with Riboga's financial support, the manager, QS-2D, had completed all payments to the Hutt and, by 53 BBY, was the sole owner of the moon. Nirama distrusted droids that might contain espionage programming and refused to use droids manufactured on Uffel.

Nirama's headquarters in Cularin was located in the platform city of Mikish, specifically in the mansion that Riboga had constructed. Nirama kept 50% of the local police force as his "private retainer."

Nirama also utilized Riboga's old base in the Cularin asteroid belt for meetings with smugglers residing there. While Nirama inherited both Riboga's public asteroid base and his secret asteroid base, it remains unclear whether Nirama used both facilities. Nirama's smugglers preferred to meet him on Cularin, where he could not easily seize their ships or use proxies for meetings.

Before the Stark Hyperspace War, Nirama provided financial assistance to smuggler siblings Kal and Dova Brigger to upgrade their YT-1300-class light freighter, the Jackpot, which would later become known as the Millennium Falcon. As part of the agreement, the Briggers were prohibited from engaging in business with slavers. A year later, the Briggers violated the agreement, leading Nirama to place a bounty on their heads. Dova was captured, brought before Nirama, and executed. Kal died elsewhere before the bounty could be claimed.

Nirama repeatedly attempted to recruit Corellian starship mechanic Bran Isken, who worked at the Forard spaceport on Almas, but Isken was content with his position under governor Klis Joo and declined Nirama's offer.

Around 31 BBY, Nirama's pilot, Arraxx, was killed during a race on the moon of Eskaron. Arraxx stumbled upon a private race between Blood Raptors member Gael Kinner and intimidated entrepreneur Teeloo. To avoid a collision, Kinner shot down Arraxx's ship, causing Nirama to lose money, assets, and his composure in front of respected individuals. Enraged, Nirama ordered Markus to bring both Kinner and Teelo's ships and crew to him unharmed. Markus kidnapped them at Tolea Biqua and brought them to Nirama's mansion in Mikish.

Markus informed Nirama that he had brought the offenders. Nirama questioned them about who killed Arraxx. Kinner and his Raptor allies blamed Teeloo, but Nirama, knowing the truth, silenced them and questioned each group separately. After determining the responsible party, he ordered the execution of the Raptors, with one being thrown into the rancor cage at Bollin Exotic Animal Emporium. However, Nirama deemed Teeloo and his crew partially responsible for the incident. He decreed that each of them owed him a favor to be requested at a later time. Teeloo, who was asked to remain longer, would immediately begin working for Nirama, who would also pay for Teeloo's ship's repairs.

Nirama's decision to abolish the slave trade was not universally supported within his organization. In 31 BBY, a faction within the organization known as the Cell formed with the intention of overthrowing Nirama. They concealed their initial activities under the guise of a growing Metatheran Cartel presence in the system, but Nirama soon became aware of their existence.

The Cell managed to kidnap Nirama's pet rancor, Bender, whose existence was a closely guarded secret. Uncertain whom he could trust—though he was confident in Len Markus and Jobril, his property manager in Cularin—Nirama sought external assistance to gather information about The Cell. He hired local Cularin residents to work undercover as security agents in the Red Sector. They discovered that the Cell was more powerful than Nirama had anticipated, with hundreds of members, but they could not provide names. However, they successfully recovered his rancor, relatively unharmed.

A month later, amid increasing rumors about The Cell, Nirama's team raided a Cell base in the asteroid station Darkside in the Cularin asteroid belt and discovered a datapad containing "membership information," including the names of his former agents. Nirama sent Jobril to re-recruit them and have them infiltrate Darkside. The independent agents identified some less-than-threatening Cell members and sent them to Nirama for questioning, which yielded valuable information.

Less than a month later, rumors spread that Nirama was gathering loyal employees, including Markus and personnel from his main weapon storage facility at Rothe Gate: Cyria Dombasle, Maarten Haal, Gal O'Wei, and Plu Markeela. Simultaneously, he disposed of his protocol droid N3-A2. He was also informed of the disappearance of his loyal employee Jobril, who had a cybernetic loyalty chip, leading Nirama to believe that Jobril had been killed.

However, a faction of The Cell under the control of his lieutenant, Ari Melast, was plotting against him. They reprogrammed N3-A2 and deceived Jobril into believing they were carrying out Nirama's orders while actually working for The Cell. Jobril and the droid hired a team of independent agents who had previously worked for Nirama and took them to Rothe Gate, where they would discover false evidence against Nirama's trusted agents.

Nirama learned that Jobril had been seen at Rothe Gate and, feigning concern for his well-being, took Markus to Rothe Gate under the guise of a surprise inspection to find out what was going on. Once there, he noticed the independent agents he had previously employed and met with them. The Cell decided to accelerate their plan and seize the opportunity to assassinate Nirama, using Cell members disguised as Nirama's security contingent to stage their coup. The attack failed thanks to the independent agents, who risked their lives to protect the crime lord until his reinforcements arrived. Nirama then discovered that Melast was behind the rebellion and ordered Markus to capture her.

In 31 BBY, one of Nirama's main lieutenants, Len Markus, vanished while attempting to leave the system with a Sith artifact, causing the system to disappear from the galaxy for nearly a decade. Nirama responded to the power vacuum by promoting Nadin Paal to second-in-command.

Around 20 BBY, the slaver Phylus Mon entered the Cularin system as part of a scheme. When news of this reached Nirama, he was in a private meeting and could not be disturbed. As soon as he learned that Phylus Mon was in the system, Nirama offered a reward for his capture, dead or alive.

Personality and traits

Nirama belonged to an alien species that was not well-remembered on Cularin, despite having once lived in the system. He had two pairs of eyes, one above the other, with the lower pair being pitch black and the upper pair grayish-blue. He also had an additional left arm facing his back, which he typically used to hold a blaster to deter attacks from behind. He wore a blast vest and expensive clothing.

Despite being perceived as vile and repulsive, Nirama was not inherently evil. While he avoided unnecessary displays of power, he was willing to eliminate those who obstructed his path after being warned. Nirama valued talent and loyalty, and he took measures to assist those who had proven their worth to him. Nirama was known to avoid outright lies, but he was willing to deceive through omission or by not correcting others' misinterpretations. Despite this, he could be ruthless when necessary, such as when executing rebellious lieutenants.

Less flamboyant than other crime lords or individuals of his wealth, Nirama did not showcase his wealth through opulent rooms, although he maintained elegant chambers for himself with fine furniture. He owned a personal space yacht, the Viper Wing, as a display of his affluence.

Nirama commonly signed his datapad messages with a stylized "N," apparently in the High Galactic alphabet.

Behind the scenes

Nirama was described as pink-skinned in The Price of Business and TopWorld. This was before his people returned and it was established that young members of his race were pink while mature adults were chalky white. Nirama was certainly a mature adult Oblee.

The role-playing game adventure UnderWorld presents two possible outcomes: If the player characters side with Nirama, he defeats a squad of Cell members and remains the crimelord of the system. However, if the player characters choose not to help him, the Cell captures, deposes, and eventually executes Nirama, replacing his rule and thanking the characters. The official RPGA teams were supposed to include this information in a "Critical Event Summary" that would be sent to the RPGA office, and the most common answer would be canon. Although the survey answers are not known, further sources still mention Nirama as the crimelord of Cularin, and thus implicitly reveal the results.

