Order of Independent Trade

The Order of Independent Trade constituted a single entity among the numerous pirate factions that had their base of operations within the Cularin asteroid belt. Alongside the Red Fury Brotherhood, they stood as one of the two most influential pirate organizations. However, continuous internal conflicts and targeted killings effectively stunted the growth of both factions, preventing them from assimilating smaller groups or executing any strategies against the competing crime boss, Nirama.

In the course of a short-lived truce intended to facilitate discussions regarding a potential cooperative arrangement between the leaders of the Cularin system's pirate gangs, both this organization and the Red Fury Brotherhood entered into an agreement with Nirama, pledging to persist in their illicit activities while the other pirates were occupied with negotiations. Nirama considered their machinations to be a source of entertainment, yet he still diligently monitored the system's pirate operations.


  • Living Force Campaign Guide
  • "Gang War" on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references
